The Ten of Earth is a card of financial security and joyful contentment. There’s a strong concern for family; however, the focus is more on aspects such as family lineage, knowing that the children’s futures are financially secure, and material comforts. Home and hearth are very important. The Ten of Earth is one of the cards in tarot where everything just feels right, and we’ve earned the right to be very proud of ourselves.
This card can also reflect communities that we feel very connected to, inheritance, and successful completion. The card may relate to gay relationships or a family with same-sex partners.
A beautiful family has gathered in a forest setting. Everyone is smiling, and there’s a sense of contentment.
The children are happily playing with golden coins, which represent that their futures are financially secure. It can also indicate an inheritance.
The family is of a nontraditional nature to symbolize that the word family means many different things to different people. It may represent the family we were born to, a family of friends who support one another, or a community of individuals who have mutual goals.
Fireflies represent the magic in life … and with the Ten of Earth, life is magical.
Angel Number
This is Card 74; it tells us that our lives are right on track and that the dreams we’ve chosen to manifest are coming true. We’re reminded to express gratitude to the angels for all their assistance.
The number 74 reduces to 11 (7 + 4), which is a master number and does not reduce further. This magical number tells us that we’ve used our ability to manifest to create deeply moving experiences.
Mercury in Virgo is very good at “taking care of business.” It has every detail figured out and is extremely good at communicating its wishes. Intellectually, its sheer brilliance can also be quite creative.