I felt that readers would appreciate a short list of highly readable books on the major subjects I refer to in this book: physics, mind-body medicine, and Veda. I enthusiastically recommend the following nine books, all of which entered into my own education on these fascinating subjects.

Davies, Paul. God and the New Physics. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.

Dossey, Larry, M.D. Space, Time, and Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1982.

Franklin, Jon. Molecules of the Mind. New York: Atheneum, 1987.

Hawking, Stephen M. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam, 1988.

Kaku, Michio, Ph.D., and Jennifer Trainer. Beyond Einstein. New York: Bantam, 1987.

Locke, Stephen, M.D., and Douglas Colligan. The Healer Within. New York: Dutton, 1986.

Murchie, Guy. The Seven Mysteries of Life. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.

Smith, Anthony. The Body. New York: Viking, 1986.

Wilber, Ken, ed. Quantum Questions. Boston: Shambhala, 1984.