

Tasseography is the fancy name for tea-leaf reading. It is well suited to the solitary séance, since everything depends upon your interpretation of the pattern of symbols made in the cup by the tea leaves.

There is a small ritual in obtaining the pattern of tea leaves. First of all, the kind of tea used is important. Most suitable is Chinese tea, but any large-leafed variety will work. Ceylon tea or even mint tea has been used very successfully. The cup used is also important. It should be a round one that inside is plain-colored or white. There should be no grooves or ridges that might interfere with the even distribution of the leaves. The cup should also have a handle.

When the tea has been poured (no strainer and no tea bag, of course!), sit with the cup in your hands and—with eyes open or closed—think of the spirit you wish to contact. Then, when you feel ready, sip some of the tea. You should take at least three sips, leaving a small amount in the bottom of the cup. With your right hand, swirl the remaining tea and leaves around in the cup, rotating the cup at least three times. Then up-turn the cup onto the saucer. Any balance of tea will run out into the saucer, and you can then pick up the cup and look inside.

To interpret, the handle of the cup represents spirit. The closer the symbols are to the handle, the stronger they relate to spirit. In other words, any symbols you see (I’ll talk about them in a moment) that are on the inside of the cup opposite the position of the handle will have the least connection to spirit, while those next to the handle are very closely associated.

Similarly, as you descend into the base of the cup, so the time prior to spirit’s passing increases. That is, what you see represented by a symbol in the very bottom of the cup is connected to what happened to spirit quite some time before his or her passing. A symbol up near the rim of the cup relates to what happened to spirit close to the transition. The depth from the rim of the cup down to the bottom is, then, a time scale.

The symbols made by the groupings of tea leaves will not necessarily look exactly like the things they represent. Imagination must be used. It will be found that there is the suggestion of, say, a bird or a rabbit, or whatever. These suggestions should be enough to trigger the mind into seeing them fully and seeing all that they represent. Sometimes it happens that the symbols are very distinct, but it won’t necessarily be so. What is actually seen is used as a focal point, as a “trigger,” for your inherent mediumistic power. Seeing the symbols, and interpreting them, is best done when that interpretation comes from within, rather than from memorizing a list of shapes and symbols and their probable meanings. However, to start with, what follows are some of the traditional meanings and interpretations, as given in a wide variety of books over the years.

Symbols and Their Meanings

Aces: Powerful forces were at work around spirit. The ace of hearts is associated with domestic and social affairs; diamonds with financial affairs; clubs with business, contracts, and lawsuits; spades with sorrow and with delays.

Acorn: Indicates riches if it appears near the handle. On the far side it indicates a business partnership, or the potential for financial assistance through a second party.

Airplane: A biplane shows there was a successful partnership. Any airplane shows swift and successful progression.

Alligator: Great care was needed to avoid injury from those trying to harm spirit.

Alps: Spirit had great aspirations. Nearby symbols may give some idea of time and indicate degree of success.

Anchor: A delay; a holding back. Establishing of roots.

Angel: An indicator of good news.

Ant: Success through spirit’s own industry, perseverance, and thrift.

Anvil: Difficulties were followed by financial gains, after much work.

Arc: A segment of a circle shows possible premature retirement or even an accident. An unfinished project.

Arrow: Bad news. It is connected with finance if there are dots around the arrow. Note direction of arrow for indication of which direction the news will come from.

Asterisk: Something concerning spirit needs immediate attention. Clues may be found in nearby symbols.

Axe: There were danger and difficulties in spirit’s later life, with the possibility of separation or loss of friends. Spirit had a choice in the matter if it’s a double-headed axe.

Baby: There was a new enterprise that might have started new troubles.

Bag: Problems for spirit brought on by unknown enemies, plans, plots, and schemes. The fuller the bag, the bigger the problems.

Bagpipes: There were difficulties in business. High tension brought on ill health.

Ball: Spirit had no control over a variety of ups and downs that took place.

Balloon: A welcome, and needed, rise in fortunes.

Barrel: Spirit had to serve rather than rule. Spirit had vain ambitions and empty dreams.

Basket: A gift or a legacy. If located close to the symbol of a house, then there was an addition to the family.

