1 Department for Transport, National Travel Survey: England 2015, 2016,
2 Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Cycling in the Netherlands, 2009,
3 United Nations, “World’s Population Increasingly Urban with More Than Half Living in Urban Areas,” July 10, 2014,
1 Royal College of Physicians, “National Review of Asthma Deaths,” 2015,
2 Daniela Schmid and Michael F. Leitzmann, “Television Viewing and Time Spent Sedentary in Relation to Cancer Risk: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 106, Vol. 7 (2014),
3 Interview with the author.
4 John Pucher and Ralph Buehler, “At the Frontiers of Cycling: Policy Innovations in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany,” World Transport Policy and Practice (December 2007),
5 Jeroen Johan de Hartog, Hanna Boogaard, Hans Nijland, and Gerard Hoek, “Do the Health Benefits of Cycling Outweigh the Risks?” Environmental Health Perspectives 118 (2010):1109–16,
6 Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, “Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Statistics,”
7 K. Powell and S. Blair, “The Public Health Burdens of Sedentary Living Habits: Theoretical but Realistic Estimates,” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 26, Vol. 7 (1994): 851–6, doi: 10.1249/00005768-199407000-00007.
8 British Heart Foundation, “Physical Activity Statistics 2012,” July 2012,
9, “Casualties Involved in Reported Road Accidents,” updated June 30, 2016,
10 Interview with the author.
11 Interview with the author.
12 World Health Organization, “Physical Inactivity: A Global Public Health Problem,” 2016,
13 I. M. Lee et al., “Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: An analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy,” The Lancet 380 (2012):219–29.
14 Interview with the author.
15 Charles E. Matthews et al., “Influence of Exercise, Walking, Cycling, and Overall Nonexercise Physical Activity on Mortality in Chinese Women,” American Journal of Epidemiology 165, Vol. 12 (2007):1343–50.
16 Interview with the author.
17 Interview with the author.
18 World Health Organization, “The Challenge of Obesity—Quick Statistics,”
19 Department for Transport, “National Travel Survey: England 2014,” September 2, 2015,
20 Interview with the author.
21 Interview with the author.
22 Press Association, “Obesity Bigger Cost for Britain Than War and Terror,” November 20, 2014,
23 National Health Executive, “Obesity Will Bankrupt NHS If Unchecked—Stevens,” September 18, 2014,
24 Interview with the author.
25 Ulf Ekelund et al., “Physical Activity and All-cause Mortality across Levels of Overall and Abdominal Adiposity in European Men and Women: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2015),
26 A. Colin Bell et al., “The Road to Obesity or the Path to Prevention: Motorized Transportation and Obesity in China,” Obesity Research 10, Vol. 4 (2002):277–83,
27 Interview with the author.
28 Interview with the author.
29 Office for National Statistics, “2011 Census Analysis—Method of Travel to Work in England and Wales Report,” February 13, 2013,
30 Interview with the author.
31 Interview with the author.
32 Alexander Kennedy, “Exercise and Heart Disease: Cardiac Findings in Fatal Cycle Accidents,” British Journal of Sports Medicine 31 (1997):328–31.
33 Lars Bo Andersen et al., “All-Cause Mortality Associated with Physical Activity During Leisure Time, Work, Sports, and Cycling to Work,” Archives of Internal Medicine 160 (2000):1621–8.
34 Royal College of Physicians, “Consultant Physicians Working with Patients,” 2013,
35 David R. Bassett Jr. et al., “Walking, Cycling, and Obesity Rates in Europe, North America, and Australia,” Journal of Physical Activity and Health 5 (2008):795–814,
36 Interview with the author.
37 Interview with the author.
38 Interview with the author.
39 Interview with the author.
40 Interview with the author.
41 Hiekki Karppanen and Eero Mervaala, “Sodium Intake and Hypertension,” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 49, Vol. 2 (2006):59–75,
