Some girls turn up to the Hop desperate to be famous, and it’s happened before, too. Milly Mason, the porn star? She was a Bunny in the ’90s, and she recorded her sessions with guests and sent them to PornHub and quickly became one of the best-known sex stars of our time. Jenny Spice, the Playmate? Hugh Hefner visited the Hop and fell for her in a lineup and invited her to live in his mansion on the spot. She’s got her own show now on E! called Spice Up Your Sex Life: a marital sex makeover show for middle-aged couples who have forgotten how to fuck. The Hop’s a windy, potholed, slow backroad to fame, but it’ll get you there, if you really want it. Lady didn’t seem to want it, though. She turned up at the Hop with something else in mind.