
The Sun

Grand epiphanies are possible with The Sun. Incredible ideas with infinite opportunities enter our consciousness where we can act upon them. This card also reflects someone whose self-confidence either has grown or is on the rise.

If we keep our thoughts positive, then there’s no way we won’t be successful. This card can also represent a return to vibrant physical and emotional health.

The Dreamer’s Journey

Our time with The Moon brought us further insights, and now we turn around to see The Sun. Great joy and success are inspired by this card. It shows us that we’ve evolved, we’ve grown, and we’ve created the world we wanted!

With The Sun, we can expect to experience the true joy of life and all the wonderful things it has to offer. As a result, we may receive public recognition for our teachings or accomplishments. Our journey is nearly over, and true enlightenment is within our grasp.


Archangel Uriel stands on a wall that represents humankind’s successful ability to adapt to the difficulties of life.

Uriel is backlit by the Sun rising in a new dawn, a joyful new morning that reflects the direction our lives are headed.

Butterflies, the symbol of evolution and growth, swirl around Archangel Uriel, proving that we’ve come a long way on our journey.

Four sunflowers bloom happily at his feet, representing both the four suits of the Minor Arcana, and the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.

Angel Number

The number 19 is the last of the karmic numbers. It’s where we come to successful endings and therefore create new beginnings for ourselves. Suddenly, everything becomes crystal clear with this number. We discover that we do know our life purpose and that it’s time to act upon it. We come to believe in ourselves so that we can move forward with confidence and hope for a beautiful future.


Archangel Uriel, whose name means “light of God,” heralds the great epiphanies that have brought us to this place of enlightenment and joy. Uriel has the ability to not only bring us great insights, but also bless us with emotional healing.

His beautiful wings and his halo reflect his golden-yellow color.


Naturally, the astrological association for this card is the Sun! In astrology, the Sun is our identity, our personality, and our true nature. It also represents creativity and the areas of our lives where we really shine.