42 Interview with the author.
43 Interview with the author.
44 Interview with the author.
1 Interview with the author.
2 Association for Safe International Road Travel, “Annual Global Road Crash Statistics,”
3 Vic Langenhoff, “Stop de Kindermoord,” De Tidj, September 20, 1972. Translation from Dutch by Mark Wagenbuur.
4 Interview with the author.
5 Fietsberaad, “Cycling in the Netherlands,” 2009,
6 Figure from Fietsersbond (Dutch cycling union).
7 Statistics Netherlands, “Traffic Death Toll Substantially Down in 2013,” April 24, 2014,
8 Interview with the author.
9 All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group, “Get Britain Cycling,” April 2013,
10 Colin G. Pooley, “Understanding Walking and Cycling,” 2011,
11 Rachel Aldred et al., “Cycling Near Misses: Findings from Year One of the Near Miss Project,” 2015,
12 Rachel Aldred, “Cycling Near Misses: ‘You Need Ceaseless Vigilance If You Want to Stay Alive,’” The Guardian, March 24, 2015,
13 Julia Jones and Eve Brower, “American Deaths in Terrorism vs. Gun Violence in One Graph,”, December 30, 2015,
14 Author’s tally of CDC statistics.
15 Gerd Gigerenzer, “Dread Risk, September 11, and Fatal Traffic Accidents,” Psychological Science 15, Vol. 4 (2004): 286–7,
16 Robert Davis, Death on the Streets: Cars and the Mythology of Road Safety (West Yorkshire, England: Leading Edge Press & Publishing Ltd), 1991, p. 41.
17 Simon Rogers, “Mortality Statistics: Every Cause of Death in England and Wales,” The Guardian, January 14, 2011,
18 NHTSA National Center for Statistics and Analysis, “Distracted Driving 2013,” April 2015,
19 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “NHTSA Survey Finds 660,000 Drivers Using Cell Phones or Manipulating Electronic Devices While Driving at Any Given Daylight Moment,” April 5, 2013,,000+Drivers+Using+Cell+Phones+or+Manipulating+Electronic+Devices+While+Driving+At+Any+Given+Daylight+Moment.
20 Interview with the author.
21 Peter Walker, “80mph Speed Limit ‘Would Increase Deaths by 20%,’” The Guardian, December 25, 2011,
22 Fred Mannering, “An Empirical Analysis of Driver Perceptions of the Relationship . . .,” Transportation Research Part F (2008),
23 Grant Rollins, “Speed Cams Pull a Fast One,” The Sun, September 30, 2015,
24 J. S. Dean, Murder Most Foul (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd), 1947. Full text available:
25 Ibid.
26 Ibid.
27 Mayer Hillman et al., One False Move. A Study of Children’s Independent Mobility (London: Policy Studies Institute), 1990,
28 Ibid.
29 Ibid.
30 Peter Jacobsen et al., “Who Owns the Roads? How Motorised Traffic Discourages Walking and Cycling,” Injury Prevention 15 (2009):369–73,
31 Interview with the author.
32 Nathan Tempey, “NYPD: Despite What We Said Earlier, Cyclist Killed in Brooklyn Wasn’t Salmoning After All,”, April 26, 2016,
33 Miranda Katz, “NYPD Says It’s Possible Truck’s ‘Wind Force’ Killed Park Slope Cyclist,”, April 21, 2016,
34 Ian Roberts and Carolyn Coggan, “Blaming Children for Child Pedestrian Injuries,” Social Science and Medicine 38 (1994):749–53,
35 Martin Porter, “Dangerous Drivers Should Not Be Allowed to Choose Trial by Jury,” The Guardian, April 8, 2016.
36 Tamsyn Kent, “Cycling Deaths: Fewer Than Half of Drivers Face Jail,, July 20, 2014,
37 BBC, “Motorists Still Driving Despite Many Penalty Points, Figures Show,” September 5, 2013,
38 A. Lightstone et al., “Relationship Between Driver’s Record and Automobile versus Child Pedestrian Collisions,” Injury Prevention 3 (1997):262–66,
