Introduction: America’s Cultural Revolution
Chapter 1: Herbert Marcuse: Father of the Revolution
Chapter 2: The New Left: “We Will Burn and Loot and Destroy”
Chapter 3: The Long March Through the Institutions
Chapter 4: The New Ideological Regime
Chapter 5: Angela Davis: The Spirit of Racial Revolt
Chapter 6: “Kill the Pigs”: The Black Revolution Explodes
Chapter 7: From Black Liberation to Black Studies
Chapter 8: BLM: The Revolution Reborn
Chapter 9: Mob Rule in Seattle
Chapter 10: Paulo Freire: Master of Subversion
Chapter 11: “We Must Punish Them”: Marxism Conquers the American Classroom
Chapter 12: Engineers of the Human Soul
Chapter 13: The Child Soldiers of Portland
Chapter 14: Derrick Bell: Prophet of Racial Pessimism
Chapter 15: “I Live to Harass White Folks”: The Politics of Eternal Resentment
Chapter 16: The Rise of Critical Race Theory
Chapter 17: DEI and the End of the Constitutional Order