
Nine of Water

Nine of Water is one of those cards in tarot with a nickname: it’s the “wish-comes-true card.” This is one of the most joyful cards in the deck and lets us know that our dreams are coming to fruition and that we have much to be joyful and grateful about. If this card jumps from the deck while we’re shuffling, it’s a good time to make a wish.

This card can also indicate enjoying great luxury and the beautiful things in life.


The mermaid in the image is very happy; she’s heard that her wishes will be coming true!

The mermaid has her head above water, so she can’t see the beautiful things underwater. Even though she hasn’t yet witnessed her good fortune, she has faith that it will come to pass.

There are nine cups under the water, filled to the brim with jewels. However, this card doesn’t restrict itself to desires for financial abundance. It can represent wishes related to career, love, health, or whatever we’re hoping for.

The jewels are also reflective of this card’s reference to luxurious material comforts.

In the background, we can see that there’s water coming off the mountain to replenish the ocean. This is to remind us that there’s no limit to the Universe. Our good fortune doesn’t take away from others, and there’s no lack. There’s always more than enough for everyone.

Angel Number

The Nine of Water resonates to the number 45. Change is the key word when 5 energy is at work, and this card always brings about wonderful new developments in our lives. We need to thank our angels for the blessings we’re now receiving.

The number 45 reduces to 9 (4 + 5). The experiences that come with this card can help us grow and evolve so that we may be prepared to follow our life path.


Jupiter in Pisces rules the Nine of Water card. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness and good fortune. Pisces is a sign of sensitive, caring, and compassionate people, so the energy of this astrological attribution tells us that the joyful news of our wish coming true is a karmic reward for our kindness to others and to the world.
