Lacey Kahu

Kate had her logic. I got it. She said, “I just don’t want my virginity to have been paid for,” and what she didn’t realize was that because Oliver didn’t pay for it, Kate did. She fell for him hard, and he was never going to love her back, because Oliver van Ness’s parents had a boat and Kate’s ma worked a beauty counter. Getting those boys to pay us was a way to make up for the socioeconomic difference between client and provider. It was a levelling of power. What Kate didn’t understand was that the moment she stopped charging Oliver, she started paying for those sessions herself.

Anyway, we agreed that the Oliver thing was a mistake and that we would release a PSA to the students of Fenbrook High. No sex. Kissing, flirting, and touching only, and that was final. We posted a notice on the school’s bulletin board. We weren’t discreet about our business. The teachers knew exactly what we were doing. Some teachers even came to visit us. We charged them double.