39 Ronald M. Davis, “Accidents Are Not Unpredictable,” British Medical Journal (June 2001) 322:1320.
40 Department for Transport, “Relationship between Speed and Risk of Fatal Injury: Pedestrians and Car Occupants,” September 2010,
41 Brian C. Tefft, “Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Severe Injury or Death,” September 2011,
42 OECD statistics.
43 UK Department for Transport statistics.
44 Interview with the author.
45 Interview with the author.
1 Peter Walker, “Utrecht’s Cycling Lessons for Migrants: ‘Riding a Bike Makes Me Feel More Dutch,’” The Guardian, April 28, 2016,
2 Interview with the author.
3 UK Office for National Statistics.
4 Center for Transit Oriented Development, 2008 study.
5 2011 UK census, car or van availability by local authority.
6 Enrique Peñalosa TED talk, September 2013.
7 UK National Travel Survey.
8 League of American Bicyclists.
9 John Pucher and Ralph Buehler, City Cycling (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press), 2012.
10 2011 census, analysis: cycling to work.
11 Pucher and Buehler, City Cycling.
12 TransAlt, “Fifth and Sixth Avenue Bicycle and Traffic Study,” 2015,
13 Rosamund Urwin, “Why Are Female Cyclists More Vulnerable to London’s Lorries?” Evening Standard, June 24, 2015,
14 Steve Connor, “Professor Steve Jones: A Very Natural Scientist,” Independent, April 10, 1999,
15 Patricia A. Vertinsky, The Eternally Wounded Woman (Champaign: The University of Illinois Press), 1994.
16 Interview with the author.
17 Chris Rissel et al., “Two Pilot Studies of the Effect of Bicycling on Balance and Leg Strength among Older Adults,” Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Vol. 2013,
18 AARP, “Waiting for a Ride: Transit Access and America’s Aging Population,” 2012,
19 Jack Oortwijn, “Dutch E-bikes Excel in Growing Bicycle Sales,” Bike Europe, February 2, 2016,
20 Interview with the author.
21 Odense municipality statistic.
22 National Center for Safe Routes to School, “How Children Get to School,” November 2011,
23 Department for Transport: National Travel Survey.
24 Alison Carver et al., “A Comparison Study of Children’s Independent Mobility in England and Australia,” Children’s Geographies 11, Vol. 4 (2013):461–75,
25 Alison Carver et al, “Bicycles Gathering Dust Rather Than Raising Dust—Prevalence and Predictors of Cycling among Australian Schoolchildren,” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 18 (2015):540–44,
26 Alison Carver et al., “Are Children and Adolescents Less Active If Parents Restrict Their Physical Activity and Active Transport Due to Perceived Risk?” Social Science & Medicine 70 (2010):1799–1805,
27 Interview with the author.
28 Interview with the author.
29 “What are the barriers to cycling amongst ethnic minority groups and people from deprived backgrounds?” November 2011,
30 Greater London Authority, “Human Streets: The Mayor’s Vision for Cycling, Three Years on,” March 2016,
31 Interview with the author.
32 Brian McKenzie, “Modes Less Traveled—Bicycling and Walking to Work in the United States: 2008–2012,” May 2014,
33 Interview with the author.
34 Interview with the author.
35 OECD, “Launch of OECD Report—The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport,” May 21, 2014,
36 World Health Organization, Global Health Observatory data.
37 Steve Yim and Steven Barrett, “Public Health Impacts of Combustion Emissions in the United Kingdom,” Environmental Science and Technology 26 (2012):4291–96.
38 Peter Walker, “Air Pollution: How Big a Problem Is It for Cyclists?” The Guardian, February 20, 2014,
39 WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database.
40 2011 Indian census, quoted by United Nations Economic Programme.
