Discussion Questions

  1. As the story unfolded, which characters did you believe might be the letter writer or the intended recipient? How did your theories change throughout the novel?
  2. Each person who receives the love letter quickly talks themselves into believing it’s actually for them—partly because they want it to be. Why do you think this is? What deeper things might they be longing for?
  3. How did the letter impact each person? How might it have affected you?
  4. How would you say Golda’s heart disease is symbolic to her character? How does it go deeper than a physical ailment?
  5. How is this line from the injured orphan symbolic of Gabe’s attitude toward everyone—especially Willa: “Never seen such a fine set of horses. Like someone took a wild animal and . . . and made friends with it. Let it keep being wild”?
  6. What surprised you most throughout the plot? Which scene or line resonated with you most as you read?
  7. How did the setting—the coast, the house, the horses—play into the story?
  8. Do you think Golda truly had her children’s best interest at heart when she meddled in their romances? Did her meddling do more good or harm in the end?
  9. How has your perception of Gabe changed throughout the novel? Do you think he’s a fitting hero for Willa? What do you think their life together looked like?