"Life with Father" (on Winston Churchill) November 5, 1966

"Beyond the Power Principle" (on Aron's Peace and War) January 14, 1967

"Mondo Freudo" (on Freud and Woodrow Wilson) January 21, 1967

"The Great Uncommoner" (on Disraeli) April 1, 1967

"Ancient Glittering Eyes" (on Bertrand Russell) August 19, 1967

"Games People Play" (on Raymond Roussell) October 28, 1967

"The Fire Last Time" (on Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner) November 25, 1967

"Cry Havoc" (on Céline) January 20, 1968

"Of Nuance and Scruple" (On Beckett) April 27, 1968

"A Death of Kings" (on chess) September 7, 1968

"Eastward Ho!" (on Hesse) January 18, 1969

"Displaced Person" (on Herzen) February 8. 1969

"True to Life" (on Orwell) March 29, 1969

"Last Stop for Mrs. Brown" (on C.P. Snow) July 12, 1969

"Across the River and Into the Trees" (on Hemingway) September 13, 1969

"The Tongues of Men" (on Chomsky) November 15, 1969

"Through Seas of Thought Alone" (on Vico) May 9, 1970

"Tigers in the Mirror" (on Borges) June 20, 1970

"Life-Lines" (on Arthur Koestler) March 6, 1971

"A Pillow-Book" (on Arthur Waley and Japanese and Chinese literature) June 12, 1971

"The Corn Is Blue" (on erotic literature) August 28, 1971

"Under the Greenwood Tree" (on E.M. Forster's Maurice) October 9, 1971

"The Arts of Memory" (on Lewis Namier and "Namierism") January 1, 1971

"Gent" (on Ford Madox Ford's Tietjens novels) February 12, 1972

"Fields of Force" (on Chess) October 28, 1972

"Gamesman" (on the game Go in literature) January 27, 1973

"Uneasy Rider" (on Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance) April 15, 1974

"The Lost Garden" (on Levi-Strauss) June 3, 1974

"The Forests of the Night" (on Solzhenitsyn) August 5, 1974

"Burnt-Out Case" (on Graham Greene and Rochester) October 28, 1974

"Through Seas Forlorn" (on Paul Zweig's The Adventurer: The Fate of Adventure in the Western World) January 20, 1975

"The Last Victorian" (on Aldous Huxley) February 17, 1975

"Scarlet Letters" (on Updike's A Month of Sundays) March 10, 1975

"Bookmen" (on Samuel Johnson) April 28, 1975

"The Beholder's Eye" (On Kenneth Clark) July 28, 1975

"Witches' Brews" (on Cohn's Europe's Inner Demons) September 8, 1975

"More Notes from Underground" (on Dostoevsky) October 13, 1975

"Woman's Hour" (on Redinger's Femininity and George Eliot: The Emergent Self) January 5, 1976

"Crossed Lines" (on Gaddis' JR) January 26, 1976

"A Certain Dr. Malraux" (On André Malraux) March 22, 1976

"From the House of the Dead" (On Albert Speer) April 19, 1976

"Party Lines (on Malcolm Bradbury) May 3, 1976

"The Good Soldier" (on Garibaldi) June 28 1976

"Petrified Forest" (on Keneally's Gossip from the Forest and historical fiction) August 23, 1976

"Under Eastern Eyes" (on Russian writers) October 11, 1976

"Wild Laughter" (on Karlinksy's The Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol) February 28, 1977

"The Kingdom of Appearances" (on E. H. Gombrich and art history) April 4, 1977

"Sleuths" (on detective novels) April 25, 1977

"Down Under" (on the Australian novelists Patrick White and Thomas Keneally) May 23, 1977

"Unsentimental Education" (on Fred Uhlman's Reunion) August 15, 1977

"Stepmother Russia" (on Bakunin) September 12, 1977

"By Jove" (on Holland Smith's The Death of Classical Paganism) November 14, 1977

"Give the Word" (on James Murray and the OED) November 21, 1977

"God's Spies" (on Greene's The Human Factor) May 8, 1978

"De Profundis" (on Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago Three) September 4, 1978

"God's Acres" (on The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman) October 30, 1978

"Notes from Underground" (on Hitler) March 5, 1979

"An Old Man and the Sea" (on Joseph Conrad) April 23, 1979

"Wien, Wien, Nur Du Allein" (on Anton von Webern) June 25, 1979

"A Duel" (on Thomas and Heinrich Mann) July 9, 1979

"Visions and Revisions" (On St. John Perse) September 10, 1979

"Dead Letters" (on John Barth) December 31, 1979

"Closing Time" (on Fin-de-Siécle Vienna: Politics and Culture) February 11, 1980

"Marche Funèbre" (on The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich) March 24, 1980

"The Gift of Tongues" (on Canetti's Auto-da-Fé) May 19, 1980

"Excommunications" (on Solzhenitsyn's The Oak and the Calf) August 25, 1980

"The Cleric of Treason" (on Anthony Blunt) December 8, 1980

"When Burning Sappho Loved and Sung" (on The Victorians and Ancient Greece) February 9, 1981

