Acts of the Apostles, 92, 218, 222

Aelia Capitolina, 203

Agrippa II, 96, 225

Alexander the Great, 21, 23, 2526, 27, 52

Alexander Yannai, 38, 41, 42, 70, 97

Alexandria, 28, 220, 221

Alon, Gedalyahu, 57, 11112

amulets, 26263

angels, 66, 78, 79, 85. See also demons

aniconism, 172, 174. See also iconoclasm, iconography

Antiochus IV, 32, 40, 52, 5455, 77, 218

Antipater, 42, 43

apocalypticism, 7587

apostole, 115, 11617, 118, 12528, 193

apostoloi, 11617, 1258

aposynagogoi, 223

Arabia, Arabs. See Nabataeans

arbitration, 111, 120

archisynagogues, 119, 126, 127, 197

Aristeas, Letter of, 60, 61, 219

Asia Minor, 27; Jewish communities in, 54

astrology, 77. See also zodiacs

Augustus, 44, 46, 48

aurum coronarium. See apostole

Avi-Yonah, Michael, 13336, 209, 210

avodah zarah, 164, 165, 169

Babatha, archive of, 69, 112

Babylonia, 21, 45, 82. See also Mesopotamia

Baer, Yitzhak (Fritz), 7, 182

Bardesanes, 18889, 190

Bar Kokhba Revolt, 61, 104, 105, 107, 110, 113, 130, 142

baths, 136, 147, 153, 167, 169, 171, 173, 203, 204. See also miqva’ot

Baumgarten, Albert, 9196

Ben Sira, Wisdom of, 10, 30, 64, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87

Bet Alfa, 209, 213, 252, 254, 25657, 263, 27980

Beth Shean, 38, 113, 129, 132, 198, 204, 206, 213; monasteries in, 263

Beth Shearim, 104, 124, 133, 14950, 1538

Bickerman, Elias J., 3233, 54

Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 68

Bourdieu, Pierre, 34

brigands, 8990

burial, 42, 52, 14850; in the diaspora, 154; judaization of, 15458

Caesarea, 46, 61, 113, 147, 204; synagogues in, 224

Cairo geniza, 7, 255, 258, 266, 276

calendar, 71, 256, 257

charity, rabbinic attitude toward, 22730. See also community, Christians

Capernaum, 207, 210, 211, 223

Christianity, 73, 9091; conversion to, 119, 196; heresy in, 186, 192; origins in Galilee of, 39; orthodoxy in, 183, 192, 194; the sacred in, 259

Christians, 48, 49, 62, 64, 86, 92, 110, 147; apocalypticism and, 76; ascetics among, 195; charity among, 284; clergy among, 118, 127, 192, 195, 196; contact with Jews, 278; theological debates among, 97

churches, 143, 206, 207, 225; in Beth Shean Valley, Carmel region and Judaea, 208; dating of, 209; inscriptions in, 28384; in private dwellings, 226; in Rome, 251. See also Ravenna

circumcision, 20, 10910, 188, 190; among Arabs, 189; of slaves, 195

clergy. See Christians, primates

city councils, 104, 111, 112, 118, 119, 140; decline of, 185; exemptions from, 195; Jews in, 130, 136, 142, 190

client kingdoms, 98, 105

Cohen, Shaye, 11213

coins, 25, 36, 53, 104, 126, 210, 213; debasement of, 185; Hasmonean and Herodian, 138; images on, 133, 13644, 173

community, 236; rabbinic attitude toward, 22730, 234; sanctity of, 232. See also qahal

Community Rule. See Serekh Hayahad

Constantinople, 118, 126, 212

covenantal nomism, 66, 78, 259

Daniel, 75, 76, 78

Dead Sea scrolls, 9, 30, 78, 96, 97, 218. See also Serekh Hayahad

Dead Sea sect, 57, 62. See also Essenes, sects

defensor civitatis, 19697

democratization, 1214, 215

demons, 77, 78, 79, 85. See also angels

Deuteronomic history, 29, 31, 65, 83

Deuteronomic theology, 29, 75, 217

diaspora, 45, 200; Herod’s relations with, 46, 47; patriarchal relations with, 104, 114, 117, 118, 119, 12528; pilgrimage from, 95; revolt in, 114; status of Torah in, 7374; synagogues in, 126, 22122, 241

