

The most common method of connecting with spirit is through your dreams. Dreams are more than “night-time movies” to entertain you. Suppose that a good friend dies in an automobile accident . . . you may very well find that you dream of him or her for many nights—perhaps even several weeks—afterward. But these are not simple “dreams,” as I’ve said; they are actual contacts from your friend’s spirit, letting you know that he or she is there with you still.

Start a dream journal. This will be a detailed record of all your dreams. Keep a notebook, or pad of paper, beside your bed, together with a pen or pencil. As soon as you wake up in the morning, write down what you remember of your dreams. Do this immediately. Don’t wait until you’ve rolled out of bed and staggered into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee! The longer you wait, the more your unconscious mind will tweak the dream remembrance. It will add bits to it and erase areas that it feels you may not be able to handle. So write down everything you can recall as soon as you wake up.

Of course, you may remember nothing! That does happen. In that case, just make a notation that you don’t remember anything. It doesn’t mean you didn’t dream; it’s just that you have no recollection of the dreams.

Over a relatively short period of time, you will find that you remember what you dream in greater and greater detail, and you will probably be surprised to find that you have many visits from departed spirits, meaningful to you, in those dreams. Sometimes you’ll just have a confused jumble of a number of dreams, all mixed together and making no sense at all. Be patient and persevere. Pay special attention to the spirit visitations . . . in the dream, is spirit giving you information? Is he or she asking questions?

If there is one departed spirit in particular that you’d like to contact, then get into the habit of focusing your attention on that person as you fall asleep. It may help to have a photograph of the person beside your bed, where you can study it before turning out the light. Don’t be afraid to address such a picture out loud. Let the person know that he or she is missed and loved. If you have questions, then ask them. You may have to do this for a number of nights in a row, but you’ll find that the spirit will come through in your dreams and respond to your question(s).

Dream symbology can play an important part. When spirit finds that you are not aware of its presence, then it frequently brings into play symbols that will be noticed and that will help provide the message that it is trying to bring through.

There are many books of dream symbols available; some are good, but most are not very useful. The thing to keep in mind is that you cannot simply look up a dream symbol and say, “Ah, so that’s what it means.” Symbols in dreams—especially when directed by spirit—are very personal. You must therefore examine any symbol and determine whether it is a personal symbol or a universal symbol. I elaborated on this in my book Gypsy Dream Dictionary:5

There are two kinds of symbols that come through to us in our dreams: universal symbols and personal symbols.

Suppose you dream about a castle. Now it could well be that you watch a lot of late-night television and see many old movies featuring vampires, ghosts, Satanists, or ogres of one sort or another living in castles. From this it could be that you automatically associate castles with evil. . . . Yet you could have a close friend who is interested in architecture and considers the castle to be a thing of beauty; the height of the architect’s craft. For him or her the association of castles with evil is ridiculous. A third person might have grown up in Europe and actually have lived in a castle for a time. He or she considers them neither evil nor beautiful but simply cold, damp, and drafty!

So here there are three totally different reactions to castles. Obviously there could be more. These, then, are personal interpretations. . . .

Yet there is also a universal symbolism for castles. They are associated with ambition. Ambition is one of the interpretations that would be used by the majority of people when they have no particularly strong, personal feelings about castles. . . .

As Carl Jung said: “No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it.”

There are, then, a number of things to consider when you examine any dream you have, especially one in which a deceased loved one has appeared. This is another reason why it’s a good idea to write down what you remember. You can then go back and study the dream without—consciously or unconsciously—adding to it or changing it in any way.

Do check for any possible personal symbolism first. The symbol and/or its meaning may reflect on the name of the spirit (dreaming of fields, for example, may be spirit’s way of emphasizing that the spirit is there, if his name was Fields); or it may tie in to some experience or place from the past or something that the spirit has in common with you.

Universal symbolism includes those things that remain true for all humankind throughout the ages. Included are colors, numbers, form, and sexual identity (i.e., male and female). They come from the super-consciousness and therefore are timeless. Transportation, for example, is the universal symbol of spiritual advancement. As material technology has advanced, the application of symbology has kept pace. So, transportation may take one of the modern forms of conveyance, such as rockets, planes, steamships, trains, or automobiles, or one of the timeless modes, such as riding on the back of an animal or simply walking.

Following are a number of the universal symbols encountered in dreams. If you are unable to find a connection, then look up the symbol here and see if you can see a connection with spirit or with yourself. For example, dreaming of an acorn, or acorns, might indicate that the spirit coming through to you experienced a long wait to have things work out the way she originally hoped, but that later (perhaps after her death) the results of her efforts far exceeded the original hopes.


