Chapter Theme

In Philippians 4:10–19 Paul is a model of being confident of God’s providence, satisfied with little, not distressed by one’s circumstances, sustained by divine power, and preoccupied with the well-being of others.


• A ministry you have respected is starting to resort to panic and manipulation to gain support. How might you use Philippians 4 to concisely and precisely express your concern to the ministry’s directors?

• Your child tells you he or she needs a new toy. Your spouse tells you he or she needs a new hobby. Help them figure out what they really need by helping them think through their use of the word need. How could you do that in a tactful way?

Group Discovery Questions

1. Fill in the blank: The Bible speaks of contentment not only as a virtue but also as a _____.

2. What was Paul’s situation when he was writing the book of Philippians?

3. Explain the Stoic view of contentment. How does the biblical concept differ?

4. Describe the course of Paul’s relationship with the church at Philippi and its relevance to the closing of his letter to them.

5. What was Paul confident of in God’s ordering the circumstances of his life?

6. What are the two ways God acts in the world? Compare them with one another.

7. How can you keep your confidence in the providence of God from declining into a fatalistic attitude?

8. What’s one way to protect yourself from our materialistic culture’s redefinition of human needs?

9. How can we as Christians lose our sense of satisfaction and peace? How can we get them back?

10. What increases our capacity to experience contentment? Give one important qualifier.

11. Why don’t many of us experience contentment? Give some examples.

12. What was Paul more interested in than his material gain?

13. What is a good Scripture verse to use as a spiritual lifeline in attacking anxiety?

Personal Application Questions

Are you encountering any difficult circumstances in your life right now? In light of Romans 8:28, what perspective should you have regarding your situation? Does that perspective apply to every situation you might encounter? As a Christian you have every reason to be optimistic. Don’t allow adversity to obscure God’s promise that all things will ultimately work out for your good.

Focus on Prayer

What kind of example does Paul provide for us in Philippians 4? Why was he content? What were the “all things” he could do through Christ? According to verse 19, what happens to those who risk their future well-being by sharing their possessions to meet a need? What needs are you aware of that exist currently in the body of Christ? Do you have the resources to meet one of those needs? If so, is there anything that should prevent you from meeting that need? Ask God to give you the wisdom to best employ the resources He has given you to meet that need. Then thank Him for the privilege.


It is so easy for us to be preoccupied with the problems and issues of the moment and forget about the wondrous joys that await us in eternity. Take a few minutes now to meditate on Revelation 21:1—22:5. What are some things to look forward to in your new home? How will life be different from what it is now? Frequently thinking about your future home will give you an eternal and refreshing perspective that results in giving thanks and praise to God.