The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

AC/DC 227

Acton Town Hall, London 235, 237

Adams, Ken 57, 58

Advision Studios, Gosfield Street, London 96, 97

‘After The Ball’ 26, 27

Air India 201–2, 204

Albania, Norman Wisdom as a national treasure in 190, 192

Alfington Inn, Alfington, Devon 217–21, 224

American Soccer League 65, 66

An Audience With . . . (TV series) 212–14

Anderson, Jon 5

Apollo pub, West Harrow 176

Argentina 236–7

Ariola Records 176, 177

Aspirant Series 2

Atlantic 68

Australia 85–92, 171–4

Autotrader 136

Ball, Alan 66, 67, 68, 158, 159

Ball, Kenny 34

Ballasalla, Isle of Man 199

Banks, Gordon 58

barbecue, building a 156–7

Barfoot, Ian (Big Ian) 2, 16, 18, 36, 225

Barnet FC 63–4

Bassey, Shirley 165

BBC 50, 160

Beadle, Jeremy 133, 169, 185

Beckenbauer, Franz 70–71

Beckham, David 190

Benoît, David 27, 28, 29

Berkshire Police 223

Berry, Jake 218, 219, 221–7

Best, George 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 145

Big Match, The (TV programme) 44

Birmingham: HMV store 11

birthdays 175–9

Blessed, Brian 126

Border Television 193

Bough, Frank 201

Bowles, Stan 57

Bradford Cathedral 38

Bradford City Fire Disaster (1985) 69

Breakfast TV 201

Brentford FC 57, 73

Brown, Joe 34

Budleigh Salterton, Devon 217

Buenos Aires 236–7

BUPA 122–3

BUPA hospital, Warrington 123

Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire 215–16, 222, 223

Calver, Roy 72–5, 141, 147

Camberley, Surrey 43, 140, 155, 195

Camberley Magistrates Court 145–9

Camberley Police Station 142

Camberley Town FC 57, 71–6, 140–43, 147, 148, 149

Campbell, Junior 65

Canberra 172–4

Candy (Rick’s PA and secretary) 92–3

Castle, Fiona 40–41

Castle, Roy 37–41

Cats Protection 48

Celebrity Mastermind (TV quiz show) 47–51

Chapman, Graham 201

Charing Cross Hospital, London 50–51

Charisma Records 20

childbirth 179–83

Chloe (Rick’s German Shepherd dog) 194–7, 199, 200

choirs 37

Christianity 37, 39, 132

Classical Connection Tour 18, 24–5, 27

Collister, Bill 125

Comedians’ Golfing Society 162

Concert For Oscar, A 36

Conrad, Jess 58

Cooper, Gwen 213, 214

Cooper, Tommy 212, 213–14

Corby, Northamptonshire 33–6

Corby Festival Hall 33–4

Costa Rica 77–82

Countdown (game show) 6, 43, 211

Countdowners 6, 8

Country Airs 20, 29, 30

‘Country Airs’ 21

Cousins, Dave 218, 219

Cousins, Robin 109, 110

Crampton, Jeffrey 103–11

Croft, David 121

Crompton, Richmal: Just William books 47–8

Cronk, Chas 109

Dad’s Army (TV series) 48, 121

Daltrey, Roger 112, 115, 138

Daniels, Phil 48

Dawson, Les 192

Dawson, Miles 163, 164, 168, 169

Devils, The (film) 111

Diggers Rest, Woodbury Salterton, Devon 217

Dinnis, Richard 66

DIY 151–7

Doom (Stuart Sawney) 2, 15–18, 183

drink-driving 141–7

Droy, Mickey 59

Dubai 30

East Acton station, London 52, 53, 55

EastEnders (TV soap) 48

Egan, Mike 99–101, 103

Electric Ice show 109–11

‘Elgin Mansions’ 211–12

Elgin Mansions, Maida Vale, London 209, 211

Elizabeth, Queen, the Queen Mother 192

Elizabeth II, Queen 192

Ely, Cambridgeshire 9

EMI Australia 171, 172

England football team 190

English Rock Ensemble, The 93, 107, 177

Entwistle, John 138–9

Enzo (New York taxi driver) 226

Ertegün, Ahmet 68, 70–71

Ertegün, Nesuhi 68–71

European Open (golf) 163, 164

Exchange & Mart 136, 137

FA Vase 76

Faldo, Nick 163–4, 166–8, 170, 171

Fernandez, Tony 78, 80, 82, 104, 108, 176, 237

Festival Records 85

Fireman Sam 18–20, 24

fixers 95–101

‘Fixer’s List’ 95–6

Flett, Bob 1, 2, 3–4, 168

Flett, Gina 1, 2, 3

football 44–5, 57–76

Forsythe, John 111–12

Foxhills golf club, Ottershaw, Surrey 140, 162

Fragile Car Company, The 139

Funky Fat Fred (tour manager) 22, 23

Gable, Clark 139

Gaiety Theatre, Isle of Man 185

Gandhi, Indira 201

Gary Player Country Club, Sun City, South Africa 165

Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire 151 ‘getting your shit together’ 215–16, 217, 222, 223, 233

