Chapter 1 - A Daring Invitation from Richard Dotts
This book is a daring invitation from me to you - for us to play together at the boundaries of time and space. As we embark on this exciting journey together, I will gently but firmly invite you to examine age-old and long-held beliefs. You will decide whether you still want to continue believing in them, and if not, be led through the process of surrendering yourself to a whole new reality.
Of course, none of this is for an “amateur” reality creator or a cynic. If you believe that the world or reality around you is as it is, and that everything is always the “same old, same old”, cast in stone and cold hard reality… then this book may not be appropriate for you at this time. I invite you to put it down and pick it up later when your heart tells you to do so.
But if your heart starts to race as you read these words, and if you always had a deep, inner knowing that reality is not what it seems to be… and that you ultimately create your own reality… then this book is an invitation for us to play! Whatever choice you make, know that it will be the perfect choice for you at this time.
After taking thousands of readers through the manifestation process and sharing my own insights about being a conscious creator, I was inspired to write this next book. The one which you are currently holding in your hands. Writing these series of books have been an exhilarating adventure for me — Not only have I been blessed with the wonderful opportunity of sharing my insights with a whole new audience I did not even know existed, readers from around the world have been writing to me, telling me about their manifestation success stories and how things have suddenly started “happening” for them in their lives. Things have started “happening” for me too, since I followed my heart to share these tips and techniques with readers all over the world. I have been led to new perspectives and new teachings, which has led me on greater and more glorious spiritual trips and adventures.
I love reading and learning about this whole process of conscious reality creation because I firmly believe it is what we have been put on this planet to do. We have been blessed with creative faculties which can be directed at will, and the Universe responds immediately and unfailingly to each and every one of our requests. If everyone living on the planet today truly understood how powerful this whole process is, the perceived problems of our time will be eradicated in no time. A problem ceases to become a problem once the solution is in sight, even if it has not technically been “solved” yet. In the same way, a “problem” is only a question we have not found the answer to for the time being.
Why do we sometimes not find the “answers” to our perceived life problems? The great Albert Einstein explained it beautifully when he said: “The problems of our generation cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that created them.” How many of us have read this quote, thought that it was somewhat clever and then glossed over it? Sit for a while and ponder over it for a moment. Einstein was hinting at a greater Universal truth… the problems of our generation cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that created them. What then, is consciousness? Consciousness is our mind, our inner state of being, our spiritual state. Einstein was telling us that you cannot expect answers to your questions, if you remain fixated on the questions. You need to move and gently shift your consciousness to resonate at the same level as the answer you seek.
Spiritual teachers and authors often speak of “levels” of consciousness, as if one is higher or lower than the other. They may say, for example, that we have a “higher” self or a “higher” level of consciousness. But please understand that any connotations of “height” or “level” is only to make this whole subject easier for us to understand. There is no physical mountain or ladder we can look at. Similarly, there is no one part of us that is “higher” than the other. Everything just is.
Can you see how pervasive the concept of “space” is in our society? Since we occupy physical space, we have come to associate so strongly with our physical realities, with the spaces that our bodies move around in. Even in our spiritual quest, we have been taught to identify with a “higher” self, or that “heaven” is a place that is physically higher than “hell”. Similar teachings are present in other religions such as Buddhism, in which the concept of a Western pure land is weaved into its teachings.
So is there really a Zen garden, or a Western pure land which all of us can physically go to? Can we physically float up to heaven, or descend into hell? Even the process of “ascension” suggests the physical motion of rising up
to something… as in the everyday usage of the word! These physical relativisms and references are useful for our initial grasping of the subject, but it will be way more exciting once you learn how to move beyond them… once you learn to see them as what they truly are: As signposts and anecdotes to help us on our way.
