

aft often

agley wrong

aiblins perhaps

aidle ditch water

airn iron

airt direction

aits oats

aizle ember

aqua-fontis spring water

aquavitae whisky

ase ashes

asklent askew

asteer abroad

auldfarran sagacious, shrewd

aumous alms

ava at all

awnie bearded

ayont past


bair clear

bairn child

bakes biscuits

barley-bree whisky

batts colic

bauk cross-beam; bauk-en’ end of a cross-beam

baws’nt brindled

bear barley

bear the gree come off best

benmost furthest in

bestead placed

bicker wooden drinking vessel

bicker stagger; rush

bide endure

bield shelter

bienly comfortably

big build

bill bull

billie fellow

birk birch

birkie lively fellow

bizz flurry

blastet cursed; blastie nasty creature

blate bashful

blather bladder

bleeze blaze

blellum blusterer

blether talk foolishly

blink look fondly

blinker spy, cheat

blype layer

boddle copper coin

boortree elder

bore crevice

botch tumour

bow-kail cabbage

branks halter, bridle

brash sudden illness

brats rags

brattle hurry

braw handsome; brawlie admirably

bree whisky

brock badger

brogue trick

brunstane brimstone

budget leather bag

buirdly stalwart

bum hum; bum-clock humming beetle

burn stream

burnewin blacksmith

butt and ben everywhere

byke hive; crowd


ca’d hammered

cadger travelling hawker

cadie rascal

caff chaff

caird tinker

calces powders

calf-ward churchyard

callet wench

callor fresh

cannie pleasant

cantie, canty cheerful, lively

cantraip magic

carlin witch; old fellow

cattle beasts

cavie coop

change-house ale-house

chap stroke

chapman pedlar

cheek-for-chow cheek by jowl

cheeks side-pieces

chiel fellow

chuck sweetheart

chuffie portly, fat faced

clachan village

clash gossip

clatter chatter, gossip

claw scratching

cleek link hands in a dance; steal; claught clutched

clew, clue ball of yarn

clink sit down smartly

cloot hoof; Cloots the devil

clout cloth; patch

coff buy

cog wooden drinking vessel

coof lout, fool

cook dart in and out of sight

coost looped

cootie tub

core band of dancers; party

cot cottage; cotter cottager, tenant farmer

cour fold

court-day rent-day

couthie loving

cowe scold, berate

cowp fell over

crack gossip, story

craigie throat

crank harsh sound

cranreuch hoar-frost

creeshie greasy, filthy

croose, crouse cocksure, merry

crouchie hump-backed

crowdie-time breakfast time

crummock short staff with a crooked head

crump baked dry

curmurring rumbling

curpan backside

custock kale-stalk

cutty short


daffin flirtation, fooling

dail plank

daimem-icker occasional ear of corn

damn’d haet damn all

daunton cast down

daut pet, make much of; dawtit spoiled

dawd hunk

deil-haet nothing; deil-mak matter no matter

delver gardener, labourer

dight wipe dry; winnow

ding overcome

dint occasion

dirk, durk short Highland dagger

dirl shake

dizzen work amounting to a day’s spinning

doited enfeebled; doytan blundering

donsie hapless

dorty haughty

douce, douse sedate

douk duck

dow be able

doylt muddled

driddle dawdle

droddum backside

drouth thirst

drumlie cloudy; gloomy

drunt sulks

dub stagnant pool, puddle

dud (d) ies, duds clothes; duddie ragged

dung in beaten into


eldritch uncanny, frightful

Erse Gaelic

ettle purpose


fa’ befall

fain glad; fain o’ ither fond of each other

fairin deserts

faith ye confound ye

fash trouble; fash your thumb pay heed

fatt’rels ribbon ends

fawsont respectable

feat trim

feck most

fell powerful

Ferintosh a brand of whisky, exempted from duty in reparation for the damage done to the estates of Forbes of Culloden, the distillery’s owner, by the Jacobites in 1689. The loss of the exemption in 1785 drove up the price of whisky.