Bat: Spirit suffered false friends and there was a need to exercise caution.

Bear: Brute force was needed for spirit to overcome obstacles. Stupidity could have led to danger.

Bed: Good fortune unless the bed appears untidy, when it indicates a poor state of mind resulting in poor results.

Bee: Industry on the part of spirit brought prosperity. There was a general change of fortune for the better, with wealth obtained through trade.

Bench: Status quo. Stability.

Bird: There was good news for spirit. (Nearby symbols might elaborate on this.)

Boat: Spirit possibly took a journey and/or had visitors from some distance away.

Book: An open book signifies some sort of revelation that was to spirit’s benefit, while a closed book shows there was need for research by spirit.

Boomerang: Spirit’s actions came back on him/her, for good or ill.

Boot: If the image is well-formed, it signifies protection from danger. Ill-formed suggests disgrace with loss of position.

Bottle: Something to do with spirit’s health. Examine other close symbols.

Bow: A good sign showing that there was the ability to grow.

Bracelet: Possibly a partnership, even a marriage.

Branch: Sign of a birth. A branch with leaves indicates there was a new venture; without leaves there was disappointment.

Bride: Possible troubles and sorrow.

Bridge: A possible way out of difficulties.

Broken lines: Uncertainty. Broken promises.

Broom: Spirit had the chance to clear up a problem.

Buffalo: Risks were taken despite possible danger.

Bull: Profit.

Butterfly: Caution was needed due to frivolous action.

Cabbage: Jealousy.

Cage: Domesticity.

Cake: A celebration.

Camel: Advancement.

Candle: Spirit was a philanthropist of some sort.

Canoe: Spirit visited someone some distance away or was visited by someone from afar.

Carriage: Receipt of benefits.

Cart: Light burdens with profitable trade.

Castle: Spirit advanced to a high position and/or was well regarded by someone with influence.

Cat: There was the possibility of cheating in business. A resting cat means domestic comfort.

Chair: Spirit was trusted and successful. Could also mean a new occupation.

Chicken: Competence, possibly with nervous energy.

Child: Spirit had a natural aptitude that brought success. A number of fresh enterprises added to prosperity.

Chimney: Distinction through service.

Church: Formal occasions; pomp and ceremony. Rituals.

Cigar: Spirit had optimistic dreams.

Cigarette: A frivolous nature.

Circle: Work was completed to near perfection.

Clock: There was a recovery from sickness.

Clover: Spirit was lucky; had extraordinary luck if clover is four-leafed.

Coffin: There was a serious illness. The ending of a plan or phase.

Column: Spirit was admired. Received honors.

Comet: Unexpected news.

Cornucopia: Symbol of plenty and freedom from want.

Cow: Spirit may have been asked for a donation. Had a peaceful and happy existence.

Cradle: New enterprises. A broken cradle indicates there had been trouble.

Cross: Ideas and inspiration.

Crown: Promotion after difficulties.

Cup: Promotion after a sacrifice had been made.

Daffodil: Fulfillment of plans, leading to happiness.

Dagger: A warning was received indicating the need for care.

Deer: A quick decision had been called for. Good news from a distance.

Devil: Possible danger from false friends.

Dice: Gambling losses.

Dog: A sleeping dog indicates peace and quiet. A leaping dog shows cause for celebration. Dogs indicate friendship.

Door: Open to opportunity.

Dot: Emphasizes the meaning and importance of symbols close by.

Dragon: Challenges led to opportunities.

Drum: There was some negative publicity and possibly disturbances or domestic disputes.

Duck: Welcome news.

Dumbbell: Rivalry, with frustrating hard work.

Dwarf: Disappointment and failure.

Eagle: Great success.

Ear: There may have been a scandal.

Egg or oval: The strong possibility of success with new projects.

Eight: Number of Uranus. A sign of genius, invention, and inspiration.

Elephant: Delay leading eventually to success. Strength; wisdom.

Explosion: Violent upsets and disturbances.

Eyeglasses: Care had to be taken in all business dealings.

Face/head: Looking toward the handle is good; away from it is bad. A full face could signify that there were new discoveries.

Fan: An indicator of indiscretions and false friends. Possibly might mean a mild flirtation took place.

Feather: Things were not taken seriously.