Giles, Johnny 66

Gilmore, Jack 52

golf 130, 140, 160–74, 190–92 Gospels, The 37–8, 39–40

Granada 43

Grand Order of Water Rats 190

Grand Theatre, Lancaster 179–80

Greenslade, Grizzle 218–23

Grumpy Old Men (TV series) 7

Grumpy Old Rock Star (Rick Wakeman) 9, 20, 36, 62–3, 77, 177, 208

Halesowen Town FC 76

Hamburg 176–8

Hamilton, David ‘Diddy’ 58

Hammersmith Hospital, west London 50, 51–5

Hammersmith Odeon 20, 21, 24

Hampshire Police 223

Harley, Steve 20

Hayward, Justin 127

heart attacks 121

Hell’s Angels 28, 29–30, 33

Hicks, Dickie 136–9

High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire 104

Woolworths 11–13

Hill, Jimmy 67

Hillingdon Borough FC 58

Hillsborough disaster (1989) 69

hippies 228–33

Hobson, Derek 193, 196, 197

Holden, Mike ‘Happy’ 2, 3, 34–5, 36

Holt, Ashley 15, 31, 104, 108, 109, 176

horse-racing 63

Howe, Steve 5

Hoxha, Enver 190

HTV 193

Hudson, Alan 57

Hull, east Yorkshire 27

Humphrys, John 50, 51

Hunt, Bernard 162

Hunt, James 158, 159

India 200–209

internal examination 124

Isle of Man 92, 125, 130, 133, 179, 185, 187, 188, 194, 196, 198


Jacques, Hattie 126

Janet (girlfriend of road crew member Toby) 209

‘January and February’ 25

Japan 83–5

Jess the Cat 16, 17

Jones, Terry 201

Jones, Tom 103

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3, 29, 103, 105, 145, 217

Jupitus, Phil 48–9

Kennedy Airport, New York 226

Kerala, India 200, 205, 206–9

KGB uniforms 208

King Arthur 183

King Arthur ice show, Wembley 109, 224

Lane, Brian ‘Deal-a-Day’ 20, 65, 85–6, 225

Langley, Jimmy 58

laser light shows 21, 23

Lavender, Ian 48, 50

Lettre, La (game show) 43

Lillettes, The 20

Lister-Todd, Peter 171, 172

Liszomania (film) 111–20

literary festivals 9

Live At Jongleurs (alternative comedy show) 6, 7

Liverpool 38

Liverpool Cathedral 39, 40

London Motor Show 135

London Weekend Television 213

Lusardi, Linda 196, 197–8

Lynch, Kenny 20

Madison Square Garden, New York 226–7

‘Magic’ 25

Malcolm (crew member) 2

Man About The House (sit-com) 45

Manchester 93, 94

Mancini, Terry 66, 68

Marlow Town FC 57, 58, 60–62

Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 15

Marsh, Rodney 57

Match of the Day (TV programme) 44

‘Merlin the Magician’ 47

Miller, Glen 24

Mind Your Language (sit-com) 45

Monty Python 201

Moore, Bobby 57, 59

Morgan, Barry 99, 101

Morgan, Garfield 191

Moss, David 76, 136

Mumbai 200, 202–6

Music Lovers, The (film) 111

‘Never is a Long Long Time’ 130

Never Mind The Buzzcocks (TV panel game show) 46

‘New Age’ music 20, 29

New York Cosmos soccer club 69, 70

New York Symphony Orchestra 105

Newell, Roger 104, 105, 176

Nichols, Paul 112, 115

Nicholson, Jack 164 1984 20, 27, 210

No Earthly Connection 176

Nobles Hospital, Isle of Man 134

Nolan, Anthony 58

Norman, Barry 209–11

Northolt Old People’s home, London 21–4

Northolt Park, Middlesex 115

Octagon Theatre, Yeovil 18

Oldham Cats 48

Olympus Cameras 76, 158

Omnibus (TV programme) 210

one-man show, Rick’s 1, 7, 33

Only Fools and Horses (TV series) 166, 221

Only When I Laugh (sit-com) 191

Osbourne, Ozzie 127

Oscar the West Highland Terrier (at Corby, Northamptonshire) 33–6

Osgood, Peter 66, 68

Osoba, Tony 58

Ottery St Mary, Devon 218, 219, 223

Panasonic 163

passive smoking 37

Paton, David 24–5, 179

Peel, Isle of Man 130, 187

Peel Golf Club 130

Pelé 70, 71

Perry, Jimmy 121

Perryman, Stevie 58, 59

Philadelphia Fury soccer team 57, 65–8

Pilot 24

Player, Gary 164, 165–6

Plymouth 194, 195

