

You know how it feels to watch a tearjerker film, see a double-overtime championship game, or stay up all night reading a page-turner novel? It feels so amazing, you can’t wait to tell your friends about it! That’s what I love about book clubs. There’s nothing better than gathering with friends to share laughs and literature, especially when you add some yummy treats to the mix!

I’m lucky to be a member of a wonderful book club in my hometown of Oxford, Mississippi, and I encourage you to take part in a book club as well. If there’s not one open to new participants in your area, start your own.

In October, I was honored to visit the Beach Babes Book Club in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for a special premiere of Into the Free. The Beach Babes were the first book club to read Into the Free. I had so much fun hearing their reactions to Millie’s story, I decided to do it again in Colorado. And again in Mississippi. But that made me think … why stop there?

While I can’t possibly visit all the book clubs that select Into the Free as their monthly read, a video chat session sure would be fun! It’s my way of thanking you for choosing Millie’s story from all the others on the shelves.

For more information and lots of fun extras, visit or find me on Facebook at

Happy reading!


The Beach Babes Book Club in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.