Accordion: A happy time, possibly with dancing. Enjoyment in a job or pastime.

Ace: From a deck of cards, an ace of spades represents a scandal; ace of clubs, a lawsuit; ace of diamonds, a legacy; ace of hearts, a love affair.

Acorn: Plans will take (may have taken) a longer time than hoped to come to fruition, but when fulfilled will far exceed what was hoped for.

Adoration: To be the object of adoration in a dream means that you (or spirit) used to flirt a lot.

Airplane: Spiritual advancement. This would indicate that spirit has advanced since his or her death. Perhaps in life he or she was not greatly interested in spiritual matters but now can see and appreciate their value.

Alarm clock: Spirit was never able to complete all the things that he or she wanted to do. It may also be spirit warning you that now is the time for action.

Altar: A focal point. Peace. Prosperity.

Ambulance: In spirit’s past there may have been an accident, of one sort or another, that was significant.

Anchor: An anchor can be seen as something that held back spirit, or something that gave security; a foundation.

Apple: There are many associations with apples—“an apple for the teacher,” “the apple associated with Adam and Eve,” “the apple balanced on the head of William Tell’s son,” and so on. See how any of these might apply to spirit.

Apron: Indicates domesticity, or taking orders from another but getting satisfaction from it.

Armor: A suit of armor symbolizes security or worry about lack of security.

Arrow: Swift, silent, and can be deadly.

Ass/donkey: A quarrel between friends. If trotting, disappointed hopes; if running, disaster.

Automobile: Spiritual advancement. Note the speed at which the car is going.

Axe: Respect from others, though more for position than for abilities.


Baby/child: A sleeping child indicates a trusting nature. A crawling baby shows the need for making a quick decision. A crying baby symbolizes a number of small problems to be resolved.

Back door: An unexpected solution to a problem.

Badger: A sign of sagacity and wisdom.

Bagpipes: Help from an unexpected source.

Ball: Something difficult to hold onto.

Balloon: Seeming solid but in reality just full of air. A hot-air balloon rising symbolizes financial gain.

Banjo: A good time socially.

Barn: A store of what will be useful for the time ahead. A barn on fire means the loss of everything.

Basket: A full basket is a well-paying job; an empty basket is the loss of a job.

Bat: A bat flying around shows that a lot of small problems will be quickly cleared up. A bat hanging upside down means that what seem like small problems now will develop into big problems later.

Bear: Great hidden strength.

Bed: A place of security.

Bee: Profit; gain. A busy period.

Beehive: Success in business.

Bell: A single tolling bell signifies approaching death. A peal of bells is a celebration. A persistent doorbell is an alarm.

Bicycle: Spiritual advancement dependent upon effort put into it. It can also mean that things are becoming too mechanical and there is a need to become more creative.

Bird: Blackbird—caution.

Canary—sudden departure; sickness.

Crow—disappointment in what has been
expected; having to make do with what is there.

Dove—love; happiness at home. Two doves
together mean a reconciliation.

Eagle—great business success.

Hawk—business success; a swooping hawk is a
legal success.

Lark—short vacation.

Nightingale—joyful news on its way; assured

Owl—a lot of thought will be needed for a
coming problem; no snap decisions. To hear
an owl hoot is warning of a coming problem.

Parrot—beware of slander; gossip.

Peacock—popularity; pride and vanity.

Pigeon—news coming in the form of a letter.

Raven—a family reunion.

Swallow—flying swallows mean happiness and
good fortune. Nesting swallows mean close

Swan—happy and contented family life.

Vulture—a bitter enemy.

Bird’s nest: A coming marriage.

Blacksmith: Success through hard work.

Boat/ship: A sailboat is complacency. If in stormy seas, then you are going to be busy. It can also be a more gentle form of spiritual progression. A steamship or motorboat shows steady progress with the ability to go faster.

Books: Spirit was greatly appreciated by people with whom spirit did business, as well as people spirit never actually met. To be reading a book is to have secrets revealed.

Bottle: A full bottle symbolizes the ability and the means to share with others. An empty bottle is a need, a yearning.

Bride: Wealth to come.

Bridge: To cross a bridge is to overcome difficulties.

Bucket: A full bucket means receiving something advantageous. An empty bucket is an opportunity to gain something.