Pomeroy, Lee 80, 81, 82, 229

Pop Quiz (radio quiz show) 46–7

Port Talbot, Wales 30–33

Postman Pat 15–18

prog bands 177

prostate cancer 121

PSI blood test 121–2

Quebec 33

Quentin, Chris 58

Rabin, Trevor 129–30

Radio 2 29

Ramedios, Ramon 38

Rankin, Ian 9

Religious Bridge, Costa Rica 79–81

Reluctant Chef, The (TV show) 198–200

Return to the Centre of the Earth 33, 127, 130, 132

Rice, Sir Tim 20, 21

‘Rick Wakeman and his Band’ tour 27

Rivers, Joan 212, 213

Rolling Stones, The 227

Ronaldo, Cristiano 64

Rooney, Wayne 64

Rose Cottage Cats, Norfolk 48

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, Liverpool 38, 39

Royal Festival Hall, London 103

Royce, Henry 139

RSL (Returned and Services League) clubs 90–92


Russell, Ken 111–17, 119, 120

St Ives, Cornwall 228

Saracen’s Head pub, High Wycombe 105

Sawney, Stuart see Doom

Sayers, Barry 175, 176

Selby, Tony 58

Shapiro, Helen 47

Sheffield 95

shelving, DIY 155–6

Shepperton Studios 111, 115

Shields, Martin 176

Shilton, Peter 57, 59

signings (books, breasts, knickers, keyboard manuals etc.) 3–9, 11–13, 25, 145, 235–6, 237

Silent Nights 11

Silveira, Paul 4

Six Wives 29

Sky 171

Slough, Berkshire: High Street 212

snake-charmer 207–8

South American tour 236–7

Southend Apollo 6

Southern League 58

SPARKS (children’s medical research charity) 51, 55

Squire, Chris 4–5

stand-up comedy 9–11

Starr, Ringo 65, 112

Status Quo 24

Stewart, Patrick 127–9

Stratton-Smith, Tony 20

Strauli, Christopher 191

Strawbs, The 109, 218, 235

Sullivan, John 166

Sun City Complex, South Africa 164–5

Sunningale Golf Club 163

Surrey Police 223

Sweeney, The (TV series) 191

Switzerland 43, 52, 66, 133, 209

Sydney 171–2

Sykes, Eric 214

Tait, Michael 227

techie fans 8–9

Tewksbury Cathedral 38

That’s My Dog (TV quiz show) 193–8

Theatre Clwydd, Mold 1

Thompson, Alan 230

Through the Keyhole (TV quiz show) 193

Toby (road crew member) 209, 225

Top Ten XI celebrity team 58, 62–5

Topping, Robert 9

Torvill and Dean 109

Tower Records, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles 4

Travel Show, The 200–209

Trevanin Farm, Woodbury Salterton, Devon 216–17

Trident Studios 99

Tropical Saint (racehorse) 63

TSW 193

Tyler, Bonnie 127

Udo, Mr 83–5

United States, touring in 105–7

vasectomy 124–7

vegetable plot, Rick’s 122

Vernon-Kell, Peter 160–61

Victoria Palace, London 109

video recorders 43–4

Vine, Tim 48 36

Wakeman, Adam (Rick’s son) 38, 71, 77–80, 133, 228, 229, 231, 232

Wakeman, Ben (Rick’s son) 133

Wakeman, Cyril Frank (Rick’s dad) 21, 22, 44, 52–5, 120, 135, 136, 175, 235, 236

Wakeman, Jemma (Rick’s daughter) 133

Wakeman, Mildred Helen (Rick’s mum) 20–23, 44, 52, 54, 96, 97, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 175, 235, 237

Wakeman, Oliver (Rick’s son) 71, 133

Wakeman, Oscar (Rick’s son) 133

Walton Heath Golf Club 163

Walton-on-Thames, Surrey 38

Warwick Castle pub, Maida Vale 209

Washington Diplomats soccer team 67

‘Waterfalls’ 20, 21, 29, 30

Watson, Tom 164

Weakest Link, The (TV quiz show) 48

Webber, Anthony 63

Webber, John 63

Wentworth Golf Club 163, 164–71

White Rock (film) 26

Wimbledon All England Lawn Tennis Club 158–60

Wisdom, Sir Norman 185–92

Wood End Residents’ Association, Northolt Park 120

Woodford, Kevin 198–9

Wooding, Dan 176

Woosnam, Phil 65

World of Sport, The (TV programme) 156

Wormwood Scrubs prison, London 51–2

Worthing FC 65

Worthington, Frank 59, 66

Yes 7, 21, 57, 107, 130, 216, 223

Yes Union tour 130

York University 25