


The Life After

For Tayland

Someday we’ll meet

Author’s Note



TO BE READ BEFORE PURCHASE. First things first—Ruined is a work of fiction. It is not meant to be taken at face value (which means at times I may have stretched the truth a little to fit my own selfish need to keep the story rolling). Although I did do some research, you might find quite a bit of the medical and judicial jargon difficult to stomach and you might doubt it would ever hold up in a court of law. I ask that in these moments you don’t judge me too harshly for tweaking the circumstances in my favor. With any luck, my impertinent lack of knowledge in these areas won’t deter you too much from enjoying the story.

Second things second—this is my first real attempt at publishing a novel, and although Ruined is my baby, my firstborn, I cannot claim to be a single parent. A truckload of people has helped me get this book out of my hands and into yours. And they are to be commended. So, if you don’t mind, I would like to take this time to give a big special thanks to Kristen Sheri, Tiffany Stewart, and Leah McDaniel for enduring the insufferable punishment I put them through for six long months. There are others, but you three are truly my own personal Charlie’s Angels. I’m grateful for your insight, encouragement, and continued push. You are extremely appreciated. I would also like to give an absolutely tremendous thank-you to Dionne Thrower for being the first set of eyes on this manuscript. None of this would be possible without you.

Lastly, or should I say, continuing with the theme, third things third—I write for two reasons: for me and for you, my readers. Every writer, good or bad, wants to put out his or her best effort, hoping to beguile and seduce the readers into buying the next novel. And, if writers are lucky, the novel after that. My dreams are no different. After I pocket your money from this purchase, I only ask of you to do one more thing (I know, the nerve of me). Spread the news. If you love this novel as much as I loved writing it, I beg of you to leave a review on the page where you bought the book. Post pics of you with the novel on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or wherever you can to spread the word of my writings. I am nothing without my readers. And the more readers I have, the easier it will be to put out more high-quality books. You guys keep me plugging away, and as always, I say to you, Write On!

D.E. Eliot