Fence: Circumstances were limited.

Fire: Hasty action was called for, following unexpected news.

Fish: Increase, affluence, and opportunities.

Fist: There was a need to guard against impulses.

Five: Number of Jupiter. Good fortune; increase.

Flag: There was a danger sign connected to duty. A chance of special honors.

Flower: A single flower shows that a favor was granted. A bunch of flowers indicates there were many benefits.

Fly: Domestic annoyances. Possible scandal.

Foot: Signifies understanding. Two feet: spirit could move wherever desired.

Fork: Lack of control led to a dilemma.

Fountain: Happiness grew from great success.

Four: Number of Mercury. Reality; completion.

Fox: There may have been a betrayal of trust.

Frog: Misinterpretations.

Fruit: A positive sign of advancement.

Gallows: There was a high chance of financial or social failure.

Garland: See Flower.

Gate: An open gate signifies opportunities. A closed one, a barrier.

Ghost: Caution needed; unexpected sources posed danger.

Girl: Signifying great happiness.

Glass: Fragility and honesty.

Goat: Obstinacy as a cause of misfortune.

Grapes: Prosperity, but accompanied by burdens.

Grasshopper: News from a distance.

Grave: News of a death.

Guitar: Happiness brought about through love.

Gun, pistol, revolver, rifle: Need for extra caution. The possibility of hurt from a distance. A rival for love was indicated if it is close to a heart symbol.

Hammer: There was need for persistence due to stress.

Hand: Friendship indicated if the sign is toward the cup handle. If away from handle, then loss of opportunity.

Handcuffs: Frustrations; restraint.

Harp: Harmony. Happiness regarding a romantic situation.

Hat: Ambition, fresh ideas, possibly a new occupation.

Heart: Great happiness. Close friendship and/or union.

Hill: Accomplishment. The higher the hill, the better were the results.

Hive: Signifying home. Great success indicated if bees swarm about the hive.

Horn: Good news.

Horse/pony: Close friendships. A galloping horse means good news from someone dear. The arrival of a lover is indicated by just a horse’s head.

Hourglass: Time was running out, calling for swift action.

House: Safety; possessions. A contented life.

Insect: Troubles and vexations along with small irritations.

Ivy: Loyal friends.

Jug: Influential friendships. Spirit helped others and, in so doing, helped himself/herself.

Kangaroo: Unexpected travel plans.

Kettle: Domestic happiness.

Key: There were important decisions to be made leading to possible new paths ahead. There was a need to give due consideration to new proposals.

Kite: Unusual ambitions that might have led to reaching new heights.

Ladder: Opportunities. If dots are near, connected to finances.

Lamb/sheep: New ideas leading to changes.

Lamp: Recovery of lost property. Previously hidden items revealed.

Leaf: News, letters, messages. Many leaves means good news.

Leg: Strength; fortitude. Note the direction in which the leg faces.

Letter: News was coming. Look for other symbols nearby to determine whether good or bad.

Lighthouse: There was trouble ahead with caution needed.

Lines: Whether straight or curved, indicate directions to be taken; roads, rivers, railroads.

Lion: Supremacy. Recognition of spirit’s leadership.

Loaf of Bread: Plenty; lack or worry about the immediate future.

Lock: A difficult problem that needed to be solved.

Man: A visitor of significance. If the figure is facing the handle, then the visitor stayed for a while. If facing away, it was a brief visit.

Medal: Spirit’s work received some special recognition.

Mermaid: There was temptation that needed strength to overcome.

Monk: There was some deception.

Monkey: Flattery led to the possibility of danger.

Moon: There were new ideas and undertakings, possibly with a romantic link.

Mountains: Spirit was faced with challenges and attained heights only with great effort.

Mouse: Opportunities were overlooked. There may have been a theft. Possible poverty for a period.

Mushroom: Expansion and growth.

Nail: Malice was directed against spirit, though only feelings got hurt.

Necklace: Symbolizes many admirers.

Nine: The number of Neptune. Spiritual perception.

Numbers are important and can refer to hours, days, weeks, etc. They should be applied to other symbols close by. They might also be tied in to numerology. (See the “Dominoes and Numerology” chapter.)

