All figures unless otherwise noted are in the public domain.
1© Kalliopi Monoyios
2© The Metropolitan Museum of Art; used with permission
3Deinonychus © Paul Heaston, used with permission; silhouette © Kalliopi Monoyios
4From F. M. Smithwick, R. Nicholls, I. C. Cuthill, and J. Vinther (2017), “Countershading and Stripes in the Theropod Dinosaur Sinosauropteryx Reveal Heterogeneous Habitats in the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota” (, Current Biology. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.032 (, used under CC BY 4.0 International
5Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge; used with permission
6From Walter Garstang, Larval Forms and Other Verses
7© Kalliopi Monoyios
8© Kalliopi Monoyios
9Courtesy of Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station
10© Kalliopi Monoyios
11By Marc Averette, used under CC BY 3.0 Unported
12© Kalliopi Monoyios
13© Kalliopi Monoyios
14© 2011 Wolfgang F. Wülker, from W. F. Wülker et al., “Karyotypes of Chironomus Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae) Species from Africa,” Comparative Cytogenetics 5(1): 23–46,, used under CC BY 3.0
15From the archives of the Smithsonian Institution; used with permission
16© Kalliopi Monoyios
17Image by Howard Lipschitz, reprinted with kind permission of Springer Nature, The Netherlands
18© Kalliopi Monoyios
19© Kalliopi Monoyios
20© Kalliopi Monoyios
21© Kalliopi Monoyios
22Andrew Gehrke and Tetsuya Nakamura, University of Chicago
23Courtesy of City of Hope Archives; used with permission
24Courtesy of Barbara McClintock Collection at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; used with permission
25Courtesy of Vincent J. Lynch; used with permission
26Color lithograph after Sir L. Ward, Wellcome Library, London, used under CC BY 4.0
27Courtesy of David Wake; used with permission
28© Kalliopi Monoyios
29Gayani Senevirathne, University of Chicago; used with permission
30© Kalliopi Monoyios
31Courtesy of Boston University Photography; used with permission
32© Kalliopi Monoyios
33Courtesy of Nicole King; used with permission