41 Gordon Mitchell and Danny Dorling, “An Environmental Justice Analysis of British Air Quality,” Environment and Planning (2003):909–29,
42 Katie King and Sean Healy, “Analysing Air Pollution Exposure in London,”
43 Walker, “Air Pollution: How Big a Problem Is It for Cyclists?”
44 Greater London Authority, “Mayor of London Announces Bold Plans to Clean Up London’s Toxic Air,” May 13, 2016,
45 Interview with the author.
46 European Commission Joint Research Centre: C02 per capita for world countries.
47 Climate Reality Project.
48 European Cyclists’ Federation, “Cycle More Often 2 Cool Down the Planet,” November 2011,
49 Jacob Mason, Lew Fulton, and Zane McDonald, “A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario,” November 12, 2015,
50 Interview with the author.
51 Interview with the author.
1 Interview with the author.
2 Odense municipality figures.
3 Interview with the author.
4 Chris Kenyon, “Unilever PLC, with €50bn Turnover and 1,200 Staff in London, Backs ‘Crossrail for Bikes,’”, October 6, 2014,
5 Peter Walker, “Cyclists v Lobbyists: Gloves Are off in the Battle for London’s Cycle Lanes,” The Guardian, October 10, 2014,
6 Interview with the author.
7 David Carslaw, “Oxford Street—Highest NO2 Concentrations in the World?”, July 9, 2014,
8 Reuven Blau, “Mike Bloomberg Vetoes ‘Living Wage’ Bill,” New York Daily News, May 31, 2012,
9 Interview with the author.
10 “Shoppers and How They Travel,”, 2006,
11 City of Copenhagen statistics cited by Cycling Embassy of Denmark:
12 New York City Department of Transportation, “The Economic Benefits of Sustainable Streets,” 2016,
13 Donald Shoup, “Gone Parkin’,” The New York Times, March 29, 2007.
14 Interview with the author.
15 Shoup, “Gone Parkin’.”
16 Ibid.
17 Donald Shoup, “The High Cost of Minimum Parking Requirements,” in Parking: Issues and Policies (Transport and Sustainability, Volume 5) (2014):87–113,
18 Donald Shoup, “The High Cost of Free Parking,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 17 (1997):3–20,
19 Dr. Ing Udo J. Becker, Thilo Becker, and Julia Gerlach, “The True Costs of Automobility: External Costs of Cars Overview on Existing Estimates in EU-27,” October 2012,
20 Victoria Transport Policy Institute, “Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis Techniques, Estimates and Implications,” Updated January 2009,
21 Paul Tranter, “Effective Speed: Cycling Because it’s ‘Faster’,” in Pucher and Buehler, City Cycling, ch. 4.
22 UK Parliament, “Memorandum from Living Streets (RS 25),” February 2008,
23 Donald Appleyard with M. S. Gerson and M. Lintell, Livable Streets (Berkeley: University of California Press), 1981.
24 Joshua Hart and Prof. Graham Parkhurst, “Driven to Excess: Impacts of Motor Vehicles on the Quality of Life of Residents of Three Streets in Bristol UK,”
25 Erin York Cornwell and Linda J. Waite, “Social Disconnectedness, Perceived Isolation, and Health among Older Adults,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2009, Vol. 50 (March 2009):31–48,
26 Julianne Holt-Lunstad et al., “Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review,” Perspectives on Psychological Science 2015, Vol. 10(2) (2015):227–37,
27 Quoted in Todd Litman, “Community Cohesion as a Transport Planning Objective,” Victoria Transport Policy Institute, August 24, 2016,
28 Elizabeth Whitaker, “The Bicycle Makes the Eyes Smile: Exercise, Aging, and Psychophysical Well-Being in Older Italian Cyclists,” Medical Anthropology 24 (2005).
