This book is dually dedicated to my father Dan Morgan and my husband Gene Oakes who continue to be my biggest inspiration and strongest support whether I am writing knitting books or chasing chickens, among many other things.
Special thanks to Cindy Kitchel, Pam Mourouzis, and Suzanne Snyder at Wiley Publishing, my wonderful technical editor Tamara Stone-Snyder, and “Agent Linda” Roghaar of Linda Roghaar Literary Agency, without all of whom this project would not have seen the light of day.
To my sample knitters Mary-Alice Baker, Mary Kubasek-Haber, Dena Childs, Sara Delaney, Kristen Gonsalves, and Katy Wight; my undying gratitude for the handiwork you put in on this project.
To Clara Parkes, Kathy Elkins, Mary, Kristen, and anyone else I tormented with tantrums and whines; thank you so much for listening to, encouraging, commiserating with, and cajoling me when the moment required it.