Why We Created the Angel Tarot Cards
For decades, we have been fascinated with tarot. Long before we even knew one another, we’d been using this ancient divinatory tool to get accurate and reliable answers for our clients. Independently of one another, we were both blending our communication with angels and the wisdom of tarot to provide healing and insight to others. And while we both loved this amazing oracle, we were also uncomfortable with the traditional imagery. We were frustrated when our dear clients became worried by what they saw on the cards.
Radleigh: I was on a never-ending quest for a set of cards that would match my vision of tarot as a compassionate and gentle way to communicate with Heaven. Sadly, this search only wound up filling boxes in my office with dozens of unused tarot decks. Many had varying positive aspects, but they also seemed to have distressing properties that made me set the decks aside. I found myself in readings with clients trying to minimize their ability to see the most challenging cards by keeping them turned toward me or by rushing on to the next card in a spread.
Doreen: On the other hand, I had a different viewpoint on tarot. I knew that at some point I would collaborate with someone to create a deck infused with the energy of the angels! I used tarot cards during my client readings, but I threw away the disturbing cards and only worked with the cards I found to be gentle and life-affirming. Then, my grandmother, Pearl, came to me in a dream, telling me to study Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher, mystic, and mathematician. During my subsequent studies, I realized that creating oracle cards was a very important part of my life purpose. By following this guidance, I envisioned many different types of oracle decks, yet I still longed to create a 100 percent positive tarot deck.
Eventually, we (Doreen and Radleigh) met, and as time went by, we realized that we had the same dream of a gentle, loving version of tarot. So work began on the Angel Tarot Cards!
It was very important to us that the cards not be some watered-down version of tarot. There’s great depth and breadth in the human experience, and we wanted this concept to be fully represented in the deck. So symbolism was very carefully reviewed. When something distressing was removed from an image, we were diligent about replacing it with something peaceful that signified the same thing. Card names were changed when necessary to more accurately convey the loving message embedded in even the most challenging cards.
Historically, tarot has been veiled in an air of mystery, but we couldn’t understand what purpose there could possibly be in making messages from Heaven difficult to understand. So we decided that one of our goals would be making the Angel Tarot Cards easy to use.
Radleigh: When I was initially learning the tarot as a young man, I’d taken a black marker and written the meaning on each card.
Doreen: I loved this idea as a way to make the cards fully accessible, and also as a way to demystify them.
So we made the decision to place phrases and guidewords on each card so that they could be used immediately out of the box without the need for study or research.
We believe that God and the angels are always trying to guide us toward joy. Since tarot is merely a language for speaking to Heaven, every card in tarot is a message of love and is leading us to happiness.
No matter what card we draw, it will always be love. It can’t be anything other than love, because the Divine only wants us to be happy, and tarot is the Divine speaking to us.
Our desire in creating the Angel Tarot Cards was to help you feel the love, compassion, and hope that tarot can bring into your life. We wanted to bring this centuries-old magical art out of the shadows and into the full view of Divine light!
Finally, it is our greatest desire that these cards will bring you immense blessings as you move along your spiritual path. We hope that you can now see tarot as it has always appeared to us: an angelic map leading the way to a joyous life.
Doreen and Radleigh