Special thanks to Andrew Gibson, who, when I was first researching this story 25 years ago (pre-internet) obtained from his university library a copy of C.H. Curry’s dissertation, “The Transportation, Escape, and Pardoning of Mary Bryant,” and a copy of Frederick Pottle’s 1932 address to the Elizabethan Club of Yale University titled, “Boswell and the Girl from Botany Bay.” Both provided invaluable source materials.
Thanks, also, to Lester Cole who located for me 1792 newspaper accounts about Mary in the British Museum, to John Varley who put me in touch with the Port Arthur (Tasmania) Library Resource Centre when I was trying to track down details about the six-oar cutter that Mary used for her escape, and to Kim Lee at the Port Author Library for sending me information which I hadn’t been able to find elsewhere.
My daughter Jona Jordan’s insightful comments on the manuscript were especially helpful. Above all, thanks to Derek Choukalos, my partner in love, writing, and everything else.