JANINE ASHBLESS writes erotic fiction which often has paranormal themes or fantasy settings. She’s had three novels and two collections of short stories published by Virgin Black Lace. Her short stories and novellas have appeared in anthologies from Black Lace, Cleis Press—including a story in Best Women’s Erotica 2009, Nexus, Xcite, CatScratch, and as of 2010, Harlequin Spice. She was named Erotic Fiction Writer of the Year 2009 by Jade Magazine. She blogs about minotaurs, Victorian art and writing dirty at janineashbless.blogspot.com.
JAKE BARNES is the author of a young adult novel. His agent with the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency is shopping around his second YA manuscript.
FELIX BARON, one of the many names used by Michael Crawley, is the author of a great body of work as a novelist and script writer. Most recently he wrote “The Persian Girl,” “Sweet as Sin,” and “Coming of Age” for Nexus. Thunder’s Mouth Press published his stories “Fully Functional,” and “Voyeur,” as well as his chapter in Casanova in America. Four of his recent scripts have been optioned: Caught in the Act by Lucky Duck Films LLC, Smokin’ by Mick Fowler Productions, Kiss and Tell by Show Biz Shorts LLC, and Crossword by Windwalker Entertainment.
He is the 2001 recipient of the Best Screenplay Award from Zoetrope for his script Holmes and the Impossible Client and he earned the Mississauga Arts Council Award for Literature in 1995.
PAUL L. BATES is happily retired from a seemingly endless career in construction management. He swims distance and writes. The first two novels of his post-apocalyptic, end-of-days trilogy, Imprint and Dreamer were published by Gale Five Star. Short fiction credits include the periodicals and anthologies Literal latte, Zahir, StarLine, Withersin, City Slab, Parsec, TransVersions, Beyond the Last Star, Desolate Places, New Writings in the Fantastic, Ruins Extraterrestrial, Shadows & Light, and Sporty Spec. His short story, “No Second Chance” in NWitF received an honorable mention in The Year’s Best of Fantasy & Horror Anthology.
You can reach him at pnbates@earthlink.net, find him at distanceswimmer.livejournal.com and actually see him waxing way poetic at the December 2007 Sporty Spec reading at youtube.com/watch?v=7VaWg4Nlz40.
DRAKE BENTON enjoys life on the gulf coast of Alabama with his family and is driven to write when not fishing, gardening or playing sports.
STEPHANIE CAMPISI is an Australian writer whose work has been published in magazines and anthologies worldwide, including the U.S., the U.K., the Czech Republic, Argentina, and Singapore. Notable publications include Fantasy Magazine, Shimmer, the forthcoming Polyphony 7, and the World Fantasy Award winning Paper Cities.
THEODORE CARTER has previously published fiction in several magazines and anthologies including The North American Review, Well Told Tales, The Potomac Review, and Kiss the Sky: Fiction and Poetry Starring Jimi Hendrix. He’s currently working on a novel about the 2004 theft of The Scream and can be found online at www.theodorecarter.com.
KYOKO CHURCH is a newly discovered erotica author who has had her first short story published by Virgin Black Lace in the anthology, The Affair.
S.T. CLEMMONS is the author of four erotic books: Scars & Roses, Damsels In Distress, Twisted Tales, and Demon’s Rayne. All are available at pup-stc.com. As Samuel Travis Clemmons, he has published numerous tales of humor and whimsy. He is also frequently invited as a storyteller to Science Fiction and Fantasy Conventions. In May of 2009 Travis was the Master of Ceremonies at MarCon, A SF&F gathering of more than 2,500.
Travis lives in the Chicago area with his lovely, evil wife. As he says, “It is only the evil women that I find beautiful. And my wife is insidious.”
ANNABEL EASTLAND has three tattoos, two of which she’ll let anyone see.
PENELOPE FRIDAY likes writing, and she writes about things she likes—which had lead to her having written on a rather bizarre collection of topics, ranging from articles on disability and the regency period, to erotica and sci-fi stories. She likes red wine but can’t stand coffee. To find out more, visit her website at penelopefriday.viviti.com.
HARPER HULL was born and raised in northern England but now resides in the southern United States with his Dixie wife. Harper has work published with Northern Frights Publishing, Pill Hill Press and Ghostwriter Publications, amongst others. He is currently working on an existential sci-fi novel, a short story collection of twisted romance and various other projects. Harper is on the web at harperhull.weebly.com.
