Find the code snippet pertaining to the read operation. The following function will return a list of all the user's details:

override fun getAllUserList(): List<UserModel> {
val selectAllSql = "SELECT * FROM users"
return jdbcTemplate.query(selectAllSql, UserRowMapper())

selectAllSql = "SELECT * FROM users" is the query to fetch all the users from user the table. jdbcTemplate.query() will execute the query and fetch the data.

This following function will get a user's details based on id:

override fun getUserByID(id: Int): UserModel? {
val selectAllSql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?"
return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(selectAllSql, UserRowMapper(), id)

selectAllSql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?" is the query to fetch a user from the user table by using the ID. jdbcTemplate.queryForObjec() will execute the query and fetch the data.