Diocaesarea. See Sepphoris

Diospolis. See Lydda

Domitian, 109, 18788

dualism, 30, 49, 78, 79

Ecclesiastes. See Koheleth

Edomites. See Idumaeans

Egypt, 24, 26, 31, 38, 51, 111, 126, 193, 200; status of Torah in, 74; synagogues in, 21621

Elephantine, 50, 55, 217

En Geddi, 26163, 278

Enoch, First Book of, 10, 30, 31, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80

epigrams, funerary, 15253, 15758, 159

epigraphic culture, 28183

Epiphanius, 116, 117, 118, 143, 205

epispasm. See circumcision

euergetism, 127, 160, 185, 203, 276, 28487; rural, 277

Essenes, 49, 58, 84, 9298

Ezra, 2021, 94

Ezra, Fourth Book of, 65, 82, 1089

fiscus iudaicus, 10910, 139, 18788, 190. See also taxation

friendship, 39, 42

gabbaim. See charity

Galilee, 36, 39, 44, 61, 93, 108, 112, 13032, 207; in Bar Kokhba Revolt, 110; devotion to temple in, 52; Hasmonean conquest of, 38; status of rabbis in, 113, 115; status of Torah in, 71; synagogues in, 208, 223; upper, 124, 128

Gamaliel II, Rabban, 112, 167, 16871

Gaza, 46, 186, 204, 206

Giddens, Anthony, 34

God fearers, 201, 221

Goitein, Shelomo Dov, 7, 276

Golan Heights, 108, 128, 130, 131

Goodenough, Erwin R., 78, 13336, 160, 247

Goodman, Martin, 9495, 187

Gospels, 92; of Mark, 93; of Matthew, 93; synagogues in, 223

Great Revolt, 61, 87, 225; number of casualties in, 108

Greek cities, 267, 28, 32, 109, 111; Hasmonean treatment of, 38; rabbis in, 124; relations with Herod of, 44, 46; restoration by Pompey of, 43

Hadrian, 133, 141; cult of, 140, 143, 147, 159

Hamat Gader, 174, 206

Hamat Tiberias. See Tiberias

Hasmoneans, 33, 34, 56, 58; civil war of, 4244; construction in Jerusalem by, 47; priestly origins of, 33; territorial expansion of, 36, 5152, 95

hazanim, 117, 231

Hecataeus of Abdera, 9495

Hekhalot, 84, 85, 180, 258

hellenization, 1, 1214, 2225, 133

Herod, 34, 39, 41, 4348, 51, 58, 87, 88, 106; relations with diaspora of, 114

Herod Antipas, 48, 73

Herod Philip, 48, 72

Honorius, 117, 127

Hyrcanus II, 42, 54

Hyrcanus son of Joseph. See Tobiads

iconoclasm; Christian, 260; Jewish, 25960

iconography; Christian, 244; Dionysiac, 144, 15657, 159, 171; Jewish, 50, 13436, 145, 148, 14950, 15457, 160, 24363; pagan, 161

Idumaeans, 36, 39, 42, 46, 61, 67, 108, 200; circumcision among, 37; Hasmonean conquest of, 37, 51; status of Torah among, 72

incense, 25657

Ituraeans, 38, 4243, 106

James brother of Jesus, 89, 91

Jason the Oniad, 32, 55, 56

Jericho, 57, 28788

Jerome, 118

Jesus of Nazareth, 73, 89, 9091

Job, 29, 31, 85

John the Baptist, 86

John Chrysostom, 182

John of Gischala, 72

John Hyrcanus, 35, 36, 39, 40

Jones, A. H. M., 141

Joppa, 46, 130

Joseph son of Tobias. See Tobiads

Josephus, 11, 27, 37, 39, 61, 64, 81, 86, 8788, 91, 132, 218; documents quoted by, 54, 60; in Galilee, 72; on the Hasmonean expansion, 41; population numbers in, 93, 95; as priest, 90

