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   business letters, 260

   emails/texts, 275

abusive behavior

   by boss, 11, 15, 106, 107–8

   by coworkers, 11–12, 78–79

accents, 230

accepting blame, 12, 75–76


   for men, 21–24

   for women, 28–29


   manager, 111–12

   texting, 280

acronyms, 231, 263


   application letters, 51

   business cards, 39, 268

   business letters, 259, 262

   email, 277

   forms of address, 269–73

   memos, 266

Africa, business culture, 324–25

   greetings, 317, 318


   boss younger than employees, 101, 127

   courtesy title use, 71

   dealing with generational differences, 126–28

   deference to, 6–7, 71, 88, 98, 119, 125, 126–27, 130, 315

   job interview questions about, 60–61

   multiple generations in the workplace, 125–26

agenda, meeting, 138–39, 147, 301

air-kiss, 132

airplane seats, 295, 296


   security issues, 294

   skycap tipping, 300

   smartphone use, 292

   transportation, 292, 297–98

air travel, 294–96

   clothing for, 293

   dos and don’ts, 292, 294–96

alcohol. See drinks; liquor; wine

alderman, forms of address, 270

ambassadors, forms of address, 271


   customer face-to-face, 159–60

   customer phone calls, 160–62

   sending angry emails, 265

announcements. See also invitations

   formal printed, 268

anonymous “hotlines,” 11, 15

answering machines, 246–47. See also voice mail

   home office, 153, 154

   job search, 35–36, 52

antiperspirant. See deodorant


   to customers, 159

   for errant e-mail, 276

   for mistakes, 106, 276

   for no-show or late arrivals, 194

appearance. See also dress; grooming

   importance of, 4

   the real you, 5

   representing the company, 19

   tattoos and piercings, 24, 58


   corporate events, 208–10

   how to eat, 182

applause, at theater, 218

application letters, 51–53

   basics of, 45–46

   components of, 51–52

   one-page limit, 45, 52

   sample, 52–53

appointments. See also interviews; meetings

   foreign business, 309, 310, 323, 324, 325

   in office, 94–95

   punctuality, 94, 140, 143–44, 292

   shared calendars, 280

archbishop, forms of address, 272

Asian business culture, 312, 314, 316, 317, 318, 320–21, 323, 324. See also China; Japan

asparagus, how to eat, 176


   foreign business travel, 309

   gifts to, 171

   job search, 54, 55

   office parties, 213

   office visitors, 94, 95

   screening calls, 40, 95, 243

   telephone contacts with, 239, 241, 242, 243

athletic shoes, 23, 27, 31, 293

attachments, email, 277

attire. See dress


   business attire and, 18–19

   foreign business travel, 309

   office environment, 88

   telephone job search, 40

Attorney General, U.S., forms of address, 270

attorneys, forms of address, 272

Autocorrect/Autofill function, 275


Baby Boomers, 125–26, 127

baby gifts, 172

babysitting services, 291

bad breath, 4, 25, 59, 82–83

bars, 209, 218

   bartender tips, 201, 209

   corporate events, 209

   coworker bill payment, 218

baseball caps, 22–23

bathrooms, 97–98

Bcc (blind carbon copy), 277

bellman tip, 300

belts, 22, 29

Better Business Bureau, 42

beverages. See also coffee; drinks; liquor

   glassware types, 188, 190, 191–92

   home buffet, 226

   offering office visitor, 94

   spilling at table, 180

   tea bag disposal, 186

bids, 158

birthdays, 84, 158, 171–72

blame acceptance, 12, 75–76

blazers, men’s, 21, 23, 293, 311

blind carbon copy. See Bcc

blind workers, 86, 140

block format, for business letter, 258–59

blouses, women’s, 26, 27, 28, 58

blowing nose, 91, 179, 241

body language, 4, 236–38

   in foreign cultures, 316–17

body odor, 4, 25, 59, 82–83

body piercings, 24, 58

bones, how to eat, 185

boots, women’s, 31

boss, 100–109. See also manager

   abusive, 11, 15, 106, 107–8

   addressing by first name, 71

   business travel with, 298

   career path and, 108–9

   compatibility with, 100, 101–2

   complaints to, 102, 103–5

   coworker becoming, 69–70

   criticism from, 105–7

   difficult, 107–8

   entertaining at home, 220, 225

   ethical behavior, 15–16

   friendship with, 104, 117

   getting along with, 101–2

   gifts to, 171

   going over head of, 107

   of home-based worker, 151

   introduction protocol, 131

   leaving job and, 109

   lying for, 14–15, 102

   raises or promotions, 108

   romantic relationships with, 123

   social networking with,117–18

   starting new job, 100–101

   undermining, 102

   younger, 101, 127

bowing, 318

bracelets, 22, 28, 29

brainstorming, 145

bread, 181, 185

bread basket, 181

bread plate, 179, 181, 187–88, 191

breakfast meeting, 193

breath, bad, 4, 25, 59, 82–83

briefcases, 24, 29, 58, 59


   home entertaining, 224–26

   hors d’oeuvres, 209

building personnel, 86–87

“bulletin board rule,” 283

burping, 91

business attire. See dress

business calls. See appointments; telephone calls

business cards, 135, 268–69

   in business letters, 264

   exchange protocol, 135, 269, 314

   foreign travel, 313–14

   in with gifts, 173

   job search, 36, 39

   with thank-you note, 264

   at trade shows, 304

business culture, 70

   corporate ethics, 7–17

   courtesy title use, 71

   foreign countries, 323–25

business dress. See dress

business entertaining. See entertaining; home entertaining

business equipment

   communal, 95–96

   home-based worker, 152

   hotels, 291

business events, 203–13. See also home entertaining; off-site events; restaurant dining

