Picture 1: Rick and Jack Douglas, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 2: Abanazer, from the author’s collection.
Picture 3: Heritage luncheon, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 4: Rick with Ian Freeman and David Graham, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 5: Wot’s on TV Tonight tour, from the author’s collection.
Picture 6: Rick and Adam Wakeman, from the author’s collection.
Picture 7: Golf with Eric Sykes and Dennis Waterman, from the author’s collection.
Picture 8: Rick Wakeman, from the author’s collection.
Picture 9: Benjamin and grandmother, from the author’s collection.
Picture 10: Rick with mother and Olive, from the author’s collection.
Picture 11: Golf, from the author’s collection.
Picture 12: Sound check, from the author’s collection.
Pictures 13 and 14: Philadelphia party, both from the author’s collection.
Picture 15: A young Rick, from the author’s collection.
Picture 16: With Robin Gibb, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 17: Celebrity golf, from the author’s collection.
Picture 18: With Ian Freeman and Robin and Dwina Gibb, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 19: Rick as a toddler, from the author’s collection.
Picture 20: Isle of Man fun run, from the author’s collection.
Picture 21: With Wendy Richard and June Brown, © Doug McKenzie.
Picture 22: Rick in Cuba from the author’s collection.
Pictures 23: Opening of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Institute, from the author’s collection.
Picture 24: Cream bun fight, from the author’s collection.
Picture 25: With Adam Wakeman and Bonnie Tyler, from the author’s collection.