Jotapata, 36

Jubilees, Book of, 75, 79, 80, 82

Judah I Ha-nasi, Rabbi, 113, 118, 12122, 138, 140, 211

Judah Maccabee, 34, 35, 50

Judas the Galilean, 88, 89, 92

Julian the Apostate, 116, 127

Justinian, 179, 186, 199

Justinian Code, 193

Koheleth, 10, 29, 30, 31, 77, 83

Legio-Capercotna, 108, 133

Libanius, 118, 201, 28586

Lieberman, Saul, 162, 182

literacy, 11, 29, 63, 83, 109

liturgy, 250; rabbinization of, 263; relation to epigraphy of, 280. See also piyyut

Lydda, 58, 104, 113, 130, 132; coins of, 139

Maccabean Revolt, 2225, 76

Maccabees, First Book of, 33, 59, 61, 81, 87

Maccabees, Second Book of, 35, 40, 55, 59

magic, 8487, 89, 116, 147

marginaliztion, 179, 19499

Martial, 109

menorah, 50, 253; as symbol, 156, 24445, 248, 252, 254, 256

Meroth, 213, 244, 279

Mesopotamia, 26, 43. See also Babylonia

minim, 132, 133. See also Christians

Minorca, 126, 19699

miqva’ot, 142, 144. See also baths

Mithraism, 225, 250, 284

monetization. See coins

Mount Gerizim, 37, 39. See also Samaritans

mosaics, 144, 159, 169, 206, 213; funding of, 280

Nabataeans, 37, 38, 44, 51, 70, 72; Roman annexation of, 106, 107, 112

Negev, 2034

Nehemiah, 2021, 22, 94

Nerva, 109, 18788

Neusner, Jacob, 810

Origen, 113, 211

parnasim. See charity, community

Parthian Empire, 1, 43, 44

patriarchs, 185, 196; crypto-Christianity of, 205; end of, 180, 192; imperial patronage of, 192; influence in villages of, 277; in public fasts, 231; and synagogues, 28687

patronage, 196, 197, 198, 201, 222, 22728; patriarchs and, 115; rabbis and, 128; rural, 28586

Paul, 65, 78, 84

Pentateuch, 65; authorization as law code of, 2022, 5558; interpretation of, 67; normative status of, 6874; oral Torah and, 68; redistributive program of, 22728. See also Torah scrolls

Persian Empire, 20, 24, 26, 52

Pharisees, 43, 49, 58, 62, 64, 88, 9298, 110, 112; Herod’s relations with, 45. See also sects

Philo of Alexandria, 86, 218, 220, 221

pilgrimage, 46, 47, 58, 110, 223; Christian, 207; disorder during, 97; economic impact of, 94

piyyut, 180, 199, 205, 243, 250, 258, 26374; attitude to Christianity in, 270; audience of, 267; non-rabbinic, 264; origins of, 267; relation to kontakion of, 266; social history of, 265; zodiac in, 27073. See also liturgy

Pompey, 41, 43, 77

population size, of Palestine, 1011, 41

priests (kohanim), 1112, 40, 42, 6162; gifts to, 11013; Herod and, 45; as landowners, 72; in late antique epigraphy, 273; as mantics, 86; as mediators of Torah, 72; number of, 9495

primates, 117, 118, 12021, 127, 19293, 195, 199. See also clergy, patriarchs

problem of evil, 30, 76, 83

proseuche, 217, 218, 221. See also synagogues

Ptolemies, 27, 28, 29; Jews’ alliance with, 219

qahal, 200, 275; rabbinic silence about, 227. See also community

Qasyon, 131

rabbis, 69, 96, 97; attitude to art of, 247, 260; attitude to the synagogue of, 22639; authority of, 67, 13; conception of sanctity of, 248; marginality of, 199; numbers of, 12