   art of mingling, 203–4, 205

   corporate event, 206–10

   at country clubs, 214–16

   expectations for, 204, 206

   at members-only social clubs, 216

   office parties, 210–13

   socializing outside work, 214–18

   at spectator sports, 216–17

   at theater, 217–18

business gifts. See gifts

business hours. See working hours

business letters, 258–62

   body of, 258, 261

   checklist, 263

   closing, 261–62

   form of, 258–59

   forms of address, 269–73

   job application, 51–53

   job search, 35, 36, 39–40

   parts of, 259–62

   salutation, 260–61

   signature, 261–62

   stationery for, 267–68

business meals. See meals; restaurant dining

business meetings. See meetings

business relationships, 156–64

   building, 4–7, 70–71, 75–76

   contractors and vendors, 162–63

   customer complaints and, 159–62

   deadlines not met and, 163–64

   ethical behavior, 7–17

   foreign travel, 314–17

   gender and, 119

   maintaining, 157–59

   talking business and, 234–35

   trust in, 6, 10, 156–57

business stationery. See stationery

business travel, xiii–xiv, 291–325. See also foreign business travel

   by air, 294–96

   arrangements for, 291–93

   with boss, 298

   by car, 296–97

   clothing for, 293–94

   dining out, 299

   extra working hours during, 303

   gift ideas, 169

   itinerary, 292–93, 309

   name tag etiquette, 302

   to off-site events, 301–7

   out-of-office message, 246–47

   smartphone use, 292

   with spouse, 305, 306

   taxis and limousines, 297–98

   tipping, 300

   by train, 296

business writing. See writing

butter knife, 189, 191

butter plate, 181

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), 278


Cabinet officers, U.S., forms of address, 269

cabs. See taxis

calendars, shared, 280

calendar-scheduling software, 137, 157, 158

caller ID, 243

call screeners, 40, 243

call waiting, 244–45

Canada, prime minister form of address, 271

candles, 221

Cardinals, forms of address, 272

career path, 108–9. See also job search

car service, 297–98

   airport arrival, 292, 297

   tipping, 300

car travel, 296–97

   smartphone use, 253, 297

casual dress, xii, 18, 23, 26

Catholic priests, forms of address, 272

Cc (courtesy copy), 262, 277

cell phones, xii, 126, 239. See also smartphones

   at country clubs, 215

   at hotels, 299

   during meetings, 69, 95, 146

   in restaurants, 253

   running late or no-show, 144, 194

   technical glitches, 245

   while traveling, 253, 292, 296, 297

centerpieces, 221

certified public accountants (CPAs), forms of address, 272

champagne glasses, 188, 192

charitable donations, 155, 168, 172

charity events, 305–6

cherry tomatoes, how to eat, 184

chewing gum, 83–84, 91, 241

Chief Justice, forms of address, 270


   of coworker, 80

   of home-based worker, 150–54

   traveling with, 291, 295–96

China, business culture, 324

   chopsticks, 320

   gifts, 322

   greetings, 314, 318

chocolates, as gift, 168

chopsticks, 320–22

chronological résumés, 45–46, 47, 49, 50, 61, 62

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 123

clams, how to eat, 182

classifieds ads, 41

cleaning person, 86–87, 300

clearing the table, 224

clerical forms of address, 272

clients. See customers and clients

clothing. See dress

clutter, workplace, 92

coats, 21, 23, 27

cocktails. See drinks; liquor


   after-dinner, 224

   buffet service, 226

   making in office, 96

   refusing after dinner, 186

coffee cup and saucer, 191

coffee spoon, 190

cold calls, job search, 39–40

colleagues. See coworkers

collections, office, 84

college officers, forms of address, 272

cologne, 25, 58. See also perfume

   excessive, 58, 83


   foreign symbolism, 322

   men’s clothes, 20–21, 30

   nail polish, 32

   women’s clothes, 26, 28, 30

communal equipment, 95–97

communication, xiii, 229–87. See also body language; conversation; email; social networking; telephone calls; texting; writing