Bull: A black or red bull indicates financial gain; a white bull is a gain in the field of love and friendship. To fight a bull means there is a need to concentrate all energy in one direction.

Burial/coffin: A need to end an episode. Tidy up loose ends and get ready for a completely new direction.

Butterfly: Flirting.


Camel: A succession of good things coming in. A long period of well-being.

Candle: Unlit, it is a symbol of opportunity. Lit, it is a revelation, a secret revealed.

Castle: Ambition.

Cat: A sleeping cat is an indication that there was a plot against spirit. A cat washing itself shows there had been a need to get organized. A walking or running cat was a missed opportunity.

Cave: An opportunity to go back and make a correction. Inside a cave is security.

Cemetery: Well-tended indicates many good and faithful friends. Unkempt means loss of friends and also indicates acquaintances rather than close friends.

Chain: Restriction.

Chess: Argument with family members. Checkers is an argument with others.

Church: Bad news on its way. Inside a church indicates depression and pessimism.

Circus: Indicates a very busy social and business calendar.

Coffin: If empty, this is a good sign, indicating long life and good health. A closed coffin indicates an early death.

Colors: Blue—need for a vacation.

Brown—need to get to the root of a problem.

Green—growth and abundance.

Orange—new beginnings.

Purple—richness and luxury.

Red—danger and excitement.

Yellow—happiness and family togetherness.

Corkscrew: An inquisitive friend who could cause problems.

Cow: A sign of home and comfort.

Crab: Possibility of a lawsuit with someone thought of as a friend.

Cradle: If a child is in it, then there is a child who will be prominent in your affairs. If the cradle is empty, then there will be a relocation.

Crocodile/alligator: An accident brought about by trying to avoid enemies.

Cross: An equal-armed cross is a sign of good luck. If enclosed in a circle, it is financial good luck.

Crossroads: A decision that will have far-reaching effects.

Crown: A warning.


Dagger: You will antagonize someone, or spirit antagonized someone.

Deer: Hard times ahead.

Dentist: Sudden change of fortune.

Desert: A search for knowledge.

Diamond: Social success. A necklace of diamonds indicates a long and happy marriage.

Dog: Running means a loss in a lawsuit. Being chased by a dog is the loss of a friend. To be bitten by a dog means an argument with your spouse. A barking dog is a sign of danger.

Dragon: A dangerous undertaking. Slaying a dragon is achieving success.

Drum: A sign of communication.

Duck/goose: When quacking, good news to come. When seen flying overhead, good news coming if flying from left to right; bad news if right to left.


Eggs: Much family love.

Elephant: Symbol of power.

Explosion: Fear of firm commitments. Possible lazy streak.


Falling: Need to escape from a situation.

Farm/farmer: Reward from hard work.

Faucet: If dripping, it indicates a waste of money being lost in small amounts. A running faucet is throwing away money. A faucet that is turned off shows caution in finances.

Feather: White indicates good luck; black is bad luck. A number of floating feathers is a chance to fulfill desires.

Fence: Restrictions. To climb over a fence is to seek to get out of a situation.

Fields: If overgrown, loss of control. If plowed, wonderful opportunity to plant seeds. If rich with harvest, you will have abundance.

Fire: A low, smoldering fire is suppressed desire. A blazing fire indicates things getting out of hand.

Fish: Swimming is a sign of joy and success. Eating a fish indicates the possibility of sickness.

Flying: Feeling of being restricted.

Forest: Peace and tranquility. If lost in a forest, it indicates family quarrels.

Fountain: A sign of love and a happy marriage.

Fox: Cleverness and cunning.

Frog: Progression by leaps and bounds.

Fruit: Apple—green indicates fickle friendships; red shows true friendship.

Apricot—good health and contentment.

Cherry—black cherries are deception, especially by a lover. Red shows complete trust.

Grape—rejoicing, celebration.

Lemon—struggle; someone with a sour

Melon—a journey across water.

Nut—conjugal happiness. To break open a nut means a struggle to get what is wanted, but when achieved it is well worthwhile.

Orange—amusement. Easily entertained.

Peach—a journey over land.

Pear—unexpected invitation to a party.

Plum—unchanging friendship; loyalty.

Strawberry—unexpected good fortune.

Funeral: Death of someone close. Unexpected inheritance.


Gate: Frustration if closed. If open, then smooth-running plans.

Giant: Insecurity.

Goat: Prosperity.

Gold: Tendency to greed. If you are buying gold, then you will lose friends because of this greed. If you are mining the gold, then you will overcome the tendency.

