The Page of Fire is a very exciting card to choose! New opportunities present themselves to us, and we may get some information about something wonderful that’s coming into our lives. This is a highly creative card where our ability to “think outside the box” is extremely valuable. We’re asked to follow our passions and to let them guide us to our lifework. Without question, we’re asked to use our own unique brand of magic to manifest our happiness. This card can also mean a promotion, career change, or any new and promising development in our professional lives.
A beautiful young woman is in the process of manifesting what she desires. We can call it magic, or we can call it the passion of following our dreams. Either way, it’s her belief in herself that paves the way to fulfillment.
The young woman’s friend is a magical dragon with gemstones in its wings. Gemstones are precious and glitter with many colors of light, much like the unique and invaluable dream of every individual.
A phoenix is a bird that is said to be reborn from its own ashes. The girl on the card is bringing forth just such a bird to show her intention to re-create her life.
A beautiful white city shines behind the girl and the dragon. White is the color of purity of intention, and a city represents humankind’s ability to manifest. It also reflects a possible home full of like-minded people for our young lady and her dragon friend.
Angel Number
This is Card 33, a very powerful number that reflects a direct connection to ascended masters and spiritual leaders. In fact, 33 is a master number, which means that it doesn’t reduce down to 6, but remains 33. This master number is for those who want to serve humankind by doing good works in the world. The number is one of a teacher and leader who can help others see their purpose and inspire them to focus on others rather than themselves.
The Page of Fire is very exciting to be around—filled with incredible exuberance and enthusiasm for whatever is about to be undertaken. The Page is willing to assume the lead on any creative project, and there is nothing new she isn’t willing to try. The Page’s inherent joy makes her fun to be around, and her happiness is contagious.
Of course, that kind of dynamic energy can be a little hard to manage. Before we can give a Page of Fire instructions, she’s probably already run off and completed half of the project. It may also be difficult for her to keep her focus on one thing for very long.
The Pages in tarot don’t represent a particular astrological attribution, but are associated with a season and a geographical area of the world. The Page of Fire represents spring and the continent of Asia.