   coworker, 70–72, 74–75

   digital, 274–80

   downward, 113

   medium is the message, 276

company culture. See business culture

company downsizing, 74–75

company ethics, 7–17

company letterhead, 267

company office. See office; work space

company perks, 13

company retreats, 306–7

company staff. See boss; coworkers; manager


   ethics and, 16

   job offer from, 65

complaints, 103–5

   to boss, 102, 103–5

   from customers, 159–62

   documenting, 103, 104

   by group, 104–5

   receiving end of, 105–7

   sexual harassment, 12, 105, 123–25

   timing for, 102, 103

complimentary close, in business letter, 261


   to boss, 102, 105

   giving and accepting, 72, 105, 114

   from manager, 114–15

compromise, 78

computers. See also Internet

   home office, 152

   spell-check, 258

concentration, 89, 90

   listening skills and, 235

concierge floors, 291

concierge tipping, 300

condolences, 74, 172

conference calls, 148–49

   speakerphone, 93, 247–48

confidentiality, 12, 13, 80–81, 91, 251, 280

conflict of interest, 13, 319

consideration, 5–8

Consulate, U.S., 313

contractors. See vendors and contractors

controversial topics, 76, 205, 233, 312

conventions, 301–2

conversation, 232–35. See also small talk; telephone calls

   about weight, 119

   appropriate topics, 233–34

   art of mingling, 203–4, 205

   avoiding controversial topics, 76, 205, 233, 312

   body language, 4, 236–38

   at business meals, 97, 195–96

   closing office door, 89

   company hierarchy and, 71

   at company retreats, 307

   in cubicles, 90–91

   with deaf person, 85–86

   on elevators, 98, 99

   face-to-face, 70–71

   gossip and rumor exchanges, 80–81

   in hallways, 93

   holding your tongue, 234

   jokes and, 72

   listening and, 235–36

   personal disclosures, 79–80

   privacy in, 90–91

   questioning as art in, 237

   saying “good morning,” 93

   situational responses, 73–75, 306

   three tiers to, 233–34

   at trade shows, 304

   vocal impression, 229–30

   warm-up and wrap-up, 234–35

   watercooler talk tips, 75–76, 93–94

coordinating colors, 28

copiers, 89, 95, 154

corporate culture. See business culture

corporate ethics, 7–17

corporate events, 206–10

   food and drink, 208–10

   invitations, 206–8

   mingling, 203–4, 205

   receiving line, 208

corporate letterhead, 267

“corporate speak,” 231

correspondence. See business letters

correspondence cards

   enclosing with gifts, 173

   job search, 36, 39

   stationery, 36, 268

cosmetics. See makeup

cotton suits, 20

coughing, 153, 241

councilman/councilwoman, forms of address, 270

country clubs, 214–16

courtesy copy. See Cc 262, 277

courtesy titles

   age and, 71

   on business cards, 268–69, 314

   in business letters, 260, 262

   importance abroad, 314, 315

   in introductions, 133

   on name tags, 302

   rank and, 71, 225

   vs. first names, 244

cover letters. See application letters

coworkers, 69–87

   abusive behavior, 11–12, 78–79

   accepting blame, 12, 75–76

   backstabbing and undermining, 12

   bad-mouthing, 158

   becoming boss, 69–70

   building personnel, 86–87

   communal equipment, 95–96

   communal kitchen, 96–97

   communicating effectively, 70–72

   at company retreats, 306–7

   complaints about, 104–5

   compliments to and from, 72

   as customers, 157

   dining with, 97, 218

   disabled, 85–86

   ethical behavior, 11–13

   food thief, 97

   foreign business travel and, 310

   foul language and, 76–77

   gift exchange, 167, 170–72

   Golden Rule and, 69

   gossip and rumor exchanges, 80–81

   greeting in hallway, 93

   help requests and offers, 71–72

   home-based worker contacts, 151

   keeping confidences, 12

   lying for, 14

   meetings and, 136–42

   newcomers, 72

   office collections, 84

   personal disclosures, 79–80

   petty annoyances and, 81–84

   positive climate for, 110–11

   professional disagreements between, 77–79

   rank and, 71

   responsibility for mistakes, 75–76

   romantic relationships between, 9, 122–23

   situational responses, 73–75, 83, 306

   smoking outside by, 82

   taking credit, 12

   telephone calls and, 245, 247–48

   temporary employees, 84–85

   watercooler talk, 75–76, 93–94

CPAs, form of address, 272, 39

credit, giving and taking, 12, 105, 113

credit cards, 200, 218, 313

criticism, 105–7

cubicle, 89–92

   eating at desk, 92–93, 97

customers and clients

   bad-mouthing, 17, 158

   building relationships with, 70–71, 75–76

   business card protocol, 135

   complaints from, 159–62

   contacting regularly, 157

   deadlines and, 163–64

   ethical behavior, 16

   as friends, 158–59

   gift exchange, 168, 170

   hosting restaurant meal for, 299

   hotel meetings with, 292

   introduction protocol, 131

   maintaining, 157–59

   prompt payment of, 158, 163

   relationships. See business relationships

   subordinate, 157

at trade shows, 303–4


dandruff, 24, 83

dating. See romantic relationships

deadlines, 158, 163–64

   accountability and, 111, 113

   home-based workers, 152, 154

   in meetings, 138

deaf workers, 85–86, 249

death, coworker condolences, 74, 168, 172

declining gifts, 16, 173–74

decor, work space, 91, 92

demitasse spoon, 190

dental care, 25, 59

dentist, forms of address, 272

deodorant, 25, 58, 59


   coming around from behind, 88, 94

   eating at, 92–93, 97

   meetings around, 94

   smartphone use at, 252

dessert, 223

   how to eat, 186

dessert spoon and fork, 189, 191

device covers, 29

dietary needs, 200, 221


   generational, 125–28

   personal, 77–79

   professional, 77

   staring vs. looking, 91

digital communications, xii–xiii, 274–80. See also email; texting

   advantages of, 274

   privacy, lack of, 282, 283

   shared calendars, 280

digital profile, 284

dining. See dinner; lunch; meals; restaurant dining; table manners


   business meeting, 194

   foreign business cultures, 316, 319–25

   formal sit-down, 187–90, 210

   home buffet, 224–26

   home sit-down, 220–24

dinner fork, 189

dinner knife, 189, 190

dinner plate, 187–88, 190

diplomatic forms of address, 270–71

disabilities, people with, 71, 85–86

   courtesies for, 85–86

   meeting considerations, 140

discrimination, 8, 12, 80, 282

   job interview questions, 60–61

dish washing, 96

divorce, 74, 80

doctors. See physicians


   guide, 86

of home-based workers, 153

doorman tips, 300

doors, 99

   closing to office, 89, 90

   opening for women, 99, 120

downsizing, 74–75

dress, 18–32. See also grooming

   acceptable/unacceptable, 23, 27

   attitude and adaptation, 18–19

   baseball caps, 22–23

   “be prepared” tips, 18–19, 20

   business meals, 196

   business travel, 293–94

   care of, 19–20, 25

   condition of, 19–20, 25

   emergency kit, 31

   evening events, 306

   flexibility in, 18–19

   foreign business, 311–12

   home-based worker, 152

   job interview, 56–59

   key points of, 19–20

   for men, 20–24

   office parties, 211

   trade shows, 303

   for women, 26–31

drinks (drinking)

