Chapter 3

As much as she had teased him about waiting, Natalie was close to giving in and going somewhere to explore the attraction that still existed between them.

Anticipation, she silently reminded herself.

With a quick look around the restaurant, she decided that she could only wait so long to be next to him.

“Come on,” she said and tugged on his hand to lead him toward the front of the restaurant and the hallway that led to the club area.


It was dark, crowded, and loud, Chase thought, but didn’t protest the conditions that had them moving together without an inch of space between them.

It was both torture and pleasure to have her that close, all her soft parts against his hardness.  The tight nubs of her breasts rubbing along the cotton of his T-shirt.

God, how I want her.

He brought his hands down to the upper curve of her hips to draw her even closer against his erection.

He sucked in a breath as she did a sexy back and forth shimmy along his dick and he locked his gaze on her features, watching as she did a quick glance down to where they were plastered against one another before she raised her gaze to meet his.

She laid her hands over his and urged them upward until he was bracketing her back, his thumbs along the soft undersides of her breasts.  She got up on tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “Touch me, Chase.”

He groaned as she playfully bit his earlobe and shot a quick look around.

Between the darkness and their proximity, no one was likely to notice.

He shifted his hands just enough to skim his thumbs along her the fullness of her breasts and she mewled her pleasure and rotated her hips along his in time to the beat of the music.

The heavy lub dub of the bass guitar seemed to match the beat of his heart as it raced in his chest with his growing arousal.

He dropped one hand down to cup her sweet sweet ass while he did a quick swipe across her nipple and she let out a little gasp that had his cock nearly strangling in the tight denim.

Bending slightly, he licked the sensitive skin just behind her ear and whispered, “Nat, you’re killing me. I need you so bad.”

A seductress’s husky chuckle filled his senses as she said, “The feeling is mutual, Chase.”

He pulled away to see her face.  Her eyes were glazed with desire and a becoming blush painted her cheeks with pink. She licked her dry lips and he couldn’t resist taking her mouth with his, the kiss urgent and wild.

Over and over he plunged his tongue into her mouth as they danced and touched, lost in their desire and the heavy beats of the song that vibrated through their bodies.

As the song ended, the crowd cheered for the band and they broke apart, breathing heavily.

Dazed by his need, Chase didn’t want to linger for another song, but he also didn’t want to pressure her.  But he was pleased that she seemed to want him as much as he wanted her.

As the band launched into another song, he pulled Natalie into his arms, but as she pressed against him, she rose on tiptoes once more and said, “Do you want to stay or go somewhere quieter?”

“I’d like to go,” he said, but held back on mentioning the room at the inn, just in case he was either misreading her signals or it all went south after they left the club.

“I’d like that, too.”

He grinned, grabbed hold of her hand, and led her outside, where a line of people waited to get into the restaurant.

They hurried past them and toward the boardwalk in silence.  Every now and then he’d shoot her a quick glance, trying to gauge what she wanted, but couldn’t.

It made him worry how they’d drifted so far apart that he wasn’t able to read her until the little voice in his head told him to remember her touch during dinner and their dance.

That oh-so-sexy dance and the need that had vibrated between them and hadn’t really been satisfied.

It had been like that the first night they’d met, the passion between them urgent and demanding.

As she looked up at him and smiled sexily, a mischievous glint in her eyes, he realized that maybe tonight was not much different.

When they reached the boardwalk, they strolled to the railing and leaned on it to watch the waves.

A sharp gust of breeze, cooler with night, kicked up and Natalie shivered beside him.

“Cold?” he asked and at her nod, he pulled off his hoodie, draped it around her shoulders, and moved behind her to hug her to the warmth of his body.

“Thanks.  This feels nice,” she said and looked at him over her shoulder.

He wasn’t quite sure nice was the word for the way she fit against him perfectly, her beautiful ass soft against his hard.  Her full breasts within reach of his hands if he only would shift them just a little.

Only there were a good number of people on the boardwalk since it was early, but just a sole couple down on the beach, close to the crumbling foundation of the section of the Casino building that had been torn down decades earlier.

The couple down on the beach certainly weren’t letting the crowd stop them, he thought.

“Do you see that?” she said, threads of surprise and need tangled in her tones.

“Yeah, I do. It’s . . .” Like Nat, he couldn’t figure out what to feel, only it was starting to make him even hornier and a little guilty since he couldn’t drag his eyes off the amorous couple.

“Chase,” she said and let out a shaky sigh before plunging on.  “Touch me, Chase.”

He shot a worried look around at the crowd and warned, “Nat – ”

“Please,” she pleaded and butted her ass up against his hard cock.

“Fuck,” he muttered beneath his breath, but did as she asked, reaching beneath the enveloping folds of the hoodie that hid his hand as he caressed her breast. Her nipple was tight again and he tweaked it between his thumb and forefinger.  With each little tug, she did an enticing rub along his dick.

He was going to lose it and shot one hand down to her belly to keep her still.  This time it was his turn to beg.

“Nat, please,” he said.

She covered his hand with hers and twined her fingers through his.  “Come on, Chase.  They’ve left and we’ve got the beach to ourselves now.”

He glanced toward the end of the Casino foundation and sure enough, the couple had finished their business and moved on.

They hurried down the boardwalk steps to the sand and nearly raced toward the water’s edge.  At the end of the decaying foundation, they slipped around to the wooden pilings and the safety and privacy they provided.

No one on the boardwalk could see them here.

There was no one else on the beach.

Chase couldn’t wait any longer and judging from the look on Natalie’s face, neither could she.