
Ace of Water

The Ace of Water is a wonderful card that indicates heartwarming emotions and honest connections with others. Usually it heralds a beautiful new romance, but it can signify a very close and intimate (but platonic) friendship as well. This card also represents a time of deepening spiritual and psychic experiences.

The Aces always speak of something new within their suit. In this case, that would be beginnings that relate to emotions, family, and intuition. This card can also refer to a new home.


A handsome young merman swims down to reach for a cup. It’s just slightly beyond his reach, but soon the cup will be his.

A cup is a vessel for water, the element for this suit as well as the universal sign for emotions.

The tip of the merman’s tail is just over the top of the waterline. He’s almost completely committed to the emotional experience that will soon present itself, but there’s a small part of him that’s unsure.

The water is a bit turbulent above, but near the bottom, all is peaceful. This emotional experience will quiet our fears and bring us comfort.

Angel Number

The Ace of Water is Card 37. This is a beautiful energy meant to assure us that we’re following our true and perfect path. Heavenly magic is at work, opening doors for us in all our relationships. All we need do is forge ahead and walk through!

The number reduces to a 1 (3 + 7 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1), a number that tells us that our thoughts are directing what we create, so we need to focus on the future we desire.


Aces have no specific astrological assessment, but are connected instead to the element their suit represents—in this case, Water. They also represent the three signs of the zodiac that reflect this element: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