   after-dinner, 224

   air travel, 294, 296

   bartender tips, 201, 209

   business events, 204

   corporate events, 208–10

   foreign travel, 320

   glassware types, 188, 190, 191–92

   home entertaining, 222–23, 224, 226

   members-only social clubs, 216

   office parties, 211

   paying for, at clubs, 215

   restaurant meal orders, 197

   shaking hands while holding, 209

   spill at table, 180

   toasts, 206, 321, 322

driver’s license, 294

driving. See car travel

dropped calls, 251


ear hair, 24–25

early arrivals

   job interviews, 55

   meetings, 143–44

   office visitors, 94

earphones. See headphones

earplugs, 90, 295

earrings, 29, 59

eating etiquette. See food; food etiquette; table manners

eavesdropping, 90–91

elbows on table, 179

electronic meetings, 148–49

electronic résumés, 46, 276

elevators, 98–99

email, xii, 264–67, 274–79

   abbreviations, 275

   advantages of, 274

   all caps, 275–76

   angry, 265

   attachments, 277

   emoticons, 275

   job search, 35, 37, 38, 39

   junk, 277–78

   mass mailings, 278–79

   medium is the message, 276

   memos, 266–67

   parts of, 266, 277

   personal use of, 278

   privacy, 278

   proofreading, 265, 274

   recovering from a mistake, 276

   résumés, 46, 276

   salutation, 266, 278–79

   signature line, 266, 274, 279

   stating your business, 265

   subject line, 266, 277

   timeliness of, 277

   tone in, 265, 275

   trade show follow up, 305

   “who what when where rule,” 265, 276


   foreign business travel, 313

   home-based workers, 152

Emily Post’s Etiquette, 18th edition, 175, 187

emoticons, 275

employee perks, 13

employees. See coworkers

employment agencies, 41–43

engagement, of coworker, 73

entertaining. See also home entertaining; restaurant dining

   at country clubs, 214–16

   dining out with coworkers, 218

   formal events, 187–90, 210, 221–24

   at members-only social clubs, 216

   office parties, 210–11

   at spectator sports, 216–17

   at theater, 217–18

enunciation, 229, 316

envelopes, 268

   forms of address, 269–73

Episcopal priests, forms of address, 272

Equal Employment Opportunity Act, 60

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 124

equipment. See business equipment

escalators, 99

ethics (ethical behavior), 7–17. See also rank

   abusive actions, 11–12, 15

   blame acceptance, 12, 75–76

   company policies, 12–13

   customer responsibilities, 16

   grounding in intent, 9–10

   job seeker responsibilities, 17

   lying, 14–15, 46, 102

   managerial responsibilities, 15–16

   manners and, 8

   personal responsibilities, 14

   reporting misbehavior, 10–11

   role of, 7–10

   social networking, 281

   vendor responsibilities, 16

   in the workplace, 11–12

ethics officers, 10, 14

Ethics Resource Center, 8–9


   accent, 230

   job interview questions about, 60–61

etiquette, 3–7

   definition of, 3, 4

   ethics and, 3–10

   goals of, 5–6

   manners and, 5

   principles guiding, 6–7

European business culture, 311, 315, 317, 318, 323

evening business events, 305–6

executive sheets, 267–68

exercise gear, 293

exit statement, 109

expense accounts, 13, 299

eye contact, 71, 205, 237

   with deaf workers, 85–86

   with handshake, 130, 204

   in job interviews, 60

signaling a server, 181



   men’s clothes, 20–21, 30

   women’s clothes, 28, 30

Facebook, 284, 285

   boss and employee friends, 104, 118

   feedback and friends, 286

facial expressions, 237, 283, 316


   of home-based worker, 150–54

   illnesses, 74, 168

   job interview questions about, 60–61

   talking to coworkers about, 73, 74, 79–80

farting. See passing gas

fax machines, 96

   business letters, 258

   etiquette, 95, 96

   for job search, 41

   number on business card, 134, 268

   privacy and, 89, 96

federal judges, forms of address, 270

feedback, managerial, 114–15, 128

fidgeting, 63, 237–38

finger bowls, 179–80

finger foods, 185, 209

fingernails, 24, 32

firings, 109

   of coworker, 74–75

   euphemisms, 111

First Lady, U.S., forms of address, 269

first-name use, 71, 133

   business letters, 261

   foreign customs, 315

   gender and, 120, 121

   telephone calls, 241, 244

first-person writing style, 256–57, 263

fish fork, 189, 210

fish knife, 189

fist bumps, 130

fitness gear, 293

five o’clock shadow, 24


   as centerpiece, 221

   as gifts, 167–68, 172

folder system, 92

fonts, 46, 258–59

food. See also buffets; meals; restaurant dining; table manners

   arrival at different times, 199

   at brainstorming sessions, 145

   at corporate events, 208–10

   coworker theft of, 97

   cutting methods, 177, 184

   eating at desk, 92–93, 97

   formal events, 210, 221–24

   as gift, 168, 170

   hair or bug in, 199

   leaving on plate, 199

   office kitchen, 96–97

   on someone’s face, 199

   passing, 178, 209

   removing from mouth, 180, 185–86

   special dietary needs, 200, 221

   spilling at table, 180

   stuck in teeth, 199

food allergies, 168, 221

food etiquette

   cherry tomatoes, 184

   clams, 182

   French fries, 185

   fresh fruit, 186

   hors d’oeuvres and canapés, 209–10

   linguini, 185

   meat with bones, 185

   olives with pits, 184

   oysters, 182

   oyster crackers, 182

   pie with ice cream, 186

   salad, 184

   shrimp cocktail, 182

   soup, 182

   spaghetti, 185

food stations, 210

food theft, workplace kitchen, 97

foot twitching, 4

footwear. See shoes

foreign accents, 230

foreign ambassador, forms of address, 271

foreign business travel, 308–25

   acquainting yourself with society, 310–11

   age deference, 315

   appearance for, 311–12

   attitude for, 309

   basic rules of, 308–9

   body language, 316–17

   business cards, 313–14

   customs and culture, 310–12

   dining and drinking, 320–22

   emergencies, 313

   gift giving, 322–23

   greetings, 317–18

   name and title use, 315

   personal relationships, 314–17

   personal space, 311, 318

   preparations for, 308–9, 310–11

   taboo topics of conversation, 312

   speaking English, 316

   speaking foreign languages, 318–20

   touching, 311, 318

   translators and interpreters, 319–20

   travel warnings, 309

   work ethic, 315–16

   workweek, 311

foreign language, 316, 318–19

   English as a second language, 75

   toasts, 321

   translators and interpreters, 319–20

foreign officials, forms of address, 270–71


   American vs. Continental style of eating, 177–78

   dirty, 199

   dropped on floor, 180

   formal table setting, 188–89

   holding, 177–78, 186

   home entertaining, 220

   informal table setting, 190, 191

   placing on table, 179

   “tines down” rule, 177

formal announcements, 268

formal corporate events. See corporate events

formal dinner, 221–24

   introduction, 210

   place cards and seating, 192

   place setting, 187–90

formal invitations, 207, 208

forms of address, 269–73. See also courtesy titles; professional titles

foul language, 4, 76–77, 231–33

France, business culture, 321, 323

   gifts, 323

   holidays, 310

   toasts, 321, 322

French fries, how to eat, 185


   with boss, 104, 117

   with customers, 158–59

   home-based workers, 154–55

fruit, how to eat, 186

fruit baskets, 168

fruit spoon, 189

functional résumés, 45–50, 62

funerals, 74, 168, 172

fur coats, 23, 27

furniture, office, 96


garage attendant tips, 201

gay workers. See sexual orientation

gender, 119–25. See also men; women

   ambiguous names, 120–21

   business hugs and kisses, 132

   foreign business travel, 311

   handshake, 121–22, 129

   holding chairs, 197

   lunches, picking up the tab, 122

   opening doors, 99, 120

   sexual harassment, 12, 105, 123–25

   standing up, 7, 130

   titles and, 120–21

   transgender identification, 121

   unisex bathrooms, 98

   workplace romances, 122–23

generational differences, 125–28

   dealing with, 126–27

   sticking points, 127–28

Gen Xers, xii, 126

Germany, business culture, 321, 322, 323

gestures, 237, 316

get-well cards, 37, 168

gifts, 167–74

   accepting, 173

   appropriate, 169, 172

   to assistants, 171

   to boss, 171

   charitable, 155, 168, 172

   coworker exchanges, 167, 170–72

   to customers, 168, 170

   declining, 16, 173–74

   ethical behavior, 9, 16, 173–74

   foreign business hosts, 322–23

   group, 84, 171, 172

   marking milestones, 171–72

   to outsiders, 168, 170

   presenting, 172–73

   returning, 173

gift wrapping, 172–73


   dirty, 199

   formal table setting, 188

   home buffet, 226

   home entertaining, 220

   informal table setting, 190, 191–92

globalization, xi, 308

gloved handshakes, 130

Golden Rule, 69, 287

golf, 214–16

Google Chat, 248–49

gossip, 78, 80–81

GoToMeeting, 139, 248

government officials, U.S., forms of address, 269–70

grammar usage. See also words

   in email, 274

   reference books, 230

   in speech, 230

   suggested books, 256

   in writing, 255–56

Great Britain, business culture, 317, 323

greetings. See also handshakes; introductions