ferlie wonder

fidge shrug; fidge fu’ fain twitch with excitement

fient haet nothing

fiere companion

fit (t) foot

fley terrify

foggage rank grass, winter grazing

forbye besides

fou, fu’ drunk; very

foughten harassed, worn out

freak fancy

free clear

fud backside

fuff puff

funny merry

furr furrow

fyke commotion


gab mouth

gaets habits

gangrel tramp

gar make, cause

gash chat; neat; shrewd

gate way

gausy, gawsie fine; plump

gear possessions, property

gentles gentry

Geordie guinea

gilpey young girl

gimmer-pet yearling ewe kept as a pet

gin before

girdle griddle

gizz wig

glaikit foolish

gloaming twilight

glowr gaze intently

glunch scowl

gowan daisy

gowd gold

graip garden fork

graith ploughing gear; habit

greet cry

grozet gooseberry

grumphie sow

gruntle nose; grunt

grushie thriving

gude-willie-waught generous draught

gully large knife

gusty tasty

gutscraper fiddler


ha’ folk servants

haffet temple

hafflins-wise nearly

hairst harvest

hald refuge

han’-daurk manual labour

harn coarse linen

hash waster

haugh level, fertile land by a river

haurl drag; peel

havins good manners

hav’rel half-wit

hawkie cow with a white face

hecht promise

herd herd-boy

heugh pit

hilch limp

hirple limp; move unevenly

hizzie whore; silly girl

hoast cough

hoddan bumping up and down in the saddle

hoddin coarse grey homespun cloth

Hornie the devil

hotch jerk about

houghmagandie sex

houlet owl (et)

hove make swell

howck dig up

howdie midwife

howe hollow

hoy’t urged on

huff scold

hum take in

hurchin urchin

hurdies haunches


ilka each, every


jad woman; hussy

jaukin delay

jink dodge

jo sweetheart

jocteleg clasp-knife

jow toll


kae thief

kail-runt stalk of the kail plant

kane payment in kind

kebar rafter

kebbuck homemade cheese

keek peek

kennin little

kings’-hood paunch

kintra country

kirn merrymaking at the end of harvest; churn

kittle tune up, play; rouse

kiutle fondle, cuddle

kye cows

kythe make known


lane lonely; her lane by herself; thy-lane by yourself

lave rest

lav’rock lark

lay, lea pasture

leal loyal

lear learning

lee lang whole

leeze me a blessing on

leister trident

lift sky

limmer mistress

link skip

list enlist

loan milking place

loot let out

lowe rage, blaze

lowp leap; lap leapt; lap the

hool jumped out of her chest

lugget caup shallow wooden dish with handles; luggie wooden dish

lunt puff of smoke; steam

lyart streaked red and white;



