
Jez Humble

Creating this book has been a labor of love for Gene in particular. It’s an immense privilege and pleasure to have worked with Gene and my other co-authors, John and Pat, along with Todd, Anna, Robyn and the editorial and production team at IT Revolution preparing this work—thank you. I also want to thank Nicole Forsgren whose work with Gene, Alanna Brown, Nigel Kersten and I on the PuppetLabs/DORA State of DevOps Report over the last three years has been instrumental in developing, testing and refining many of the ideas in this book. My wife, Rani, and my two daughters, Amrita and Reshmi, have given me boundless love and support during my work on this book, as in every part of my life. Thank you. I love you. Finally, I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the DevOps community, which almost without exception walks the talk of practicing empathy and growing a culture of respect and learning. Thanks to each and every one of you.

John Willis

First and foremost, I need to acknowledge my saint of a wife for putting up with my crazy career. It would take another book to express how much I learned from my co-authors Patrick, Gene and Jez. Other very important influencers and advisers in my journey are Mark Hinkle, Mark Burgess, Andrew Clay Shafer, and Michael Cote. I also want to give a shout out to Adam Jacob for hiring me at Chef and giving me the freedom to explore, in the early days, this thing we call Devops. Last but definitely not least is my partner in crime, my Devops Cafe cohost, Damon Edwards.

Patrick Debois

I would like to thank those who were on this ride, much gratitude to you all.

Gene Kim

I cannot thank Margueritte, my loving wife of nearly eleven amazing years, enough for putting up with me being in deadline mode for over five years, as well as my sons, Reid, Parker, and Grant. And of course, my parents, Ben and Gail Kim, for helping me become a nerd early in life. I also want to thank my fellow co-authors for everything that I learned from them, as well as Anna Noak, Aly Hoffman, Robyn Crummer-Olsen, Todd Sattersten, and the rest of the IT Revolution team for shepherding this book to its completion.

I am so grateful for all the people who taught me so many things, which form the foundation of this book: John Allspaw (Etsy), Alanna Brown (Puppet), Adrian Cockcroft (Battery Ventures), Justin Collins (Brakeman Pro), Josh Corman (Atlantic Council), Jason Cox (The Walt Disney Company), Dominica DeGrandis (LeanKit), Damon Edwards (DTO Solutions), Dr. Nicole Forsgren (Chef), Gary Gruver, Sam Guckenheimer (Microsoft), Elisabeth Hendrickson (Pivotal Software), Nick Galbreath (Signal Sciences), Tom Limoncelli (Stack Exchange), Chris Little, Ryan Martens, Ernest Mueller (AlienVault), Mike Orzen, Scott Prugh (CSG International), Roy Rapoport (Netflix), Tarun Reddy (CA/Rally), Jesse Robbins (Orion Labs), Ben Rockwood (Chef), Andrew Shafer (Pivotal), Randy Shoup (Stitch Fix), James Turnbull (Kickstarter), and James Wickett (Signal Sciences).

I also want to thank the many people whose incredible DevOps journeys we studied, including Justin Arbuckle, David Ashman, Charlie Betz, Mike Bland, Dr. Toufic Boubez, Em Campbell-Pretty, Jason Chan, Pete Cheslock, Ross Clanton, Jonathan Claudius, Shawn Davenport, James DeLuccia, Rob England, John Esser, James Fryman, Paul Farrall, Nathen Harvey, Mirco Hering, Adam Jacob, Luke Kanies, Kaimar Karu, Nigel Kersten, Courtney Kissler, Bethany Macri, Simon Morris, Ian Malpass, Dianne Marsh, Norman Marks, Bill Massie, Neil Matatall, Michael Nygard, Patrick McDonnell, Eran Messeri, Heather Mickman, Jody Mulkey, Paul Muller, Jesse Newland, Dan North, Dr. Tapabrata Pal, Michael Rembetsy, Mike Rother, Paul Stack, Gareth Rushgrove, Mark Schwartz, Nathan Shimek, Bill Shinn, JP Schneider, Dr. Steven Spear, Laurence Sweeney, Jim Stoneham, and Ryan Tomayko.

And I am so profoundly grateful for the many reviewers who gave us fantastic feedback that shaped this book: Will Albenzi, JT Armstrong, Paul Auclair, Ed Bellis, Daniel Blander, Matt Brender, Alanna Brown, Branden Burton, Ross Clanton, Adrian Cockcroft, Jennifer Davis, Jessica DeVita, Stephen Feldman, Martin Fisher, Stephen Fishman, Jeff Gallimore, Becky Hartman, Matt Hatch, William Hertling, Rob Hirschfeld, Tim Hunter, Stein Inge Morisbak, Mark Klein, Alan Kraft, Bridget Kromhaut, Chris Leavory, Chris Leavoy, Jenny Madorsky, Dave Mangot, Chris McDevitt, Chris McEniry, Mike McGarr, Thomas McGonagle, Sam McLeod, Byron Miller, David Mortman, Chivas Nambiar, Charles Nelles, John Osborne, Matt O’Keefe, Manuel Pais, Gary Pedretti, Dan Piessens, Brian Prince, Dennis Ravenelle, Pete Reid, Markos Rendell, Trevor Roberts, Jr., Frederick Scholl, Matthew Selheimer, David Severski, Samir Shah, Paul Stack, Scott Stockton, Dave Tempero, Todd Varland, Jeremy Voorhis, and Branden Williams.

And several people gave me an amazing glimpse of what the future of authoring with modern toolchains looks like, including Andrew Odewahn (O’Reilly Media) who let us use the fantastic Chimera reviewing platform, James Turnbull (Kickstarter) for his help creating my first publishing rendering toolchain, and Scott Chacon (GitHub) for his work on GitHub Flow for authors.