There are so many people I wish to thank who have helped make this book:

Katie Elzer-Peters, who was given the impossible job of editor, coach, cheerleader, and head-weeder, and did it all with cheerfulness, professionalism, and enthusiasm. Thank you, Katie!

Jonathan Gunson, who encouraged me from the very first Milkweed House.

My father, whose last words to me were to keep making faerie houses because it was important.

My mother, who gave me life and a love of gardens and flowers.

My sisters, who had to put off so much while I worked on this.

Elizabeth, who taught me to take care of what I was given.

Hilary Matthews—supporter-in-chief and fellow wild-woman.

Paul Wheeler at LGL—for several decades of first-rate friendship and professional representation.

Derek Muirden, who shot hours of faerie house videos in the magical light of the Adirondacks for his PBS show and became a good friend in the process.

Leslie and Aleta at Amber Lotus for making my work look so good.

The “other”: SJS, Stephen, who gave me the tools I needed to get started and helped keep the magic alive, along with MM, his wife, who is the epitome of tenacity.

The Sisters of the Sacred Vessel, who supported me with unconditional love and support for this project—you helped more than you know.

To Jon Hancock for phenomenal technical support and faith in me as an artist.

To dear friends Robyn, Robert, Davie, and many others … you know who you are.

To all my many fans, Kickstarter supporters, and customers who helped keep the lights on and the computer(s) humming (even after the first one died).

To you, dear reader, who knows that there is still plenty of magic left in the world and who wants to make some more.

I am most grateful to the Invisible Beings who live with us every day and who guide me to secret places of beauty and magic, who protect me out in the wilderness while I work, and who make their presence known to anyone who will take the time to slow down and pay attention. This book could not exist without their gentle presence.