1 Interview with the author.
2 City of Seville statistics.
3 Land Transport Authority, “Passenger Transport Mode Shares in World Cities,” 2011,
4 New York City Department of Transportation, “2014 NYC In-Season Cycling Indicator,”
5 Transport for London statistics, March 2016.
6 Transport for London statistics, June 2016.
7 Interview with the author.
8 Interview with the author.
9 Statistic from Fietsersbond.
10 Nicole Foletta, “Case Study: Houten, Utrecht, the Netherlands,” ITDP Europe, 2011,
11 Coroner ME Hassell, “Regulation 28: Prevention of Future Deaths Report,” October 17, 2013,
12 Peter Walker and Guy Grandjean, “A Cyclist’s View of London’s Notorious Cycle Superhighway 2—Video,”, November 15, 2013,
13 Transport for London, “Quietway 7 (Elephant & Castle to Crystal Palace)—Proposed changes in Lambeth–West Dulwich Area,”
14 Portland Bureau of Transportation, “Four Types of Transportation Cyclists,” 2006,
15 John Forester, Effective Cycling (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), 1976.
16 Interview with the author.
17 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, “Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities,” 1999,
18 John Franklin, Cyclecraft: The Complete Guide to Safe and Enjoyable Cycling for Adults and Children, 2nd ed. (London: H. M. Stationery Office), 2007.
19 Interview with the author.
20 Interview with the author.
21 Interview with the author.
22 Best Conceptual Project: 2015 London Planning Awards.
23 New York City Department of Transportation, “New York City Cycling Risk Indicator,” 2014,
24 Transport for London annual statistics.
25 UK Department for Transport: Reported Road Casualties, and National Travel Survey.
26 Peter Lyndon Jacobsen, “Safety in Numbers: More Walkers and Bicyclists, Safer Walking and Bicycling,” Injury Prevention 9 (2003):205–9,
27 Judy Geyer et al., “The Continuing Debate about Safety in Numbers—Data from Oakland, CA,” Safe Transportation Research & Education Center. UC Berkeley, 2006,
28 Jennifer Mindell et al., “Exposure-Based, ‘Like-for-Like’ Assessment of Road Safety by Travel Mode Using Routine Health Data,” PLoS One, Vol. 7, 2012,
29 Interview with the author.
30 Rachel Aldred, “These Deaths Are Preventable. Let’s Help Prevent Them,”, July 9, 2013,
1 Interview with the author.
2 Interview with the author.
3 Dan Carrier, “CS11 Bike Route Plans: Is It Cyclists vs Tom Conti and the Car Drivers?” Camden New Journal, March 7, 2016,
4 UK Parliament, “Daily Hansard,” Monday, December 14, 2015,
5 Andrew Gilligan, “‘If You Want Cycling Improvements, You Have to Keep Fighting for Them,’” The Guardian, March 17, 2016,
6 Interview with the author.
7 Interview with the author.
8 Natalie O’Neill, “The Prospect Park West Bike Lane Had our Presses Rolling All Year Long,” The Brooklyn Paper, December 30, 2011,
9 Interview with the author.
10 Interview with the author.
11 Odense city statistics.
12 Interview with the author.
13 “The Portland Bicycle Story,” Portland State University,
14 Michael Andersen, “Portland’s New Surge in Bike Commuting Is Real—and It’s Gas-Price Proof,”, September 5, 2016,
15 Odense city statistic.
16 Interview with the author.
17 Beijing Transport Research Centre (2011), cited by Sustainable Transport in China.
18 This is the WHO estimate; official Chinese road fatality statistics are widely seen as too low.
19 Interview with the author.
20 Philippines census 2015.
21 Tony Lopez, “Solving Manila’s Traffic,” Manila Standard, June 4, 2014,
22 Interview with the author.
23 At The Guardian Live event, “How can we get more people cycling in London?” with author, March 10, 2016.
24 Interview with the author.
25 Interview with the author.
26 Interview with the author.
1 Michael Polhamus, “Bill Would Require Neon Clothes, Government ID for Cyclists,” Jackson Hole News and Guide, January 30, 2015,
2 Wes Johnson, “Missouri Bill Requires Bicyclists to Fly 15-Foot Flag on Country Roads,” Springfield News-Leader, January 14, 2016.