E. C. JARVIS is an Assistant Professor at Eureka College, alma mater of Ronald Reagan—but don’t let that fool you. His work has appeared in KNOCK, Bitter Oleander, and Heliotrope, among other places.
JAX is forty, married, and works for the local theater in Plymouth, England. Writing is his main hobby. He’s had quite a few stories, poems and articles published.
SAM JAYNE’S erotic fiction has recently been published, or is forthcoming, in The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica (volumes 8 and 9) and in Scarlet Magazine’s Cliterature. She has had non-erotic fiction (mostly dark humor and horror) published in a number of magazines and anthologies, including 94 Creations, Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction, Bloody October and Sinister Tales.
For two years, until June 2009, she edited her own fiction and poetry magazine, Neonbeam, which she ceased publication of in order to work on her own writing again. She is twenty-three years old and lives in Yorkshire, England.
LILYCAT lives in San Francisco where she works with the arts community. She is on the board of directors for Shotwell Studios and Independent Arts and Media, DJs for FCCFreeradio.com, and writes. She has stories published in Chemical Lust; Whipped; More 5 Minute Erotica; and Hos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys.
KEESHA MARIE’S other self writes fantasy, science-fiction, and the occasional mystery piece. This is her first attempt at erotica. Once upon a time she was a newspaper reporter and covered the fire department and arson cases, hence the spark for “Old Flames.” She lives in rural Wisconsin and spends her spare time walking dogs and tugging fiercely on old socks.
ALICIA C. MCGHEE, twenty-eight, is an author/internet radio show host who resides out in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three children. She’s an urban erotic writer who has had four titles showcased by best-selling authors Zane and Noire. She also creates under the name of her alter ego “Pre’Cise.” Find Mrs. McGhee’s books on amazon.com.
LEE MINXTON is the pseudonym of a freelance writer in northern California. Her erotic fiction has appeared in the Blowfish Update; CleanSheets; Forum (UK); the Good Vibrations webzine; and the anthology Naughty Stories from A to Z, Volume 4 (Pretty Things Press, 2006). When she isn’t daydreaming about what’s in Lord Stanley’s cup, she is working on an all-male erotic novella.
GISELLE RENARDE is an eroticist, environmentalist and pastry enthusiast. She is the author of “Cunning Little Vixens,” “Tangled Roots,” “The Birthday Gift,” and “Kandinsky’s Shirt Button” (eXcessica), “Beneath the Ice” (loveyoudivine) and short story contributor to more than fifteen anthologies including Love Bites and Bite Me! (BBA/Torquere Press), Girls on Top and Tasting Her (Cleis Press), Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2009 and Best Lesbian Love Stories 2009 (Alyson Books), as well as Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions (Constable & Robinson), Coming Together: With Pride, Coming Together: Al Fresco, and Coming Together: Against the Odds (Phaze).
Online Giselle contributes erotic fiction, poetry and editorial content to such websites as For The Girls, Ruthie’s Club, Three Pillows, Oysters & Chocolate, The Erotic Woman, Hips and Curves, and Lucrezia Magazine.
For more information on Giselle Renarde and her work, visit her website at freewebs.com/gisellerenarde or her blog, Donuts & Desires, at donutsdesires.blogspot.com.
MIEL ROSE is a fierce, rural, low-income, high intensity, queer femme bombshell, just for starters. Her porn stories have appeared in Best Women’s Erotica 2008, Best Lesbian Erotica 2008, Best Lesbian Love Stories 2009, and Ultimate Lesbian Erotica 2009. You can find her personal essay on femme identity in Visible: a Femmethology Vol.1.
STEPHEN SMITH is a renaissance man who takes photographs, plays the saxophone and writes edgy, humorous stories involving domestic turmoil. This is his first story, which is actually part of a novel, to appear in print. Another story of his, titled “Solid Evidence,” can be found on the website ohsosimpatico.com.
ALEX WAYNE lives in Canada, where the cold often leads to heated encounters.
LUX ZAKARI is an editor/writer living in Pennsylvania. Her erotica has appeared on the websites Oysters & Chocolate, Clean Sheets, For the Girls, and The Erotic Woman as well as in the anthologies Best Women’s Erotica 2009 and Girl Crazy. Her first erotic novel, Coercion, will be unleashed upon the world in summer 2010. More of her work can be found at www.luxzakari.com.