   business letters, 260–61

   corporate events, 208

   coworkers, 93

   fist bumps, 130

   foreign customs, 317–18

   home entertaining, 222

   introductions, 131

   job interview, 60

   standing up for, 88, 122, 130


   bad odors, 4, 25, 59, 82–83

   foreign business travel, 311–12

   job interviews, 59

   for men, 24–25, 59

   for women, 32, 59

group complaints, 104–5

group gifts, 84, 171, 172

guest of honor

   restaurant meals, 197

   seating, 192

   serving, 223

   thank-you note, 262–63

   toasting, 206


   arrival before host, 196

   at country clubs, 214–16

   at foreign business events, 314–17

   home entertaining, 219–20, 222–24

   at members-only social clubs, 216

   receiving line, 208

   at restaurant meals, 192–97, 199, 200–201, 299

   special dietary needs, 221

   at sporting events, 215–17

   at theater, 217–18

guest speakers, 147–48

guide dogs, 86

gum, 83–84, 91, 241


hair care, 24–25, 32, 59

handbags, 26, 27, 28–29

handicap. See disabilities, people with

handshakes, 129–31. See also greetings; introductions

   foreign customs, 317–18

   four essentials of, 130

   gloved, 130

   job interview, 60, 63

   non-shaker, interacting with, 130–31

   receiving line, 208

   standing up, 122, 130

   at the table, 210

   two-handed, 129–30

   wheelchair users, 86

   while holding food and drink, 209

   women and, 121–22, 129

handwritten notes, 39, 262–64. See also thank-you notes

hats, men’s, 22

headphones, 90, 251, 295, 296

heads of state, forms of address, 269, 270

headwaiter tips, 201

hearing-impaired workers, 85–86, 249


   accepting from others, 37–38

   for newcomers, 72

   offering, 37–38, 85

   requesting, 37–38, 71–72, 102

hierarchy. See rank

high-heels. See pumps, women’s

holiday gifts, 170–72

holiday office parties, 211–13

holidays, foreign customs, 310

home-based workers, 13, 150–55

   dogs, 153

   dress, 152

   family life, 150–54

   former coworkers, 151

   former employers, 151

   friends and neighbors, 154–55

   phone hours, 153–54

   setting parameters, 150–53

home entertaining, 219–26

   of boss, 220, 225

   buffets, 224–26

   guests, 219–20, 222–24

   invitations, 219–20

   sit-down dinner, 220–24

homosexuality. See sexual orientation

honesty, 7, 8, 9. See also lying

   as business value, 112

   definition of, 7

   home-based workers, 151–52

   job applicant, 36

   social networking, 285

honorifics. See courtesy titles; professional titles

hors d’oeuvres, 208–10

hosiery, 26, 27, 31, 59, 293

hospitality suites, 305


   business travel, 298

   country clubs, 215

   foreign business, 308, 309, 310, 312, 314, 316, 318–22

   greeting the, 208

   home entertaining, 221–24, 226

   meeting seating, 144–45

   receiving line, 208

   restaurant meals, 194–201, 299

   single person as, 222

   small talk, 205

   spectator sports, 216–17

   starting eating, 178

   table manners, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186, 192

   theater party, 217–18

   toast by, 206, 322

hostile environment claims, 123

hotels, 298

   business amenities, 291–92

   checking in, 298

   reservations, 291

   staff interaction, 298–99

   tipping, 300

   transportation, 292

hours of work. See working hours

hugs, 132, 317

humor. See jokes

hygiene. See grooming


iChat, 248–49

ID card, 294


   of coworker, 74, 168

   sick days, 13

Imans, forms of address, 273

inappropriate questions in job interview, 60–61

India, business culture, 312, 316, 318

Indonesia, business culture, 312, 318

informal invitations, 207, 208

informal office parties, 211, 213

informal table setting, 190–92

informational interviews, 43–44. See also job interviews

Instagram, 286

instant messaging. See texting

international business. See foreign business travel

Internet. See also email

   hand-writing services, 263

   job-search sites, 39

   résumé-writing sites, 47


   for deaf person, 86

   foreign language, 319–20

intimidation, workplace, 8, 11, 124

introductions, 129–35, 203–4. See also handshakes; greetings

   of boss, 131

   corporate events, 208

   of customer and client, 131

   difficult names, 134

   foreign customs, 317–18

   forgetting names, 134

   four essentials of, 132–33

   to group, 132

   home entertaining, 222

   hugs and kisses, 132

   as introducer, 131, 132–33

   precedence in, 131

   remembering names, 133–34

   self, 133

   unnecessary instances, 134

   welcoming a stranger, 203


   business events, 204, 306

   business meal reciprocation, 201–2

   corporate events, 206–8

   formal, 207, 208

   home entertaining, 219–20

   informal, 207, 208

   meetings, 137–38, 142–43

   office parties, 211

   restaurant meals, 195, 196

ironed clothes, 19–20, 25

Israel, business culture, 323

   greetings, 317

   Hebrew-language toast, 321

   workweek, 311

itinerary, travel, 292–93, 309


Japan, business culture, 324

   chopsticks, 320

   gifts, 322

   greetings, 314, 318

   toast, 321

jargon, 231, 263, 316

jeans, 23, 25, 27


   foreign business travel, 312

   for men, 22, 58

   for women, 29, 59

job advertisements, 41

job interviews, 54–66

   answering questions, 59–61

   asking questions, 61–63

   checklist, 57

   clothing, 56–59

   collecting information about company, 55–56

   employment history gaps, 62

   engaging the interviewer, 59–63

   ethical behavior, 17

   faux pas, 63

   inappropriate questions, 60–61

   informational interviews, 43–44

   overqualified candidates, 61

   preparation, 54–56

   salary and benefits discussion, 63, 64

   taking résumé to, 55, 57, 61, 62

   thanking the interviewer, 63–64

job offers

   backing out after accepting, 65

   responding to, 64–65

job search, xiii, 35–44

   application letters, 45–46, 51–52

   classifieds and want ads, 41

   cold calls, 39–40

   dress, 19

   employment agencies, 41–43

   ethical behavior, 17

   informational interview, 43–44

   job interviews, 54–66

   leaving your job, 35, 109

   letters and phone calls, 39–41

   LinkedIn for, 36–37, 39

   networking, 37–39

   online sites, 39

   references, 47, 50

   response to rejection, 65–66

   right tools for, 35–36

   traditional résumés, 45–50

   waiting for outcome, 64

jokes, 72, 234

   email cautions, 275

   off-color, 204

judiciary, forms of address, 270

junk email, 277–78


keyword searches, 36

kickbacks, 9, 16

kisses, 132, 317

kitchen. See office kitchen


   cutting methods, 177, 184

   formal table setting, 188–89

   holding, 177–78

   informal table setting, 190, 191

   placing on table, 179

pointing sharp edge, 189


language. See body language; foreign language; grammar usage; speech; words; writing

laptop cases, 24, 29, 58, 59, 87

late arrivals

   business meals, 194, 196

   home sit-down dinners, 222

   job interviews, 54, 55, 63

   meetings, 144

   office visitors, 94

Latin American business culture, 323–24

lawyers, forms of address, 272

legal issues, 14

   foreign business travel, 310–11

   job interview questions, 60–61

   sexual orientation, 80

letterhead, corporate, 267

letter writing. See business letters

limousines, 297–98

   driver tips, 300

linen suits, 20

linguine, how to eat, 185

LinkedIn, 284, 286

   boss and employee, 118

   for job search, 36–37, 39

liquor. See also drinks

   air travel, 294, 296

   as business gift, 168

   foreign business travel, 320–22

   foreign travel, 311

   One-Drink Rule, 198

listening, 205, 235–36

   eavesdropping, 90–91

   telephone conversations, 244

love life. See romantic relationships

luggage, 294


   business meeting, 193–94

   country club entertaining, 214–16

   with coworkers, 97, 218

   gender issues, 122

lying, 8, 9, 10

   for boss, 14–15, 102

   for coworkers, 14

on résumés, 46


mail. See business letters; email

main course, how to eat, 184–86

makeup, 32, 59, 97, 293

manager, 110–18. See also boss

   abusive behavior by, 11, 15, 106

   accountability of, 111–12

   availability of, 115

   communication downward, 113

   credibility of, 112

   ethical behavior, 15–16

   expectations and rules for, 113–14

   friendship with, 104, 117

   language matters, 116–17

   manipulative behavior, 111–12

   manners of, 115–16

   meeting deadlines, 163–64

   new employee training, 112–13

   “please,” use of, 115–16

   positive manner of, 110–11

   recognition and compliments, 114–15

   relationship with subordinates of, 117–18

   request wording by, 116–17

   romantic relationships with, 123

   social networking with, 117–18

manners, 3–8

   guiding principles of, 6–7

   of manager, 115–16

   table, 6, 175–86

marital status. See also spouses

   forms of address, 273

   job interview questions about, 60–61

   single host or hostess, 222

marriage. See also family

   couples, forms of address, 273

   of coworker, 73, 74, 80

   wedding gifts, 171–72

mayor, forms of address, 270

meals, 193–202. See also dinner; food; lunch; restaurant dining; table manners; table settings