3 “School Pupils Encouraged to Wear Hi-Vis Vests in Road Safety Scheme,” Grimsby Telegraph, January 23, 2012,
4 Chris Boardman, “Why I Didn’t Wear a Helmet on BBC Breakfast,”, November 3, 2014,
5 Nick Hussey, “Why My Cycling Clothing Company Uses Models without Helmets,” The Guardian, February 4, 2016,
6 Peter Jacobsen and Harry Rutter, “Cycling Safety,” in Pucher and Buehler, City Cycling, ch. 7.
7 “Helmets for Pedal Cyclists and for Users of Skateboards and Roller Skates,” European Committee for Standardization, 1997,
8 R.G. Attewell, K. Glase, and M. McFadden, “Bicycle Helmet Efficacy: A Meta-Analysis,” Accident Analysis and Prevention 33 (2001).
9 Rune Elvik, “Publication bias and time-trend bias in meta-analysis of bicycle helmet efficacy: A re-analysis of Attewell, Glase and McFadden,” Accident Analysis and Prevention 43 (2011):1245–51.
10 E-mail exchange with the author.
11 Davis, Death on the Streets.
12 1985 Durbin-Harvey report, commissioned by UK Department of Transport from two professors of statistics.
13 Ian Walker, “Drivers Overtaking Bicyclists: Objective Data on the Effects of Riding Position, Helmet Use, Vehicle Type and Apparent Gender,” Accident Analysis and Prevention 39 (2007):417–25.
14 “Wearing a Helmet Puts Cyclists at Risk, Suggests Research,” University of Bath, September 11, 2016,
15 Tim Gamble and Ian Walker, “Wearing a Bicycle Helmet Can Increase Risk Taking and Sensation Seeking in Adults,” Psychological Science, 2016.
16 “Helmet Wearing Increases Risk Taking and Sensation Seeking,” University of Bath, January 25, 2016,
17 Fishman et al., “Barriers and Facilitators to Public Bicycle Scheme Use: A Qualitative Approach,” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 15, Vol. 6 (2012):686–98.
18 Interview with the author.
19 N.C. Smith and M.W. Milthorpe, “An Observational Survey of Law Compliance and Helmet Wearing by Bicyclists in New South Wales—1993 (4th survey).” NSW Roads & Traffic Authority, 1993.
20 Colin Clarke, “Evaluation of New Zealand’s Bicycle Helmet Law,” New Zealand Medical Journal 125 (2012),
21 Chris Rissel and Li Ming Wen, “The Possible Effect on Frequency of Cycling if Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Legislation Was Repealed in Sydney, Australia: A Cross Sectional Survey,” Health Promotion Journal of Australia 22 (2011),
22 Piet de Jong, “The Health Impact of Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws,” Risk Analysis, 2012.
23 Beverley Turner, “It’s Not Just Skiers Who Should Wear Helmets,” The Telegraph, December 31, 2013,
24 J. Carroll et al., “Jersey Scrutiny Review: Compulsory Wearing of Cycle Helmets,” Transport Research Laboratory, 2014,
25 Peter Walker, “Jersey’s Compulsory Cycle Helmet Law: Based on Emotion, Not Evidence?” The Guardian, July 30, 2014,
26 Dorothy Robinson, “No Clear Evidence from Countries that Have Enforced the Wearing of Helmets,” British Medical Journal, April 8, 2006.
27 Jessica Dennis et al., “Helmet Legislation and Admissions to Hospital for Cycling Related Head Injuries in Canadian Provinces and Territories: Interrupted Time Series Analysis,” British Medical Journal, May 14, 2013.
28 Ben Goldacre and David Spiegelhalter, “Bicycle Helmets and the Law,” British Medical Journal, June 12, 2013.
29 Shaun Helman et al., “Literature Review of Interventions to Improve the Conspicuity of Motorcyclists and Help Avoid ‘Looked but Failed to See’ Accidents,” Transport Research Laboratory, December 13, 2012,
30 Ian Walker et al., The Influence of a Bicycle Commuter’s Appearance on Drivers’ Overtaking Proximities: An On-Road Test of Bicyclist Stereotypes, High-visibility Clothing and Safety Aids in the United Kingdom,” Accident Analysis and Prevention 64 (2014):69–77,
31 Interview with the author.
1 Will Manners, “Scorchers v Cycle Haters: How Victorian Cyclists Were Also Vilified in the Press,” The Guardian, October 29, 2015,
