(née Ya Chai Chen)

I’m sure everyone’s said this, but it’s true. It is! She had something. Some thing. I’m always telling people that about Lady, and they want me to get more specific, but to get more specific would be to get less accurate. She had it.

Betty asked me, “Do you have a crush on her?”

And I went, “No.”

And Ginger went, “Don’t go getting your heart broken, baby. Especially not over a pancake-ass fake blonde.”

I didn’t have a crush on Lady, but I could understand why you might. She was so clearly gorgeous and so clearly hurting. She was the spitting image of a damsel in distress, and she played the role like a pro. She was perfect and she was in pain and that’s why everyone who met her wanted her. Look at her once and you saw it all, the hurt, the joy, the hope, the drama, looking at her was like looking at a whole life, all at once. Lady was Velcro. Look at her and you couldn’t look away. And with girls like that, you can do one of two things: you can be her friend and shadow her on her journey to success, or you can keep your distance and watch her walk the road alone. No matter what, she wins.

I learned that the hard way.