
Seven of Water

The Seven of Water is a card of indecision and the need to make choices. When we find ourselves unable to choose between various or contradictory options, we can fall into inaction. Our dreams don’t move forward, and our lives feel stalled. Sometimes the answer to finding the right action to take lies in doing more research; other times, we’re merely procrastinating. This card asks us to do whatever is necessary to move forward.

The Seven of Water card is also a possible indicator of addiction, so if the question we’re asking has to do with dependency or unhealthy behaviors, drawing this card would lead us to believe that there’s cause for concern.


Seven cups lie at the bottom of the ocean, and each one is filled with a colored light of one of the chakras. The answer to our question lies in which color our eyes are drawn to. From left to right on the image of the card, the colors are:

Angel Number

This card is number 43. Here, we have the combined power of the angels and ascended masters to help us make the choices we need to make. We have no worries, knowing that with their help, we can’t make a poor decision.

This number reduces to 7 (4 + 3). Removing ourselves from procrastination will place us on the right path.


Venus in Scorpio offers many beautiful possibilities. It cares that we have what we want, but without action, we can never be certain that what we thought we wanted is the true desire of the heart.
