
i.m. Theodore Roethke


There is no hawk among my friends.

Swiftly they cruise their chosen air,

Not to spy the grey fieldmouse

And plummet fiercely to the moor,

But to survey a heaven, inspect

The small, the far. Is it news

That the beetle’s back is abstract,

A jewel box; the ash pod has glider wings?

Cruelty is not their way of life,

Nor indifference; they ride the currents

To grasp the invisible. The service

They do shapes also what they are

And the fernlike talon uncurls:

There is no hawk among my friends.


There are days when the head is

A bitter, predatory thing

Which will not let oneself

Or others alone, prying, rending!

It is a chill sensuality

Which outdistances cruelty

As though destruction were

A releasing element

Down which the mind patrols —

A wide vanned golden eagle —

Seizing the unnecessary, the small,

With juridical claws.

A Chosen Light (1967)