One: Number of the Sun. Happiness, success, dignity, honors.

Owl: There was failure of a new enterprise.

Ox: Someone in a high position became a friend of spirit, helping toward prosperity.

Pagoda: For a time spirit moved in distinguished company.

Palm Tree: Spirit was in a position to retire at any time.

Parachute: An opportunity to escape from danger.

Peacock: Luxury and elegance.

Pig: Good luck. Although never wanting for food, there was always the danger of overindulgence.

Pipe: There was a respite, giving spirit time to re-plan.

Pumpkin: Diplomacy.

Puppy: Indecision.

Pyramid: A secret was revealed, helping spirit to advance.

Quiver: A message was sent to spirit.

Question mark: The unknown. Frustration.

Rabbit: Timidity. Spirit needed to be more assertive.

Racquet (tennis): There was a competition. If the handle of the racquet is toward the cup’s handle, spirit triumphed. If away from it, spirit lost.

Rainbow: Spirit experienced hope and encouragement.

Rake: Indicates a careful and industrious nature.

Raven, rook, or crow: Spirit had a roving nature; tended to hoard things.

Ring: Possible partnership: look for initials anywhere near this symbol.

Rose: Possible marriage.

Saddle: A journey.

Saw: Hard work.

Scaffold: Possibility of legal action against spirit.

Scales: There was some sort of judgement made involving spirit. If the scales shown are tipping toward the cup handle, then it ended favorably.

Scissors: Confusion and misunderstandings.

Scorpion: Dangerous business dealings.

Seven: The number of Saturn. Wisdom, balance, perfection.

Shark: Spirit encountered someone of a predatory disposition.

Ship: Spirit’s efforts led to success and good fortune.

Shoe: There was a message of good news.

Six: Number of Venus. Cooperation, harmony, love, peace, satisfaction.

Skeleton: There were lean times and possibly sickness.

Skull: Care was needed in dealing with others.

Sleigh: There was rapid progress with little opposition.

Snake: Healing and wisdom. Business caution was needed.

Spade: Indicates steady employment with appropriate compensation.

Spear: Physical injury or injury to spirit’s reputation.

Spider: Possible entrapment.

Spiral: Spirit slowly but surely made progress.

Spoon: Spirit was not afraid to energetically “stir things up” if necessary.

Square: Acknowledgement of limitations.

Star: Opportunities that could lead to good fortune.

Steeple: Spirit possessed ambitions; high aspirations.

Stocks/pillory: Frustration. Feelings of being held back.

Submarine: Spirit had hidden enemies.

Sun: Success, bringing great happiness.

Swan: Spirit was lucky in love.

Sword: Depending on which way it is pointing, there could have been a challenge (toward the cup handle) or a protection (away from handle).

Table: There was a reunion.

Teapot: Spirit had many meetings and consultations.

Tent: Spirit found temporary shelter from approaching troubles.

Three: Number of Mars. Possible accident, fire, or a quarrel.

Torch: Spirit possessed a pioneering spirit.

Tortoise/turtle: Spirit made slow but steady advancement after a great deal of hard work.

Train: There was travel, bringing change.

Tree: A wish was fulfilled.

Triangle: Always a sign of good luck and success.

Trident: Possible promotion to a position of respect.

Two: Number of the Moon. Dualism. Relationship of opposites.

Umbrella: If open, it was protection. If closed, it was frustration.

Vase: Service to others.

Violin: Spirit was a very private and independent person, an individualist.

Volcano: A passionate person, possibly with an explosive temper.

Vulture: Theft might have been involved.

Web: Spirit should have trod carefully and listened to advice. May have got caught up in a difficult situation.

Whale: There was a big project that would not bring spirit returns for some years.

Wheel: Spirit needed to exercise patience in order to make progress.

Wig: Deception.

Windmill: Big rewards came from plans that initially seemed too pretentious.

Wings: Mobility.

Wishbone: There was an inheritance.

Witch: Wisdom and good advice was available to spirit.

Wolf: Spirit showed great cleverness.

Woman: Spirit received news from a visiting woman.

Yacht: Spirit was aware that news was coming before learning what it was.

Yoke: There was a time of having to take orders from someone else.

Zebra: Special distinction and recognition by spirit.
