Lady’s VIP turned up, and she had three other appointments booked for the day too. Mia had a regular coming in later. I’d given both of my guests to Dakota. No one else had anything on the books. We looked at Lady like, This is your chance to do something. And that day, for the first time, she did.
She said, “Dakota, are you busy?” Dakota shook her head, and Lady said, “Dakota can have him. Dakota can have my VIP.”
I could’ve made out with Lady right then, but instead I put an arm around her shoulder. Mia took her hand.
Dakota said, “Are you sure, Lady?”
Betty kissed Lady’s cheek.
“I’m sure,” Lady said. “He’s all yours, Dakota.”
Ginger patted Lady’s shoulder. Ginger was our mother, all of us. She was a rock. Her sales had been at the bottom for a couple years, but Daddy never gave her the boot. Daddy wasn’t loyal, but it seemed like he felt some kind of loyalty to Ginger—maybe he felt like she was his mother, too.
It was Ginger who taught us family. She taught us that you don’t become a Bunny the day Daddy hires you, and you don’t become a Bunny the day you host your first guest. You become a Bunny the day you become our sister, and just like that, Lady became one of us.