

THIS IS THE STORY of a common, ordinary little work horse who turned out to be the father of a famous family of American horses. He lived in the Green Mountain country of Vermont in the days when America was growing up. In fact, he helped it grow up. He dragged logs and cleared the land. He helped build the first log houses. He helped build bridges and cut roads through the wilderness.

Even in his own lifetime, the willingness of this little horse became an American legend. He labored hard all day, and then at sundown, when he should have been fed and bedded down for the night, he took part in races and pulling bees. He could walk faster, trot faster, run faster, and pull heavier logs than any other horse in all Vermont!

Today his descendants, known as Morgan horses, are renowned throughout the world. Yet nobody knows whether that first Morgan’s parents were British or French or Dutch. And nobody really cares. As Joel Goss figured it out: “He’s just like us. He’s American. That’s what he is! American!”