I invite you to stay with this thought for a moment and think about all the “space” related elements that have been so closely intertwined with our everyday existence. For example, we say that we possess certain things in our lives, or that we have “attracted” certain things into our physical reality. This means that these things are currently occupying actual physical space in our reality. What about the things which we do not yet have? Well, we consider those things to be “out there”, to be “not yet in our physical reality”, to be “there” and not “here”. Just notice how we have a tendency to attach a spatial connotation to everything in our life. Not that attaching a spatial connotation is right or wrong, but I invite you to ponder for a moment on how attached we have become to our physical realities. Then in the next chapter, I will invite you to take this thought further and ponder an entirely new reality.
At the beginning it may seem as if nothing is happening. It may seem as if you are sitting in your armchair, book in hand, doing these silly “thought experiments”. But as the famous prosperity teacher Catherine Ponder (pun not intended) used to say, “When it seems like nothing is happening, that is when everything
is happening.” Again, notice the spatial and physical connotations that we have so conveniently attached to things. If nothing “physical” is happening, then nothing real must be occurring. We judge reality on the basis of whether something is physical. But is this belief resourceful? Does it serve me? Does it serve you? I can assure you that many alternative beliefs are equally plausible and even more empowering.
Nothing is more entertaining to me than doing a “thought experiment” in my armchair, and then seeing my physical reality shift around me to accommodate my new, stretched beliefs. Think of your beliefs as a rubber band. It returns back to its original state when stretched at first, but slowly and surely as you keep stretching it… it gradually loosens. When your beliefs are loosened, you ease yourself into a new state of being, and a new state of reality. This means the creation of new results in your life.
It is important to adopt a fun and playful attitude as you engage in all of this. Stretch the rubber band of your beliefs not so that you will ultimately “get” something… but because it is fun to do so! It is fun to see the Universe respond. The more playful you get at it, the more the Universe will respond and reciprocate, and the easier it will be for you to spot signs and changes. The harder you are on yourself, expecting certain results and outcomes, the more counterproductive it becomes and the more difficult it is for you to enjoy the process. This is why I seldom make references to the “outcome” in any of the processes and techniques detailed in this book. The joy is in the playing. By stating an outcome, I am already cueing you on what to expect, and therefore restricting the infinite possibilities that you can experience for yourself. By leaving everything free and open-ended, you are inviting magic and miracles to come into your life in just the right and perfect way. The Universe will deliver just what is right and perfect for you, in line with your broader intentions. There is a saying that the yogis always had a mischievous glint in their eyes, because they know that life is only playing with them… and that they too, are playing with life.
Readers of my other books will probably find this book a little unstructured. But there is a method to the madness. As mentioned above, if you are reading this book to solve a particular urgent problem or perceived need in your life… this book may be a difficult read for you. You may just pore through it and miss all the golden nuggets. If you are reading this book hoping to find that one “new” secret, or one “missing” secret, it is going to be tough on you because then you’ll not be playing. You’ll be straining. But all is not lost. The way is simple. If you can put aside your perceived problems and worries for the period while you’re reading this book and immerse yourself completely in the nonchalant, indifferent joyful attitude of PLAY, then you’re there already. Whatever you need will be there for you when you need it. I mean this both literally and figuratively. In other words, when you stop focusing on the issues themselves and start loosening up, the goodness starts flowing into your life in endless streams. (Notice the spatial connotations I couldn’t help but use again in my previous sentence… about goodness “flowing” into your life from some point, somewhere out there, into your life! But for now, it is an apt example to illustrate my point.)
What tools do you need to “play” with reality and the Universe? Do you need a special computer that allows you to tap into the network? Fortunately not! Do you need a password that is somehow withheld from you? Nope. You already possess everything you need. Your consciousness is all you need. Your body is all you need. Your thoughts, feelings and emotions are all you need. You were born with all the tools to do this. Everything you need is already within you, in a structure that supports you. Now you just need to deliberately direct and use these tools in a certain way to achieve the results you so desire. How? Don’t even worry about consciously picking these skills up. We’ll ease right into them as you read and try the techniques suggested in the following chapters… It’s all going to be happening right here, right now, in your mind.