Golf: Long life, with opportunity to correct mistakes made.

Grasshopper: Coming financial losses.

Guitar: Happiness.

Gun: Arguments. Small guns—small arguments; big guns—big arguments.

Gypsy: A sign of future travel. A happy marriage. A group of gypsies indicates a reunion.


Hair: Short hair means unhappiness; long hair is happiness and good fortune. Disheveled hair means there are annoyances and arguments, while well-groomed hair means abundance. To cut your hair, or have it cut, means you may unknowingly be working against yourself and hurting yourself by your actions.

Hammer: Determination and force.

Hammock: A sign of selfishness and laziness.

Handcuffs: Your hands are tied.

Hearse: Since death is an end, and an end leads to a new beginning, a hearse symbolizes the start of a new job/career.

Hill: Climbing a hill is indicative of success in undertakings. Standing on top of a hill is security and power. Standing, looking up at a hill, is a challenge.

Horse: Good fortune. A black or brown horse is power and position; a white or grey horse is prosperity. A stallion is sexual power.


Insects: Restlessness. Need to relocate.

Intoxication: Need to guard against recklessness, especially reckless spending. To meet a drunk means beware of financial losses.

Ivy: Need for a medical check-up.


Jester: Embarrassment, for yourself or a close friend or relative.

Jockey: Many ideas but too little time in which to accomplish them.

Judge: To meet a judge indicates coming punishment.

Juggler: A very competitive nature.


Kettle: Domestic comfort.

Keys: You are capable, practical, and sensible.

Kite: Flying a kite shows you are not up to your job.

Knots: Tying knots means you are creating problems for yourself.


Ladder: Aspire to great things. Climbing a ladder means you will achieve them. Falling from a ladder indicates running afoul of the law.

Lamb: Inner peace and happiness.

Letter(s): A discovery that is beneficial. An opportunity to better yourself.

Lightning: Trouble brought about by a woman you have been close to. Lightning striking a tree or building indicates a court case brought about by a woman.

Lion: Lasting friendship. Strength; leadership.

Lock: Entering something forbidden. Care should be taken.

Locket: Long-term friendship; affectionate relationship. Joy and happiness.

Locomotive: Ability to do anything you wish. Powerful spiritual development.


Magistrate: An error made, of which you were unaware.

Maid: Good news is on its way.

Mail carrier: Negotiations with a salesperson. Possible overcharging.

Mandolin: An intimate, romantic time.

Marionettes: Manipulation.

Mattress: Any present problems will disappear and you will be comfortable again.

Maypole: A sign of being in love.

Medals: Recognition for some achievement.

Mermaid: Great expectations, followed by big disappointments.

Mirror: Betrayal by a friend.

Moon: Full moon means you will be blessed. New moon means a wish will be granted. Partially clouded moon means luck in love. A moon reflected in water means great expectations but disappointment in love.

Mountain: Lofty aspirations.

Mouse: Small, petty annoyances.


Necklace: To be wearing a fine necklace indicates taking part in an important social event. A small, insignificant necklace can be petty jealousies and annoyances.

Newspaper: Buying a newspaper means you will receive a letter. Reading a newspaper means receipt of news that could be good or bad.

Numbers: Zero—harmony; unity.

One—solitude; loneliness.

Two—happiness; the perfect couple.

Three—arguments; disputes.

Four—choices; decisions.


Six—exploration; being outgoing.

Seven—good luck and many blessings.

Eight—new beginnings.

Nine—family and children.

Nurse: You are tired of responsibility. You need assistance.


Oak tree: A good, solid marriage.

Oar: Rowing with a pair of oars shows forging ahead by your own efforts. Losing an oar means you have made a mistake that will slow you down.

Onion: There are many layers to what is happening around you, so don’t jump to conclusions.

Organ: To hear organ music means good news is coming. It will be bad news if the chords are discordant.

Oxen: Great inner strength, but despite hard work there will be little progress.


Palace: Raising your standards of living. Beware of living beyond your means.

Palm tree: Honor and victory. There will be recognition of what you have achieved.

Parasol: Many good, close friends.

Pawnshop: Exchanging one set of problems for another set.

Pen/pencil: Being in a position to make a choice affecting many people.

Piano: A piano being played indicates an invitation to a party. If you are playing the piano, then you will be giving the party.

Picnic: A good time with close friends.

Pig: Assured success. Good time for investing.

Pine tree: An exciting and possibly dangerous exploit.

Pirate: A lot of traveling, but be careful of accidents.

