
King of Fire

It’s time to take charge! This card wants us to realize that we have incredible leadership skills. There are many who would benefit from our vision and ability to focus and get the job done effectively and efficiently, but also with a bit of flair. It’s time to really focus on the issues that matter, and dismiss those that are just distractions. Talented and friendly people can also show up to help, so we need to graciously accept their assistance!


Our King wears a headdress of peacock feathers—symbols of royalty, integrity, and immortality. Peacock feathers are also associated with Quan-Yin, who’s known for her loving-kindness and her desire to help others.

The dragon that we’ve watched grow up throughout this suit is now fully grown and represents a powerful ally and friend to our King.

The dragon’s feathers have matured to be mostly purple and violet, which is associated with the crown chakra. There is a oneness with Spirit and the ability to provide the wisdom necessary to solve any situation.

Angel Number

The angel number for this card is 36, which asks us to keep our thoughts away from fear when it comes to material things, and to stay focused on what matters in life. The number is also associated with ascended masters such as Quan-Yin and Jesus, who are kind and loving and only harbor the best of intentions for us.

The number 36 reduces to 9 (3 + 6), a number that asks us to be of service to others and to seek out our life purpose and begin fulfilling it immediately.


This King is charismatic and charming, an inspiring speaker who’s able to motivate people to do amazing things. He’s almost certainly a leader in his chosen field, or even the community at large. He’s also an amazing father (which makes him the perfect mate for the Queen of Fire), and he truly loves his family. Still, he does crave attention, so things will go more smoothly if we give it to him. If we try to upstage him, he’ll leave us standing there alone.


This King is mostly Sagittarius, but with a splash of Scorpio. Sagittarius is an optimistic, happy sign that loves to teach, learn new things, and travel. Scorpio is more inwardly focused and tends to want to understand its inner world. Together, they create energy that is very enlightened about what it is while also reaching out to the world with a positive outlook.
