


Everyone is born with intuitive gifts from God. How in tune people are with those gifts is determined by many factors, such as experiences from their childhood, how those gifts are viewed by others, their romantic partners’ opinions, and other societal influences. For example, if a boy’s parents are especially supportive of him taking action based on his intuition, then that boy is likely to grow up very connected to his inner guidance.

The wonderful thing to remember is that our gifts never go away. We may not hear the whispers of our angels, but all of us can wake up and reconnect with our intuitive nature. Therefore, anyone can have an Angel Tarot Card reading and get insightful, accurate, and healing information for themselves or others.

To help you get started, we’ve outlined a few steps on how to give a successful reading.

Energetically Clear Your Card Deck

Your cards are very sensitive instruments—that’s what makes them work so well! So it’s very common for them to pick up energy from other people during the process of manufacturing and shipping.

To clear your cards, first hold the deck in your nondominant hand (the hand you normally don’t write with), as this is the hand that receives energy. Hold your other hand (the one that sends energy) over the deck and imagine white light leaving your palm and going into the deck. Then think the thought that you’d like the cards to be cleared, and say a prayer over the cards, such as:

“Dear God, thank You for lifting away anything from these cards that is not of Divine love.”

This clears the cards and prepares them to receive your unique energy.

Consecrate the Cards

Briefly touch each of the cards to infuse them with your personal energy. Think of this as saying “Hello” to each card. You can simply touch a corner of each one to accomplish this. Then fan the cards out with the artwork facing you. Hold the fanned cards to your heart and think about any prayers or intentions you’d like to bestow upon them. For instance, you can say the following, silently or aloud:

“I ask that all of my readings with these cards be accurate and specific, and bring blessings to everyone involved. Please help me stay centered in my higher self so that I may clearly hear, see, feel, and know the Divine messages that wish to come through these readings.”

Ask and pray for whatever help you’d like during your readings—such as confidence, clarity, compassion, and so forth. Your cards now carry your personal vibration and intentions.

You’ll need to clear and consecrate your cards anytime you allow someone else to touch them. There may also be times when your readings begin to lack clarity after you’ve done a lot of them. This just means that the cards need to be cleared and consecrated again.

Ask a Question

Think of a question you’d like an answer to. If you’re giving a reading for someone, ask him or her to either think of or verbalize a question. Your angels and guides can hear your thoughts, so you needn’t voice your queries aloud.

Shuffle the Cards

Think of the question as you shuffle the cards, and ask the angels to help you with answers and guidance. We often say this prayer while shuffling the cards:

“Dear God, I ask that You be sure that only Your pure and trustworthy messages come through these cards. Please protect my loved ones and me. Please help me to see, hear, feel, and know the messages that You have for us. I ask that this card reading bring blessings to everyone involved.”

If one or more cards “jump” out of the deck while you’re shuffling, place them to the side. They’ll be part of your reading.

As you’re shuffling, you’ll probably notice feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. This Divine guidance will help you further understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to these impressions as they come to you.

When your cards begin to clump into two distinct sections, it’s time to stop shuffling. You may also receive a feeling, thought, or vision to cease—or you may even hear the words Stop shuffling now. Trust and honor these Divine messages that are helping you with the reading. You can’t make a mistake and stop shuffling too soon or late, as the Law of Attraction ensures that you’ll always choose the correct cards.

Lay Out the Cards

Draw as many cards from the deck as are needed for the spread you’re using. Some people pull their cards from the top of the deck, and others randomly choose from the stack. You can’t select the wrong card, so don’t worry about that! The cards that you pick are the answer to your question, or guidance about which healing steps to take to help you with the issue you’ve inquired about.

Review the Information Regarding the Cards

Turn to the corresponding page for each card in Part III or IV of this book. The information there will give you specific guidance to help walk you through any life changes, or take appropriate action. As you read the words, notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you, as they’re a personalized part of the answer.

Listen to Your Intuition

As you read the words on the cards, continue to notice any thoughts, additional words, feelings, or visions that come to you, as these are messages from your angels and guides that personalize the card’s particular meaning for you. The images on the Angel Tarot Cards are rich with detail and symbolism, so they’re just as much a part of the reading as the words. If you set aside a card (or cards) that “jumped” out of the deck while you were shuffling, carefully examine it, too.

All information that the angels bring forth should be shared during the reading even if your ego tries to convince you that it can’t possibly be correct. You may very well be denying your clients important guidance if you allow a lack of confidence to keep you from sharing everything you get in a reading. Even if clients don’t see the relevance of the information right away, often it will become apparent to them shortly thereafter.

Believe in Yourself!

As you practice giving yourself and others readings, you’ll become more and more confident. Your connection to your intuitive gifts will grow stronger, and you’ll realize just how powerful your inner guidance is. Be gentle with yourself as you grow in your skills, and trust the information the angels impart to you.