2 Ibid.
3 Interview with the author.
4 Interview with the author.
5 “Cycling Is the New Golf,” The Economist, April 26, 2013,
6 Helen Pidd, “Cyclists v Drivers? They’re Often the Same People,” The Guardian, August 10, 2010,
7 Interview with the author.
8 “Bike-Lane Fever Grips City Officials,”, September 27, 2015,
9 Linda Grant, “OK, Maybe Cyclists Aren’t All Bad—But the Pedestrian’s Lot Is Not a Happy One Today,” The Guardian, December 26, 2015,
10 Matthew Parris, “What’s Smug and Deserves to be Decapitated?” The Times, December 27, 2007,
11 Rod Liddle, “Off Yer Bikes! Cyclists Are a Menace to Society—and Self-Righteous to Boot,” The Spectator, November 9, 2013,
12 “Do You Think It’s Time to Ask Cyclists to Take a Test Before They’re Allowed on the Roads?” (video), BBC Radio 4, May 26, 2015,
13 Peter Walker, “Sabotage and Hatred: What Have People Got Against Cyclists?” The Guardian, July 1, 2105,
14 Carlton Reid, “Robert Goodwill Taken to Task over ‘Helmet Hair’ Answer,”, May, 27, 2016,
15 Peter Walker, “When It Comes to Cycling, We’re Governed by Dimwits,” The Guardian, May 25, 2012,
16 Interview with the author.
17 Jacob Saulwick, “Duncan Gay’s Licence Plan for Cyclists Goes Against Previous Departmental Advice,” The Sydney Morning Herald, July 4, 2014,
18 Interview with the author.
19 Interview with Al-Jazeera English, May 28, 2014.
20 Interview with the author.
21 L. Basford et al., “Drivers’ Perceptions of Cyclists,” Department for Transport, 2002,
22 Peter Walker, “Sabotage and Hatred: What Have People Got Against Cyclists?” The Guardian, July 1, 2015,
23 Ibid.
24 Marilyn Johnson et al., “Identifying Risk Factors for Cyclists in the Australian Capital Territory,” Monash University Accident Research Centre, September 2014,
25 “Hooligans,”, May 12, 2016,
26 Episode broadcast January 14, 2015.
1 Interview with the author.
2 Interview with the author.
3 Interview with the author.
4 Josh Strauss and Peter Walker, “Visijax: ‘The Brightest Cycling Jacket You May Ever See’” (video), The Guardian, October 24, 2012,
5 Peter Walker, “The Cargo Bike—Somewhere Inbetween the Courier and the Truck,” The Guardian, May 2, 2012,
6 Ibid.
7 Interview with the author.
8 Pete Jordan, In The City of Bikes: The Story of the Amsterdam Cyclist (New York: Harper Perennial), 2013.
9 “Ring a Bell? It’s Borrow-a-Bike Time Again . . . ,” Cambridge News, October 12, 2007,
10 Interview with the author.
11 Interview with the author.
12 Interview with the author.
13 Colin Buchanan, Traffic in Towns: A Study of the Long Term Problems of Traffic in Urban Areas (London: H. M. Stationery Office), 1963.
1 Carlton Reid, Roads Were Not Built for Cars: How Cyclists Were the First to Push for Good Roads & Became the Pioneers of Motoring (Washington, DC: Island Press), 2015.
2 Agence France-Presse, “Oslo Moves to Ban Cars from City Centre within Four Years,” The Guardian, October 19, 2015,
3 “Swedish Capital to Go Car Free in September,” The Local, July 20, 2015,
4 Adam Greenfield, “Helsinki’s Ambitious Plan to Make Car Ownership Pointless in 10 Years,” The Guardian, July 10, 2014,
5 Stephen Moss, “End of the Car Age: How Cities Are Outgrowing the Automobile,” The Guardian, April 28, 2015,
6 Interview with the author.
7 Interview with the author.
8 Interview with the author.
9 Interview with the author.
10 Interview with the author.