"Scroll and Keys" (on Anthony Burgess) April 13, 1981

"De Mortuis" (on Phillipe Ariès and The Hour of Death) June 22, 1981

"Ladies' Day" (on Marguerite Yourcenar) August 17, 1981

"Rare Bird" (on Guy Davenport) November 30, 1981

"Strange Interlude" (on Pryce-Jones' Paris in the Third Reich) January 25, 1982

"Maestro" (on Kimball's Verdi in the Age of Italian Romanticism) April 19, 1982

"Master and Man" (on Coetzee's Waiting for Barbarism) July 12, 1982

"A Tale of Three Cities" (on Canetti's memoirs) November 22, 1982

"The Strengths of Discouragement" (on Montale) May 23, 1983

"Liszt Superstar" (on Liszt) June 13, 1983

"Killing Time" (on Orwell's 1984) December 12, 1983

"Short Shrift" (on Drawn and Quartered and aphorisms) April 16, 1984

"Born Again" (on Dostoevsky) May 28, 1984

"La Morte d'Arthur" (on Arthur Koestler) June 11, 1984

"Sleeper Before Sunrise" (on Rilke) October 8, 1984

"Dream City" (on Broch) January 28, 1985

"Crossings" (on Feinstein's The Border) April 29, 1985

"The Demon Master" (on Strindberg) May 27, 1985

"Springs of Sadness" (on Muschg's The Blue Man and Other Stories) July 8, 1985

"Birth of a Nation" (on Mack Smith's Cavour) August 19, 1985

"Night Call" (on Bulgakov and Stalin) December 16, 1985

"Power Play" (on Foucault and French philosophy) March 17, 1986

"Portrait of the Artist as a Man" (on Benvenuto Cellini) April 17, 1986

"Knight of Old" (on William Marshal) May 26, 1986

"Black Danube" (on Karl Kraus & Thomas Bernhard) July 21, 1986

"The Heart of Matter" (on Chardin) November 17, 1986

"Graven Images" (on Gombrich's Aby Warburg) February 2, 1987

"Red Octobers" (on Leonard Schapiro and Russia) May 4, 1987

"Little-Read Schoolhouse" (on E.D. Hirsch and literacy) June 1, 1987

"Cornucopia" (on Schama's An Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age) September 14, 1987

"One Thousand Years of Solitude" (on Salvatore Satta) October 19, 1987

"The Good Books" (on Robert Alter and religious texts) January 11, 1988

"Life Size" (on John Cowper Powys) May 2, 1988

"Master Class" (on Alpers' rembrandt) May 30, 1988

"Poor Little Lambs" (on John Boswell's The Kindness of Strangers and orphans) February 6, 1989

"Two Hundred Years Young" (on Schama's Citizens and the French Revolution) April 17, 1989

"Wording Our World" (on Cavell's In Quest of the Ordinary) June 19, 1989

"On Paul Celan" (on Celan) August 28, 1989

"An Examined Life" (on Robert Hutchins & The University of Chicago) October 23, 1989

"The Friend of a Friend" (on Walter Benjamin & Gershom Scholem) January 22, 1990

"Man of Letter" (on Kafka) May 28, 1990

"B.B." (on Brecht) September 10, 1990

"Grandmaster" (on Nabokov) December 10, 1990

"Mars" (on Kagan's A New History of the Peloponnesian War) March 11, 1991

"Long Day's Journey Into Light" (on Goethe) September 23, 1991

"Golden Boy" (on Alexander the Great) December 9, 1991

"Bad Friday" (on Simone Weil) March 2, 1992

"Cat Man" (on Céline) August 24, 1992

"White Goddess" (on Friedrich and Elizabeth Nietzsche) October 19, 1992

"Glenn Gould's Notes" (on Glenn Gould) November 23, 1992

"A Terrible Beauty" (on William Butler Yeats and Maud Gonne) February 8, 1993

"Rule Britten" (on Benjamin Britten) July 5, 1993

"Pressure Cookers" (on Gay's The Cultivation of Hatred) October 25, 1993

"Red Guard" (on Trotsky and Jean van Heijenoort) December 20, 1993

"Stranglehold" (on Althusser's The Future Lasts Forever) February 21, 1994

"The Magus" (on Einstein) June 20, 1994

"Franco's Games" (on Franco) October 17, 1994

"The Unfinished" (on Musil's The Man Without Qualities) April 17, 1955

"Food of Love" (on Charles Rosen and Romanticism) July 24, 1995

"Foursome" (on Pessoa) January 8, 1996

"Supreme Fiction" (on John Updike) March 11, 1996

"A Red Death" (on the Aldo Moro kidnapping) March 18, 1996

"Leastness" (on Beckett) September 16, 1996

"Stones of Light" (on Levey's Florence: A Portrait) January 13, 1997

"Ex Libris" (on Manugel's A History of Reading) March 17, 1997