B. John Prepares the Way (1:4–8)
C. The Baptism of Jesus (1:9–11)
D. The Temptation of Jesus (1:12–13)
A. The Gospel Proclaimed (1:14–15)
B. Authority in Calling the First Disciples (1:16–20)
C. Authority in Exorcisms and Healings (1:21–45)
1. Driving Out an Evil Spirit (1:21–28)
2. Healing Simon Peter’s Mother-in-law (1:29–31)
3. Healing Many People (1:32–34)
4. Leaving Capernaum (1:35–39)
D. Conflict with the Religious Leaders (2:1–3:6)
1. Healing a Paralytic (2:1–12)
2. Eating with Sinners (2:13–17)
3. A Question about Fasting (2:18–22)
4. The Lord of the Sabbath (2:23–3:6)
a. Picking grain on the Sabbath (2:23–28)
b. Healing on the Sabbath (3:1–6)
A. Withdrawal to the Lake (3:7–12)
B. Selection of the Twelve (3:13–19)
C. Jesus, His Family, and the Beelzebul Controversy (3:20–35)
1. Charged with Insanity (3:20–21)
2. Charged with Demon-Possession (3:22–30)
3. Jesus’ True Family (3:31–35)
D. Parables about the Kingdom of God (4:1–34)
1. Parable of the Sower (4:1–9)
2. Secret of the Kingdom of God (4:10–12)
3. Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower (4:13–20)
4. Parables of the Lamp and the Measure (4:21–25)
5. Parable of the Secretly Growing Seed (4:26–29)
6. Parable of the Mustard Seed (4:30–32)
7. Summary Statement on Parables (4:33–34)
E. Triumph over Hostile Powers (4:35–5:43)
1. Calming the Storm (4:35–41)
2. Healing the Demon-Possessed Man (5:1–20)
3. Healing a Sick Woman and Raising Jairus’s Daughter (5:21–43)
F. Rejection at Nazareth (6:1–6a)
A. Sending Out the Twelve (6:6b–13)
B. Death of John the Baptist (6:14–29)
C. Feeding of the Five Thousand (6:30–44)
D. Walking on the Water (6:45–52)
E. Healings near Gennesaret (6:53–56)
F. Commands of God and Human Traditions (7:1–13)
H. The Faith of the Syrophoenician Woman (7:24–30)
I. Healing a Deaf and Mute Man (7:31–37)
J. Feeding the Four Thousand (8:1–10)
K. Requesting a Sign from Heaven (8:11–13)
L. The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod (8:14–21)
M. Healing a Blind Man at Bethsaida (8:22–26)
N. Recognizing Jesus as Messiah (8:27–30)
A. First Prediction of the Passion (8:31–33)
B. Requirements of Discipleship (8:34–9:1)
C. The Transfiguration (9:2–8)
D. The Coming of Elijah (9:9–13)
E. Healing a Boy with an Evil Spirit (9:14–29)
F. Second Prediction of the Passion (9:30–32)
G. A Question about Greatness (9:33–37)
H. Driving Out Demons in Jesus’ Name (9:38–41)
I. Demanding Requirements of Discipleship (9:42–50)
J. Teaching on Divorce (10:1–12)
K. Blessing the Children (10:13–16)
L. Riches and the Kingdom of God (10:17–31)
M. Third Prediction of the Passion (10:32–34)
N. The Request of James and John (10:35–45)
O. Restoring Blind Bartimaeus’s Sight (10:46–52)
A. The Triumphal Entry (11:1–11)
B. The Unfruitful Fig Tree (11:12–14)
C. The Cleansing of the Temple (11:15–19)
D. The Withered Fig Tree and Sayings on Faith and Prayer (11:20–25[26])
E. The Question about Jesus’ Authority (11:27–33)
F. The Parable of the Tenants (12:1–12)
G. The Question about Paying Taxes to Caesar (12:13–17)
H. The Question of Marriage at the Resurrection (12:18–27)
I. The Question concerning the Great Commandment (12:28–34)
J. The Question about David’s Son (12:35–37)
K. The Warning about the Teachers of the Law (12:38–40)
L. The Widow’s Offering (12:41–44)
M. The Olivet Discourse (13:1–37)
1. Prophecy of the Destruction of the Temple (13:1–2)
2. The Disciples’ Twofold Question (13:3–4)
3. Warnings against Deceivers and False Signs of the End (13:5–8)
4. Warnings of Persecution and Strife and a Call to Steadfastness (13:9–13)
5. The Abomination that Causes Desolation, and the Necessity of Flight (13:14–23)
6. The Coming of the Son of Man (13:24–27)
7. The Lesson of the Fig Tree (13:28–31)
8. The Necessity of Watchfulness (13:32–37)
A. The Plot to Arrest Jesus (14:1–2)
B. The Anointing at Bethany (14:3–9)
C. The Betrayal by Judas (14:10–11)
1. Preparation of the Meal (14:12–16)
2. Announcement of the Betrayal (14:17–21)
3. Institution of the Lord’s Supper (14:22–26)
E. The Prediction of Peter’s Denial (14:27–31)
F. The Agony of Gethsemane (14:32–42)
G. The Betrayal and Arrest (14:43–52)
H. Jesus before the Sanhedrin (14:53–65)
I. Peter’s Denial of Jesus (14:66–72)
J. The Trial before Pilate (15:1–15)
K. The Mocking of Jesus (15:16–20)
M. The Death of Jesus (15:33–41)
N. The Burial of Jesus (15:42–47)