Rama, er-, 153, 208

Ravenna, 246, 251, 252, 257

Rehov, 26061, 280

relics, cult of, 19699

Roman citizenship, 40, 105, 161

Roman law; as historical evidence, 187; concerning Jews, 18695

Roman legions, 1078, 133; salary of troops in, 15051

Roman provincial law, 70, 106, 111

Sadducees, 43, 49, 64, 81, 9298; Herod’s relations with, 45. See also sects

Salome Alexandra, 42, 45

Salome Komaise, archive of, 71

Samaria, 25, 33, 38, 57, 207

Samaritans, 36, 37, 48, 191, 198, 205, 213, 221. See also Mount Gerizim, Shechem

Sanders, Edward P., 66, 81, 91

Scythopolis. See Beth Shean

scribes, 1112, 29, 64, 68, 72, 90; as mantics, 8284, 86; multilingualism of, 107; priests and levites as, 74

sects, 9198; size of, 9395. See also Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Christians

Sefer Harazim, 84, 180, 258

Sefer Yezirah, 180

Seleucids, 29, 33, 36, 106

senate: of Constantinople, 117, 118, 198; of Rome, 35, 44

Sepphoris, 104, 108, 113, 118, 119, 124, 132, 134, 204, 207; bishops in, 205; priests in, 144; synagogues in, 143, 205, 24852, 253, 254, 255, 259

Septimius Severus, 137, 139, 141, 142

Serekh Hayahad, 75, 78, 7981. See also Dead Sea scrolls

Shechem, 37, 138, 141. See also Samaritans

Simon the Hasmonean, 35, 36

Simonias, 12122

slaves, 195

structural functionalism, 34

synagogues, 5758, 131; art in, 104, 135, 246, 247, 24952 (see also iconography); common meals in, 221, 222, 223; communal ownership of, 233; confusion with temples of, 237; dating of, 20812; destruction of, 195; in fortresses, 225; in Jerusalem, 22324; in Nazareth, 223; prayer in, 218, 221; rabbinization of, 25974; rabbis’ relations with, 116, 124, 238; sacrifices in, 221; sanctity of, 227, 23637

Syria, 26, 33, 126, 203, 207, 28586; economic boom in, 212; pagan shrines in, 211, 247, 253, 282

taxation, 40, 12528; Hasmonean, 41; Ptolemaic, 28; Roman, 105. See also apostole, fiscus iudaicus

Tchalenko, Georges, 212, 213

Tcherikover, Victor, 3233, 56

temple: of Jerusalem, 21722: in art, 249; construction of, 20; destruction of, 104; Herodian reconstruction of, 47; imperial patronage of, 55; as symbol, 61; synagogue as reflection of, 259; in Egypt, 217; Oniad, 218

Tertullian, 172, 18990

Theodosian Code, 114, 116, 118, 120, 185, 187

Theodosius I, 186, 192, 193, 194

Theodosius II, 183, 192

Tiberias, 11, 57, 61, 104, 113, 117, 118, 124, 132, 173, 204, 207; bishops in, 205; Hamat, 117, 137, 143, 206, 255; and the Palestinian Talmud, 14548; synagogues in, 143, 205, 224

Tobiads, 22, 2728, 29, 33, 35, 57

Torah. See Pentateuch, Torah scrolls, Torah shrines

Torah scrolls, 50, 59, 60, 224, 24143, 248; reading of, 218, 221, 222, 241; sanctity of, 23133; as symbols, 61; in synagogues, 63, 259; translation of, 220, 24243; written by magicians, 232

Torah shrines, 242; in iconography, 24445, 254

Toubias. See Tobiads

trade, 108, 113, 126, 131, 212; velocity of, 27880

tryphe, 15252

Tyre, 27, 32

Urbach, E. E., 172, 255

Venusia, 125, 198

Vespasian, 130, 131, 137, 188

Wasserstein, Abraham, 70

Weber, Max, 5, 153

Weiss, Ze’ev, 24852

wisdom literature, 2931. See also Ben Sira, Job, Koheleth

Yannai the payyetan, 181, 263, 26870

Yohanan bar Nappaha, Rabbi, 140, 173

Zadokites, 34, 50

Zionism, 57

zodiacs, 244, 249, 253, 25556, 25859, 27172. See also astrology, mosaics