
Receive, Receive, Receive!

Receptivity is the essence of femininity. The more you’re willing to receive gifts, compliments, and help from your husband, the more feminine and attractive you’ll be to him and the more special treatment you’ll get.

Being a good receiver means that you smile and say thanks when he tries to buy you something, tells you you’re beautiful, or offers to carry something for you. If you have been unreceptive in the past because the gifts, compliments, or help were not what you had in mind, your husband may have gotten the message that you don’t want special treatment from him. Receiving is the ultimate act of giving up control.

The more receptive you are, even if you feel uncomfortable in the moment, the more confident you’ll become.


Prescription: Make a point of graciously receiving everything you’re offered, whether it’s a stranger holding the door for you, a bagger at the grocery store offering to help you out to your car, a friend paying for lunch, or your husband putting up a curtain rod. Say “Thank you” and nothing more. No explanation is necessary, so you don’t have to offer one.


Even if you’re afraid you’ll owe a debt to someone (you won’t—by definition, gifts are free), receive each gift with open arms and gratitude. Respond to compliments by saying only “Thank you,” even if you don’t believe the compliment. Let others lighten your load by helping you move chairs or carry boxes.


If your husband offers a gift that isn’t quite right for you, keep in mind that if you reject a gift, you’re also rejecting the giver.


Make “Receive, receive, receive!” your mantra.