As mentioned throughout this book, lying signs observed during the Guilt Questions need to be compared against the same signs and behaviors the subject demonstrated during the Control Questions. What you are looking for is an inconsistency between the two. Some lying signs will increase, indicating a person is lying, and some will decrease as the person attempts to disguise guilt. For example, one liar will increase movement when asked questions, but another will sit rigid like a statue as an attempt to hide guilt. Inconsistency is the key. Look for:

•   Finger, hand, leg, and/or foot movement, or unnatural absence of movement.

•   Speech pattern changes—changing the tense between or within sentences.

•   Mispronunciation.

•   Speech doesn’t flow smoothly and naturally.

•   Repeating the question—cognitive overload—liar needs more time to fabricate.

•   Inconsistent eye movement, fabricating not recalling.

•   Avoiding or forcing eye contact.

•   Blinking slows or increases.

•   Dry lips.

•   Less color in lips.

•   Itchy nose—due to increased blood flow to erectile tissues.

•   Creates a barrier.

•   Hands, arms, legs crossed.

•   Body movements are jerky—not relaxed and natural.

•   Pursed lips.

•   Hands in front of mouth or eyes.

•   Hand on chin, finger reaching up to edge of the mouth.

•   No hand-steepling, or hand-steepling in front of the face.

•   Throat clearing.

•   Deep swallowing.

•   Stuttering.

•   Pupils dilate.

•   Contradictions between what is said and what is gestured.

•   Feigning tiredness (e.g., fake yawning).

•   Insincere smiling.

•   Clipped or shallow breathing, faster breathing.

•   Micro-expression conflicts with what is said (i.e., liar says, “Happy to see you,” but micro-expression shows “disgust”).

•   Extended blink, followed by hand to face.

•   Withdrawn or closed body posture, or suspiciously open body posture.

•   Text-bridging in sentence construction.

•   Lack of speech contractions.

•   Overly elaborate and detailed answers.