   after the meal, 200–202

   approaching the table, 197

   arrival for, 196

   breakfast meetings, 193

   communal lunches, 97

   conversation at, 195–96

   corporate events, 208–10

   dinner meetings, 194

   eating at desk, 92–93, 97

   foreign business cultures, 320–22

   host pre-meal preparation, 195

   host pre-paying, 200, 299

   invitation reciprocation, 201–2

   invitations, 195, 196

   late or no-shows, 194, 196

   lunch meeting, 193–94

   placing orders, 197–200

   special dietary needs, 200

   thank-you notes after, 201, 202

   tipping, 201

meat with bones, how to eat, 185

meetings, 136–49

   agenda, 138–39, 147

   attending, 142–47

   back-to-back, 143

   brainstorming session, 145

   breaks, 146

   conference calls, 148–49

   disabled worker considerations, 140

   evaluation of, 141–42

   exclusion from, 142

   following up, 140–42, 146–47

   foreign language, 319–20

   guest speakers, 147–48

   informational interview, 44

   interruptions, 95, 146, 241

   invitations, 137–38, 142–43

   keeping on track, 139–40

   leaving, 146

   managing, 136–42

   office visitors, 94–95

   off-site, 301–2

   phone calls during, 146

   pre-meeting preparations, 139

   problem participants, 141

   punctuality, 94, 140, 143–44, 292

   purpose of, 136–37

   recap memos, 140–41

   scheduling, 137, 140, 144

   seating politics, 144–46

   shared calendars, 280

   smartphones in, 251–52

   technical problems, 139

   telephone call interruptions, 95, 241

   time and location, 138–39

   wrapping up, 140

members-only social clubs, 216

memoranda, 266–67

   as meeting follow-up, 140–41


   acceptable/unacceptable dress, 23

   accessories for, 21–24

   business clothes, 20–24

   business travel clothes, 293–94

   foreign travel clothes, 311–12

   forms of address, 273

   gender-free chivalry, 119–22

   grooming, 24–25, 59

   handshakes with women, 121, 129

   holding chairs, 197

   holding doors, 99, 120

   job interview clothes, 56–58

   language, 120

   résumé employment history gaps, 62

   unisex bathrooms, 98

menu cards, 210

Methodist bishops, forms of address, 272

microfiber suits, 20

   microwaves, 96

   Middle East, business culture, 324

   body language, 316

   dining, 320

   gestures, 317

   greetings, 317, 318

   military officials, U.S., forms of address, 271

Millennials, xii, 126–27

mingling, 203–4, 205

mini-bars, 299

miscarriage, of coworker, 74

mispronunciation of names, 133, 134

mistakes, taking responsibility for, 12, 75–76

monarch sheets, 267–68

money. See also paying; salary

   discussing in conversations, 233–34, 312

   expense accounts, 13, 299

   office collections, 84, 39

Mormon bishops, forms of address, 272

motivation, 112

moving sidewalks, 99

Ms. (courtesy title), 120–21, 244, 273

multiple names, forms of address, 273

multitasking, 128

music, listening at desk, 90


nail care, 24, 32

name-calling, 77–78


   application letters, 51

   business cards, 268–69

   difficult, 134

   first-name use. See first-name use

   foreign business travel, 314, 315

   gender-ambiguous, 120–21

   in introductions, 130–34

   introductory errors, 133–34

   memos, 266

   mispronunciation, 133, 134

   multiple, forms of address, 273

   remembering, 133–34

   telephone calls, 241, 244

name tags, 302


   black, 197

   formal table setting, 188

   informal table setting, 190

   placement on lap, 176

   placement when leaving, 176

   spilling food, 180

neck hair, 24–25

necklaces, 29, 59

Netherlands, business culture, 323

networking, 37–39. See also social networking

   client as part of network, 157

   off-site events, 302

new employees

   dealing with boss, 100–101

   helping, 72

   manager training of, 112–13

nodding, 238


   home office disturbances, 155

   speakerphone, 247

   telephone call distractions, 241

   theater disturbances, 218

   work space disturbances, 90–91

nose blowing, 91, 179, 241

nose hair, 24–25

note taking

   off-site events, 302

   on speakerphone, 247

   while listening, 235

note writing. See also thank-you notes

   acknowledging job rejection, 65–66

   passive-aggressive notes, 73

   to prospective customers, 305

numerals, in business letters, 259


obscenities, 4, 76–77, 231–33

odors. See bad breath; body odor

office. See also desk; work space

appointments and meetings, 94–95

   closing door to, 89, 90

   cubicle, 89–92

   home-based workers, 152

   office collections, 84

   office equipment, 95–96

office furniture, 96

office kitchen, 96–97

   cleaning up, 96, 114

office parties, 210–11

   special-occasion, 211–13

office restrooms, 97–98

office romances. See romantic relationships

office security, post-9/11, 87

office supplies, 13, 152

office visitors, 94–95

off-site events, 301–7

   company retreats, 306–7

   evening, 305–6

   name tag etiquette, 302

   networking, 302

   with spouse, 305, 306, 307

   trade shows, 302–5

   training seminars, 301–2

“okay” sign, 317

olives with pits, how to eat, 184

One-Drink Rule, 198

online conferencing, 248–49

online professional profile, 284

open seating, 210

outlines, business writing, 255–56

overcoats, 21

overtime, 104

oyster crackers, 182

oyster fork, 182, 189

oysters, how to eat, 182



   men’s, 21, 23, 56

   women’s, 26, 27, 312

panty hose, 26, 27, 31, 59, 293

paragraph, in writing, 255–56

parking valet tips, 201

parties. See entertaining

passed-tray food service, 209

passing food, 178

passing gas, 179

passive-aggressive notes, 73

passive voice, 259

passports, 294, 313

pasta, how to eat, 185

Patriarch, forms of address, 272

patronizing coworker, 78

paying. See also money; tipping

bar rounds with coworkers, 218

   at country clubs, 215

   customers promptly, 158, 163

   dining out with coworkers, 218

   by host for restaurant meal, 194, 195, 200

   for meals, 122, 200

   taxi fare, 297

pepper and salt, 178, 221, 224

perfume. See also cologne

   excessive, 83

   using, 32, 58, 59, 83

perks, employee, 13

personal assistants. See assistants

personal brand, 283–84

personal business and life, 13. See also privacy

   copier or fax use, 89

   discussing in conversations, 73, 74, 79–80, 233–34, 312

   email messages, 278

   social networking and, 281–82

   telephone calls, 252

   texting, 279, 280

personal business stationery. See stationery

personal space, foreign cultures, 311, 318

pets, of home-based workers, 153

Philippines, greetings, 318

phone calls. See cell phones; smartphones; telephone calls

photocopiers, 89, 95, 154

photo ID, 294


   on Instagram, 286

   for LinkedIn, 36

   on Pinterest, 287

   on online profiles, 284

   for résumés, 50


   foreign business travel, 313

   forms of address, 262, 272, 273

piercings, 24, 58

pie with ice cream, utensils for, 186

pilfering. See theft

Pinterest, 287

pinups, in work space, 91

place cards, 192, 210

place settings. See table settings


   formal table setting, 187–88

   home entertaining, 220

   informal table setting, 190, 191

“please,” use of

   elevator etiquette, 98

   in foreign language, 318

   from manager, 115–16

point of view, in business writing, 256–57, 263

politics, as taboo conversational topic, 76, 205, 233, 312

Pope, forms of address, 272

pornography, Internet, 311

positive work climate, 110–11

Post, Emily, 175

   definition of etiquette, 3, 4

postscripts (PS), 120, 262

posture, 237

praise. See compliments

pregnancy, of coworker, 73, 74, 119


   dress and grooming aids, 18–19, 20, 311

   for foreign travel, 308–9, 310–11

   for guest speaker, 148

   for interaction with boss, 101

   for job informational interviews, 43

   for job interviews, 54–56

   for meetings, 139

   for telephone calls, 239

President, U.S., forms of address, 269

President Elect, U.S., forms of address, 269

President’s Spouse, U.S., forms of address, 269

priests, forms of address, 272

prime ministers, forms of address, 270–71

printers, 95


   Bcc (blind carbon copy), 277

   confidential information, 12, 13, 91, 251

   elevator chats, 99

   email, 278

   faxes and copy machines, 89

   generational differences, 127

   job search discretion, 109

   smartphone calls, 251

   social networking, 37, 282, 283

   telephone calls, 90–91

   texting, 280

   work space, 90–91

productivity, 110–11, 152

profanities, 4, 76–77, 231–33

professional appearance. See dress

professional differences, 77

professional titles

   foreign business cards, 314

   foreign importance of, 315, 319

   forms of address, 272

   in introductions, 131, 133

   on name tags, 301

professors, forms of address, 272

promises, to customers, 158, 162

promotion, asking boss for, 108

pronunciation, 230–31


   email, 265, 274

   résumés, 46

   texts, 274

   written materials, 258, 263

proprietary information, 13

Protestant clergy, forms of address, 272

protocol. See also rank

   forms of address, 269–73

   introduction, 131

   seating, 144–46, 192

PS. See postscripts

pumps, women’s, 27, 30, 58

punctuality. See also early arrivals; late arrivals

   appointments, 94, 140, 143–44, 292

   business events, 204

   business meals, 194, 196

   foreign business, 311

   job interviews, 54, 55

   meetings, 94, 140, 143–44, 292

   office visitors, 94

   theater arrival, 217

punctuation, 46, 256, 258


questions, 237

   answering in job interviews, 59–61

   asking in job interviews, 61–63

   asking at training seminars, 301

listening and, 236


rabbis, forms of address, 273

race, job interview questions about, 60–61

raincoats, 21, 23


   bowing and greetings, 318

   courtesy titles, 71, 225

   coworker contacts, 71

   generational differences, 127

   home entertaining, 220, 223

   introductions, 131, 133

   meeting seating, 145–46

   military, forms of address, 271

receiving lines, 208

recruiters, job, 42

red wine, uncorking, 223

red wine glasses, 188, 192

references, job-search, 47, 50

refrigerator, office

food storage, 96

   food thief, 97

relationship building. See business relationships


   clerical forms of address, 272–73

   foreign customs, 310, 312

   handshake, 121

   job interview questions about, 60–61

   as taboo conversational topic, 76, 205, 233, 312

remembering names, 133–34

Representative, U.S., forms of address, 270


   restaurants, 195

   travel, 291

resignations, 109, 276

respect, 7, 8. See also courtesy titles; rank

   age deference, 6–7, 71, 88, 98, 119, 125, 130, 315

   definition of, 7

   foreign customs, 309, 312

   managers and, 110

   traveling with boss, 298


   accompanying raise and promotion, 108

   for mistakes, 12, 75–76

   restaurant dining, 193–202. See also food etiquette; table manners; table settings

