Nugget #44
To Listen to God’s Voice, Turn Down the World’s Volume

We need to be sensitive to what lies in the unseen. Not realizing what lay just beneath their feet, many people have walked right over rich pools of oil or veins of gold. Their vision was too limited. They saw only the ground, not the treasure hidden in it.

The only safe way to decide which direction to go is to distinguish between the voices we hear: God’s, our own, and the devil’s. Learn to differentiate between these three to eliminate foggy areas in life that blind you. This skill is a key to being able to see and think clearly. Like natural fog, spiritual fog is very dangerous to drive through. Stay in the clear by knowing what God’s Word says. It perfectly reflects His voice and helps you discern whether words from other sources are true.

Every good opportunity that presents itself isn’t necessarily God’s will for us. Many times circumstances line up and everything looks good, yet the opportunity doesn’t seem right. That is why we hear from God. I’ve discovered that divine direction is found by listening to God’s still, small voice.

We should build on what we hear on the inside, not on what we see on the outside. There’s a big difference between having an ability to do something and being called and anointed to do it. You may have seen someone in church who has an ability to sing, but that talent isn’t necessarily evidence that the person has been called by God to the life of a singer. A gift is not a calling.

I am not suggesting that God isn’t directing us to use our abilities. But ability shouldn’t be the only criteria for deciding whether we make a particular choice. Not only does the Lord give us a road map, but He also provides direction signals, information signs, a vehicle, fuel, and divine direction.

We should be more interested in the unseen than in the seen. When I get my focus off of what I see, read, listen to, and watch, I can hear God speaking to my heart so much more clearly. “Listen to God’s voice in everything you do and everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track” (Prov. 3:6 MSG).

God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. It’s our choice to listen or not.

Look beyond what you see with your natural eyes. Listen with your spiritual ears. Keep your antenna up for God’s perfect direction in your life.