Morale was high around the Hop for a while after that. Dakota was coming back, Ginger was coming back, and some of us were about to be in Willa Jordan’s movie. Lady was going to be the star of the show, of course she was; Willa Jordan was casting, and Willa Jordan was white, pretty, straight, and cis, and if she couldn’t cast herself as the lead, she’d cast her lookalike instead. Willa had this big dream. She wanted the film to change the way the world thought about sex work but even by the greatest stretch of her imagination she couldn’t put anyone other than a white girl in the spotlight.
Still, things were looking up, and the rest of us finally got our sales back to almost normal, what with Lady being so booked. Everyone had something to be happy about. A bachelor party came in and booked a full house, which meant every Bunny working that night would be in the parlor with the guests, milling around, chatting, drinking just like a house party back in the real world. I loved parties, darling, and the Hop knew how to throw a party.