   after the meal, 200–202

   approaching the table, 197

   arrival for, 196

   breakfast meetings, 193

   business travel, 299

   conversation, 195–96

   foreign business culture, 320–22

   host pre-meal preparation, 195

   host pre-paying, 200, 299

   invitation reciprocation, 201–2

   invitations, 195, 196

   late or no-show, 194, 196

   lunch meetings, 193–94

   participation, 194–96

   placing orders, 197–200

   seating, 197

   smartphone use, 253

   special dietary needs, 200

   table location, 196

   talking business, 194–96, 234–35

   thank-you for, 201, 202

   tipping, 201

restrooms, 97–98

résumés, 45–50

   basics of, 45–46

   chronological, 47–50, 49, 61, 62

   cover letters. See application letters

   electronic, 46, 276

   employment history gaps, 47, 62

   functional, 47–50, 48, 62

   at job interview, 55, 57, 61, 62

   lying on, 46

   references, 47, 50

   websites, 47

   what to leave out, 50

retired military officials, forms of address, 271

retreats, company, 306–7

rings, 22, 29, 58, 59

Roman Catholic priests, forms of address, 272

romantic relationships, 122–23

   gift connotations and, 174

   secrecy about, 9, 122–23

   with manager, 123

   with outside associates, 123

roses, 167, 174, 322

royalty, forms of address, 271


   business events, 204, 306

   business meals, 196

   meetings, 142

rumors, 80–81

Russia, business culture, 321, 322


safety. See security

salad course, how to eat, 184

salad fork, 189

salad knife, 189

salad plate, 179, 184, 188


   application letters, 52

   asking for raise, 108

   job interviews, 63, 64

   refusing offer, 108–9

   résumés, 50

temporary workers, 43

salt and pepper, 178, 221, 224

saltcellar, 190


   application letters, 51

   business letters, 260–61

   email, 266, 278–79

   forms of address, 269–73

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 11

Saudi Arabia, business culture, 311, 312

scarves, 26, 27, 29, 58

scented candles, 221

scents. See cologne; perfume


   foreign travel, 311

   for home-based workers, 151, 152

   keeping contractors to, 163–64

   meetings, 137, 140, 144

screening telephone calls, 40, 243


   air travel, 295

   home sit-down dinners, 223

   job interviews, 60

   meetings, 144–46

   office visitors, 94

   place cards and, 192

   restaurant meals, 197

   theater, 217

second-person writing style, 257

Secret Santa, 170–71


   air travel, 294

   post-9/11 building, 87

   travel warnings, 309

seminars, 301–2

Senator, U.S., forms of address, 270

servers. See waiters

service plate, 187–88

sex. See also romantic relationships

   as taboo conversational topic, 76, 205, 233

sexual harassment, 12, 123–25, 282

   complaints about, 105

   definitions of, 124

   hostile environment claims, 123

   responding to, 124–25

sexual orientation

   as job interview question, 60–61

   revealing to coworkers, 80

shaking hands. See handshakes

shared calendars, 280

shaving, 24

shellfish, how to eat, 182

shellfish fork, 182, 189

shirts, 21, 23, 25, 57, 216


   business travel, 293

   job interviews, 58

   men’s, 21, 23, 25, 58

   women’s, 26, 27, 30–31, 58

shorts, 23, 26, 27

shouting, 78

shrimp cocktail, how to eat, 182

sick days, 13


   application letters, 52

   business letters, 261–62

signature line

   emails, 266, 274, 279

   texts, 274

silverware. See utensils

sincerity, 6, 38

sit-down dinners

   formal, 187–90, 210

   home entertaining, 220–24

skirts, 20, 26, 27, 58, 79, 312

Skype, 248–49


   men’s, 21, 23, 56

   women’s, 26, 27, 312

slang, 316, 319

small talk, 205, 233

   avoiding controversial topics, 76, 205, 233, 312

   hallway schmoozing, 93

   trade shows, 304

   watercooler talk tips, 75–76

smartphones, xiii, 250–54. See also texting

   Autocorrect/Autofill function, 275

   basic rules for use, 250–51

   in the car, 253, 297

   at desk, 252

   in meetings, 251–52

   out and about, 252–53

   in restaurants, 253

   turning off, 279

   use when traveling, 292, 296

smells. See bad breath; body odor

smiles (smiling), 130, 237, 245

smoking, 82

   bad breath, 82

   in car, 297

   sidewalk, 82

sneakers (athletic shoes), 23, 27, 31, 293

sneezing, 153, 241

snooping, 89

socializing, outside of work, 214–18

   at country clubs, 214–16

   dining out with coworkers, 218

   at members-only social clubs, 216

   at spectator sports, 216–17

   at theater, 217–18

social networking, xii–xiii, 281–87. See also Facebook;

Instagram; LinkedIn; Pinterest; Twitter

   affect on business, 281–82

   boss and employee, 104, 117–18

   digital profile, 284

   four key tips of, 282–84

   guidelines for, 284–85

   popular sites, 285–86

   privacy, lack of, 282, 283

   work-life balance, 281–82

socks, 21, 57–58, 293

software, calendar-scheduling, 137, 157, 158

sound buffers, in work space, 91

sounds. See noise

soup, how to eat, 182

soup spoon, 189

South Korea, business culture, 314, 318, 321

spaghetti, how to eat, 185

spam, 277–78

speakerphones, 93, 247–48, 253

special-occasion office parties, 211–13

spectator sports, 216–17

speech, 229–32. See also conversation; grammar usage; listening; voice level and tone; words

