Day 21


What does God’s favor in your life look like?


Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.

Proverbs 3:3–4


Read Luke 4:16–19.

As you walk humbly with God and build loyalty in your relationships, you will find favor with both God and people. Your gifts and talents are perfectly suited for His destiny in your life. He walks with you as you go through your day. He turns the mundane into the miraculous.

You have been created with a one-of-a-kind destiny. God’s Spirit is on you. He has anointed you and appointed you as an agent of transformation. You carry God’s message in your life. You are a carrier of His presence. He is using you to bring good news to the poor and freedom to the bound and recovery to the blind.

Learn to sense His favor on you, His gentle, quiet, powerful presence leading you and guiding you. His ways are higher than your ways (Isaiah 55:9).

pray aloud

God, awaken my senses to how you are already using me to touch others. I choose to be loyal to you and to all whom you have called me to serve. I trust you, God, with my reputation. Thank you for your favor that helps me do what you have called me to do. I choose to look at life the way you do. I am ready and available to you. Mold me. Fill me. Use me. In your name, amen.


I have God’s favor.