This book is dedicated to the living earth and the visible and invisible beings with whom we share this extraordinary place we all call home.
In memoriam, this book is also dedicated to my dear feline companion Oliver, whose endless patience and love are intermingled in mysterious ways with many of the creations you will find in these pages.
Oliver was no ordinary cat. For the past 14 years he accompanied me on many of my building and gathering forays into the forest and in all sorts of weather. He was especially fond of the crisp, cold days of winter. His playfulness helped keep me lighthearted and his animal instincts helped keep me open to the subtle changes in the forest around us. He brought joy and delight to each and every step out our front door. He was often by my side as I made many of the images in this book, inspecting the faerie houses and adding his comments when he felt they were needed.
So it was a great shock when, just as this book was finished, his life also came to a close. Oliver’s journey done, he slipped away peacefully in my arms, in the garden on a beautiful late summer day.
Blessed be one and all.