   accent, 230

   careful use of language, 4

   clear enunciation, 229, 316

   euphemisms, 111, 316

   foreign business, 316, 318–20

   jargon, 231, 263, 316

   pronunciation, 230–31

   rate of, 229, 230

   telephone calls, 240, 244

   vocabulary, 230

   vocal impression, 229–30

speech-impaired coworkers, 86

spell-check, 258

spills, at table, 180


   formal table setting, 188, 189–90

   holding, 177–78

   informal table setting, 190, 191

   placing on table, 179, 182

sporting events, 215–17

sport jackets (blazers), 21, 23, 293, 311


   home entertaining, 219

   office parties, 211, 212

   out-of-town business events, 305, 306, 307

   theater entertaining, 217

staff meetings, 138, 148, 251

standing up, 7, 122, 130

   for greetings, 88, 122, 130

staring, 91, 237

State Department, U.S., foreign travel warnings, 309, 310

state governor, forms of address, 270

state Supreme Court justices, forms of address, 270

stationery, 267–69

   application letters, 51

   business cards, 135, 268

   corporate letterhead, 267

   correspondence cards, 36, 268

   job-search letters, 36, 39

   monarch sheets, 267–68

   résumés and application letters, 51

steak knife, 189, 190

stealing. See theft

stereotyping vs. generalizing, 126, 309

stockings (hosiery), 26, 27, 31, 59, 293


   business travel, 293

   foreign business travel, 311–12

   job interviews, 57, 58

   men’s, 20–21, 23, 57, 311–12

   women’s, 26, 27, 28, 58, 311–12

sunglasses, 23–24

supervisors. See boss; manager

suppliers, as customers, 157

Supreme Court justices, forms of address, 270

surnames. See names

suspenders, 22

swearing, 4, 76–77, 231–33


tablecloths, 179, 220

table manners, 6, 175–86

   appetizers and soup, 182

   awkward situations, 199

   dessert, 186

   as differentiator, 176

   foreign business travel, 320–22

   general rules, 178–81

   importance of, 175–76

   main course, 184–86

   napkin placement, 176

   salad course, 184

   servers, 180–81

   special dietary needs, 200, 221

   starting eating, 177–78

   at the table, 181–86

   utensils, 177–78, 179

   wine, 183–84

table settings, 187–92

   formal, 187–90

   glassware, 191–92

   home buffet, 225–26

   home entertaining, 220

   informal, 190–92

   place cards and seating, 192

taboo topics of conversation, 312

talk. See conversation; small talk; speech

tattoos, 24, 58

taxis, 292, 297

   tipping, 297, 300

TDDs (telecommunication devices for the deaf), 249

tea bag, disposal of, 186

team players, 102

teaspoon, 190

telecommuting, 13. See also home-based workers

telephone calls, 239–49. See also cell phones; smartphones

   angry customers, 160–62

   answering, 240–42

   business relationships, 156, 157

   call waiting, 244–45

   closing calls, 245–46

   conference calls, 148–49

   with deaf person, 249

   dropped, 251

   faux pas, 241

   hold, being placed on, 240, 242

   hold, placing someone on, 242, 245

   home-based business, 153–54

   identifying self and company, 239–40, 241

   inconvenient timing, 241–42

   interruptions, 244–45

   job-seeker tips, 39–41

   management skills, 242–44

   meeting interruptions, 146

   messages, 246

   for personal business, 252

   placing calls, 239–40

   politeness tips, 244

   potential references, 47

   privacy for, 90–91

   returning, 243

   screening, 40, 243

   shared extensions, 243–44

   speakerphones, 93, 247–48, 253

   technical glitches, 245

   trade show follow-up, 305

   transfer of, 242

   videophones, 248–49

   voice level, 90, 240, 241, 244

   wrong numbers, 240

telephones. See also answering machines; voice mail

   caller ID, 243

   call waiting, 244–45

   Do Not Disturb button, 95, 241

   hotel rooms, 299

   “no phone calls, please,” 41

   notepad by, 92

   TDDs (telecommunication devices for the deaf) and TTYs (teletypes), 249

temps (temporary employees), 84–85

   employment agencies, 42–43

tennis, 215–16

terms of address. See forms of address

texting (texts), 279–80

   abbreviations, 275

   accountability and confidentiality, 280

   advantages of, 274

   all caps, 275–76

   Autocorrect/Autofill function, 275

   emoticons, 275

   medium is the message, 276

   personal use, 279, 280

   proofreading, 274

   recovering from a mistake, 276

   setting boundaries, 279–80

   signature line, 274

Thailand, business culture, 312

   greetings, 318

   toast, 321

“thank you”

   for compliments, 72

   elevator etiquette, 98

   in foreign language, 318

   for gifts, 170, 173, 174

   for help, 72

   to job interviewer, 63–64

   for job search help, 38–39

   from manager, 115–16

   for references, 50

   telephone calls, 245–46

thank-you notes, 262–64

   acknowledging job rejection, 65–66

   business cards enclosed, 264

   for business events, 206, 208, 306

   for business meals, 201, 202

   for company retreats, 307

   for gifts, 170, 173, 174

   for holiday office parties, 213

   ink for, 263

   to job interviewers, 63–64

   to job references, 50

   for job search help, 36, 38, 39

   for job-search informational interviews, 44

   to meeting guests and speakers, 141, 148

   paper for, 263

   services, 264

   what to say, 264

   when to send, 262–63

theft, 9–10, 12–13

   reporting, 105

   workplace food thief, 97

third-person writing style, 257

thumbs up gesture, 316

ties, 21–22, 23, 57

tipping, 201, 209, 215, 300

titles. See also courtesy titles; professional titles

   ambiguous names, 120–21

   on business cards, 268–69, 314

   in business letters, 260

   foreign customs, 314, 315

   forms of address, 269–73

   in introductions, 131, 133

   on name tags, 302

   transgender identification, 121

toasts (toasting), 206

   foreign customs, 322

   foreign-language, 321

toiletries. See grooming

toilets, 98


   in email, 265, 275

   in memorandum, 266

   in speech, 229

   in writing, 257–58

touching, foreign customs, 311, 318

trade shows, 302–5

   customer prospects, 303–4

   following up, 305

   giving directions, 304

   name tag etiquette, 302

   networking, 302

   other exhibitors, 304

Traditionalists, 125, 126–27

train travel, 296

   smartphone use, 292, 296

transgender identification, 121

translators, foreign language, 319–20

travel. See business travel; foreign business travel

travel itinerary, 292–93, 309

travel warnings, foreign countries, 309


   in business relationships, 6, 10, 156–57

   earning, 156–57

   in manager, 110

   in social networking, 283

truth. See honesty; lying

TSA (Transportation Security Administration), 294

TTYs (teletypes), 249

Turkey, business culture, 317, 324

Twitter, 39, 285–86

two-handed handshake, 129–30

typeface, 46, 258–59


umbrellas, 26, 169, 293

unethical practices. See ethics

university officers, forms of address, 272

utensils. See also forks; knives; spoons

American vs. Continental style of eating, 177–78

chopsticks, 320–22

dirty, 199

dropped on floor, 180

   formal table setting, 188–90

   getting food to mouth, 177–78

   holding, 177

   home entertaining, 220

   informal table setting, 190–91

placing on table, 179, 182


valet parking, tips, 201

vegetables, on side plate, 185

vegetarians/vegans, 221

vendors and contractors, 162–63

   conflicts of interest, 13

   deadlines for, 163–64

   ethical behavior, 16

   as friends, 157

   prompt payment of, 158, 163

verb tense, in writing, 257

veterinarians, forms of address, 272

“V” for victory sign, 317

Vice President, forms of address, 269

videophone calls, 248–49

visas, 309, 312, 313

visualization, for remembering names, 133–34

visually-impaired coworker, 86, 140

vocabulary, 230

voice level and tone, 90, 204, 229

   elevator etiquette, 98, 99

   office cubicle, 90

   smartphones, 251, 252

   speakerphone use, 247–48

   telephone conversations, 240, 241, 244

voice mail, 246–47

   job search, 35–36, 52

   leaving message, 247

   out-of-office message, 246–47

   recording greeting, 246–47

returning calls, 247


waiters (servers), 180–81

   corporate events, 209

   drink orders, 197

   food orders, 198–200

   menus, 197–98

   returning food, 186

   signaling, 181

   tipping, 201

   wine orders, 183

want ads, 41

washing dishes, 96–97

watches, 22, 29

watercooler talk, 75–76, 93–94

water glasses, 188, 190, 191, 226

weather, and dress, 21, 312

wedding gifts, 171–72

weight, talking about, 119

wheelchair users, 86

whistle-blowers, 11, 15

white wine glasses, 188, 192

“who what when where rule,” 265, 276

wine, 183–84

   avoidance as business gift, 168

   One-Drink Rule, 198

   serving home sit-down dinner, 223–24

   uncorking before dinner, 223

wineglasses, 183, 188, 190–92, 226

wine lists, 183


   acceptable/unacceptable dress, 27

   accessories, 28–29

   basic wardrobe, 26

   business clothes, 26–31, 32

   business travel clothes, 293–94

   emergency kit, 31

   foreign business travel clothes, 311–12

   forms of address, 273

   gender-free chivalry, 119–22

   grooming, 32, 59

   handshake, 121–22, 129

   holding chairs for, 197

   holding doors for, 99, 120

   job interview clothes, 58–59

   language, 120

   lunches, picking up the tab, 122

   makeup, 32, 59, 97, 293

   résumé employment history gaps, 62

   unisex bathrooms, 98

wool suits, 20

words (word usage), 230, 255–56

   business jargon, 231

   correct usage, 232

   euphemisms, 111, 316

   foreign language, 318–19

   foreign-language toasts, 321

   “good morning,” 93

   “ma’am,” 133

   mispronounced, 231

   “no problem,” 233

   offensive, 4, 76–77, 231–33

   “OMG,” 232, 275

   “sir,” 133

   “sucks,” 232

   suggested books, 256

   vocabulary, 230

   “you’re welcome,” 116, 233, 318

work ethic, 315–16

working hours

   extra during business travel, 303

   foreign customs, 311

   home-based workers, 151, 152, 153

   overtime, 104

   reporting, 9, 13

   respect for, 13

workload, complaints about, 104

workout gear, 293

workplace romances. See romantic relationships

work space, 88–99

   appointments and meetings, 94–95

   closing your door, 89

   clutter-free, 92

   communal equipment, 95–96

   complaints about, 103

   cubicle, 89–92

   decor, 91, 92

   eating at desk, 92–93, 97

   elevator etiquette, 98–99

   gift ideas, 169

   kitchen, 96–97

   noise disturbances, 90–91

   organization, 92

   positive climate, 110–11

   restrooms, 97–98

writing, 255–73. See also business letters; email; invitations; résumés

   consistent point of view, 256–57, 263

   digital communications, 274–80

   formal announcements, 268

   forms of address, 269–73

   grammar and word usage, 255–56

   medium is the message, 276

   memos, 266–67

   proofreading, 258, 263, 274

   reading out loud, 257

   stationery, 267–69

   suggested books, 256

   thank-you note, 262–64

   tone in, 257–58

   verb tense, 257