
Oliver Scott Curry
Senior Researcher, Director, Oxford Morals Project, Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford

Fallibilism is the idea that we can never be 100-percent certain we’re right and must therefore always be open to the possibility that we’re wrong. This might seem a pessimistic notion, but it isn’t. Ironically, this apparent weakness is a strength; admitting one’s mistakes is the first step to learning from them and overcoming them, in science and society.

Fallibilism lies at the heart of the scientific enterprise. Even science’s most well-established findings—the “laws” of nature—are but hypotheses that have withstood scrutiny and testing thus far. The possibility that they may be wrong, or superseded, is what spurs the generation of new alternative hypotheses and the search for further evidence enabling us to choose between them. This is what scientific progress is made of. Science rightly champions winning ideas—ideas that have been tested and have passed—and dispenses with those that have been tested and have failed or are too vague to be tested at all.

Fallibilism is also the guiding principle of free, open, liberal, secular societies. If the laws of nature can be wrong, then how much more fallible are our social and political arrangements? Even our morals, for example, don’t reflect some absolute truth—god-given or otherwise. They, too, are hypotheses—biological and cultural attempts to solve the problems of cooperation and conflict inherent in human social life. They’re tentative, provisional, and capable of improvement; and they can be, and have been, improved upon. The awareness of this possibility—allied to the ambition to seize the opportunity it represents, and the scientific ability to do so—is precisely what has driven the tremendous social, moral, legal, and political progress of the past few centuries.

Fallibilism—the notion that we may not be right—doesn’t mean we must be entirely wrong. It’s not a license to tear everything up and start again. We should respect tried and tested ideas and institutions and recognize that our attempts to improve on them are equally fallible. Nor does fallibilism lead to “anything goes” relativism—the notion that there’s no way to distinguish good ideas from bad. On the contrary, fallibilism tells us that our methods for distinguishing better ideas from worse ideas work, and urges us to use them to quantify our uncertainty and resolve it. Better still, to work together. Your opponent is no doubt mistaken, but in all likelihood so are you. So why not see what you can learn from each other and collaborate to see further?

Anyone wishing to understand the world or change it for the better should embrace this fundamental truth.