


I owe a great debt to many people who helped me make this book a better reflection of the time period and a clearer picture of St Gobnait. Thanks go to Lisa Bitel, scholar and woman’s historian for her great recommendations, Dáibhi Ó Chróinín, for his gracious help and recommendations, Áine Uí Chuíll for her help with the Irish, Peadar Ó Ríada, for his insights on bees and loan of the Bechbretha, Peadar and Eibhlín Ó Cheallaigh for the historical assistance, and Donal Healy for his lecture on St Gobnait. I also want to thank my group of readers including Tim, Julia, Jean, Jane and Fan and also my editor, Jessica Knauss, and Jane Dixon-Smith for her wonderful cover design. Thanks also go to The Corning Museum of Glass for giving permission to use for the book’s cover the image of Harry Clarke’s goache design of St Gobnait for the stained glass window of Honan Chapel.