Pistol/revolver: An explosive temper. Be careful of what is said and what is done.

Pitchfork: A sign of excellent health.

Plow: Concentrate on doing your best. What you do now will be judged in the future.

Police: An action of yours will need to be explained to your friends and acquaintances.

Pope: Indication of extravagance; over-spending.


Queen: Coming prosperity.

Quilt: Financial advances. Also, gossip and flattery.


Rabbit: A chance to increase prosperity. A black rabbit is a sign of high-risk finances; a white one is a sign of a legacy.

Railroad: Slow but steady progress with security in the long run.

Rat: A secret enemy working against you, in the sense of learning your secrets to use to their own advantage. Someone seeming to be a friend is actually an enemy.

Reptile: Someone you are not sure about is actually a good friend.

Ring: A cheap and flashy ring indicates a minor ailment. A rich, expensive ring shows robust, excellent health.

River: With smooth waters indicates happiness and success; with rough and/or muddy waters indicates a risky journey that could lead to success.

Road: Wide and straight means things will go along easily and effortlessly; winding and hilly means a difficult and tiring journey.

Rocking chair: An easy and contented life.


Saddle: Ease and comfort in life.

Sailor: Indicative of journeys. Possibly much relocating.

Sand: An increase in finances. Good return on investments.

Scissors: Enemies. Misfortune.

Shadows: Pessimism and the possibility of failure.

Shamrock: A wonderful time with someone very much admired.

Shark: Danger from jealous enemies.

Sheep: Slow and steady progress.

Shipwreck: A dangerous illness but not fatal.

Shirt: To take off a shirt means to lose a friend. To lose a button off a shirt means petty squabbles. To wear a bright, clean shirt means happiness on its way.

Silver: Honors and prestige.

Singing: Meeting old friends. Singing solo means finding yourself alone.

Skeleton: Involvement in some unusual activity. If the skeleton carries a scythe, then there will be cutting back and pruning taking place.

Skull: A big discovery that will be beneficial.

Smoke: A brief moment of joy, but it will not last. To smoke a cigarette, cigar, or pipe indicates great self-confidence that may not be justified.

Snail: Slow and steady progress, but be sure you are going in the right direction.

Snow: Light snow is a sign of contentment; heavy snow is a warning to be careful.

Soldier: Trouble to come.

Spider: Luck and great prosperity. If the spider is on a web, then the prosperity will come from a number of different sources.

Stag: Financial gain.

Stars: Recovery from an illness. A shooting star signifies the birth of a child.

Steamboat: Unexpected news from afar.

Sunrise/sunset: Success in a new venture.

Sword: Recognition and reward.


Tailor: You will be very busy with little time to enjoy yourself.

Tambourine: You will be held accountable for your actions.

Tattoo: Inability to keep a secret.

Tears: Receipt of a letter bearing bad news.

Tent: Temporary security.

Tiger: Fierce enmity. Animosity toward a particular person.

Toad: The possibility of an accident.

Trumpet: A mild flirtation that could develop into something serious if allowed to.

Tunnel: Success in negotiating through difficult times, especially in business.

Turkey: Invitation to make a speech.


Umbrella: Feelings of vulnerability. Need for protection. An open umbrella is a stronger indicator than a closed one.

Undertaker: A coming death, though no one related to you.


Valley: A sign of contentment and tranquility. A knowledge of protection.

Vault: A bank vault is a sign of hidden riches. You are trying to attain something, but being frustrated.

Venus: A search for the ideal woman.

Violin: Symbolizes good company and enjoyment. If you are playing the violin, then you are much admired and loved.


Wasp: Trouble from envious people. To be stung by a wasp means that you are spending money foolishly.

Watch: A visit from a very important person.

Waterfall: You will meet many new and interesting people.

Wedding: New friends.

Whirlpool: You are in a very dangerous situation and could lose control at any minute.

Windmill: An inheritance. If the sails are turning, it will be large; if still, it will be small.

Wolf: Strength and independence.

Worm: There may be contact with someone who has a contagious disease.


Yacht: You will become friendly with someone who is very wealthy. If you are sailing the yacht, then it is you who will become wealthy.

Yew tree: A symbol of strength yet flexibility.


Zebra: A misplaced friendship.

Zodiac: Indicates great interest in your fellow humans. You have an inquiring and active mind.

Remember: These interpretations may apply to you or they may apply to spirit, bringing affirmation that it is spirit in contact with you.


5. pp. 15–18.