Mahoun the devil

mailin smallholding, tenant farm

man of Uzz Job

Mar’s-year 1715, when the Earl of Mar led the Jacobite revolt

mashlum mixed meal

meikle, muckle great; meikle corn oats

melder an occasion when a customer’s corn was taken to be ground at the mill

mell have dealings with

melvie soil

men’ repent

menseless boorish

messan lap-dog; cur

midden-hole hole in a dung heap

mim demure

mirk dark

mischanter mishap

mislear’d mischievous

mite-horn horn on the harvest-bug modewurk mole

moop nibble

muscle mussel


nappy ale

nieve fist

niffer comparison

noddle head

norland northern


o’ boot as well

orra spare

outler quey young cow lying out at night


pack intimate

pang stuff

party-match card competition

pattle, pettle spade used to clean the plough

peghan stomach

penny-wheep small beer

philibeg kilt

pictur’d beuks playing cards

plack small coin; plackless penniless

plaidie tartan cloak

pliskie trick

pliver green plover

plumpet sank

pock bag

poortith poverty

pou, pow, pu pull

press cupboard

prie her mou’ kiss her

pussie hare

pyke pick at

pyle grain


quean young girl

queir choir


raible gabble

rak’d her had sex with her

randie rude, riotous

rant spree; rantan merry

rape rope

rash-buss clump of rushes

ratton rat

raucle rough, coarse

raught reached

ream foam

reave thieve

reck heed

rede advice

reekan bloody; reeket smoky

reestet cured

remead remedy

rigwoodie withered

ripp handful

rive break up

roose praise

roupet husky

row roll

rowte low

rowth plenty

rozet resin

run-deil complete devil

rung cudgel

runkl’d wrinkled

runt cabbage stalk

ryke reach


sair-wark labour

sark shift; sark-neck collar

scaur afraid

scrieve glide swiftly

settlin quieting

shavie trick

shaw small wood in a hollow

sheugh trench

shore offer; threaten

sicker steady

sinsyne since then

skaith damage

skellum rascal

skelpie-limmer hussy; skelp slap; hurry; skelpan, skelping smacking

skirl shriek

sklent direct with malice; slanting

skyte blow that rebounds at an angle

slae blackthorn

slap gap in a dyke or fence

sleeket smooth

smeddum insecticide powder

smoor’d was smothered

smoutie ugly

smytrie numerous collection

snash abuse

sneeshin mill snuff box

snell bitter

snick-drawing crafty

snirtle snigger

snowck sniff

sonsie good-natured

souple soft

sowther patch up

spae foretell

spairge bespatter

span-lang hand’s-breadth

spean wean

spier ask

spleuchan tobacco pouch, purse

splore uproar

sprattle scramble

spunkie will o’ the wisp

stan’ pause

stank pond

staw stole

steek stitch

steek shut

steer molest

(a) steerin in motion

stegh stuff oneself with food

stent duty

stibble-rig reaper who takes the lead

stirk young bullock

stoiter stagger

stoor harsh

stoure tumult

stowlins stealthily

stowp tankard

strae-death natural death in bed

streek stretch

stroan’t pissed

strunt liquor

strunt move confidently, strut

studdie anvil

sturt trouble; sturtan afraid

sucker sugar

sugh rushing sound of wind

swat sweated

swats new small beer

swirlie full of knots

swither state of agitated uncertainty

syne then; lang syne long ago


tack tenure

taet tuft

tak aff drink up; tak the gate go home

tap-pickle grain at the end of the stalk

tapsalteerie topsy-turvy

tassie goblet

tawtied shaggy

tent open-air pulpit

tent care; take heed; tentie watchful

thack thatch

thairms fiddle strings

thole endure

thrang crowd; in a crowd, busy

thrave two sets of corn sheaves

thraw frustrate; twist; for thrawing to prevent warping

(a’) throu’ther, throw’ther in confusion

till’t to it

timmer timber

tine lose

tippeny ale originally sold at 2d a Scots pint

tirl rattle

tod fox

toom empty

toop ram

tow bell-rope

towsing fondling

towzie unkempt, shaggy

toy old-fashioned cap

tozie tipsy

trepan beguile

trig smart

trow believe

tryst cattle market

twin deprive


unco very; strange

usquabae, usquebae whisky


vap’rin fuming

vauntie vain


wabster weaver

wae sucks alas; wae worth cursed be

waft sea-trip

wale choicest kind; choose, pick out

wame stomach; womb

warklum tool

warsle struggle

wat know, be sure

water-fit mouth of a river

waver flutter

wawlie fine, handsome

wean child

weary fa’ a curse on

weason gullet

whang thick slice of cheese

whid lie

whiles, whyles at times

whin gorse

whitter draught of liquor

whittle knife

wiel eddy

wight fellow

wimple twist, meander

winn winnow

winnock window; winnock-bunker window-seat

win’t wound

wintle roll

winze curse

wonner specimen

woodie rope for hanging

wooer-bab garter at knee tied with two loops and worn by a suitor

worms long spiral tubes at the head of a whisky still in which the vapour is condensed

worset worsted

wud angry

wyle lure

wylecoat flannel vest

wyte reproach


yell milkless

yill ale; yill-caup wooden vessel for drinking ale

yird earth