
A grateful parent listens to a sleeping newborn through a baby monitor. An excited teenager uses an app to locate her friends at the mall for some holiday shopping. A worried family relies on a security camera to safeguard an elderly relative in a nursing home three states away.1 A hip young couple, ever so ironic, giggles at the private lives of the rich, famous, and decadent who have been caught on a paparazzo’s camera. A shy second-grader boards a bus, looks into an iris scanner, and receives instant confirmation that he’s in the right place.

This is surveillance—and it doesn’t sound so bad.

But then imagine something else: A hotel maid continues to go full tilt near the end of her shift, even when her feet start aching, because she’s being electronically monitored for maximum sheet-changing efficiency.2 A retiree is enjoying the privacy of his backyard, until he spots a small, video-equipped drone hovering overhead, gawking at him for no apparent reason. A call-center worker chooses his words carefully, painfully aware that his voice is being filtered through an automated emotion detection system that can sense an “inappropriate” tone of voice directed at a customer.3 An undocumented migrant sees security cameras pointed in her direction and feels the wariness, exhaustion, and uncertainty that come from being vulnerable to deportation. A young woman cringes because her laptop has been enslaved by malware that allows a criminal on the other side of the world to take illicit bedroom photos, which he ransoms back to her. A Muslim couple is yanked off a JetBlue flight on a Florida runway because their eighteen-month-old daughter is on the No Fly List, seemingly for no reason other than the fact that her mother, born and raised in New Jersey, wears a hijab and has a Middle Eastern name.4

This is surveillance, too, and at times it’s enough to make someone put on a tinfoil hat and hide underneath the sofa. CCTV cameras, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) scanners, National Security Agency (NSA) databases, Big Data marketers, Predator drones, stop-and-frisk police tactics, Facebook algorithms, hidden spyware, workplace monitors, and even old-fashioned nosy neighbors armed with the latest in monitoring technology—Big Brother now has many different faces, some designed to intimidate, others designed to entice our cheerful participation. Although surveillance has a long history that precedes its latest high-tech incarnation, it has a new prominence in our world today, so much so that one scholar, Kevin Haggerty, has called it “the dominant organizing practice of late modernity.” Like many other scholars who write in the emerging field of Surveillance Studies, Haggerty suggests that we are in the midst of a “world-historical transformation in terms of the emergence of new practices, dynamics, and technologies of surveillance.”5 The NSA leaker Edward Snowden put it even more dramatically when he warned a potential collaborator that “every border you cross, every purchase you make, every call you dial, every cell phone tower you pass, friend you keep, site you visit and subject line you type is in the hands of a system whose reach is unlimited, but whose safeguards are not.”6

Never before has so much been known about so many. As the sociologist William G. Staples wrote in 2000, “We seem to be entering a state of permanent visibility where attempts to control and shape our behavior, in essence our bodies, are accomplished not so much by the threat of punishment and physical force but by the act of being watched—continuously, anonymously, and automatically.”7 Almost two decades later, we are much closer to that unprecedented “state of permanent visibility” in which our secrets—what we say, what we buy, what we want—are constantly laid bare to various monitoring systems with very long memories. The vast infrastructure of surveillance is still an imperfect system with disparate parts working for disparate purposes, but these distinct state, corporate, and personal systems are likely to become increasingly interwoven in the near future. Yet even as I write in 2017, the first year of Donald Trump’s administration, the capabilities of state, corporate, and peer surveillance are enough to give most anyone pause.

Some representative examples should give you a sense of what I mean: the NSA scoops up almost every electronic utterance and stores it in a vault built to hold thousands of yottabytes in the Utah desert. Customs and Border Protection flies Predator drones over the United States that are identical to the ones in Afghanistan, minus the missiles. Across the pond, in a program with the fiendish code name Optic Nerve, the British intelligence service known as MI6 collected millions of images from Yahoo! Chat, including naked selfies, from people who were never suspects in any investigation.8 Other US allies are equally adept at surveillance practices. A soldier in an Israeli unit charged with monitoring Palestinians “whose only crime was that they interested the Israeli security system for various reasons” explained that “all Palestinians are exposed to non-stop monitoring without any legal protection.”9

The situation is not that different back home in the United States, where law enforcement is investing in sophisticated surveillance tools once reserved for soldiers and spies. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) runs surveillance planes over US cities for unspecified reasons, police cars are equipped with automated license-plate readers that can record our whereabouts at an astonishing rate, fast enough that more than 36 million scans were entered into a database for the San Diego area over a two-year period.10 Other police departments in the United States are using cell-phone tracking devices called Stingrays to arrest people for tax fraud and other humdrum crimes, though they won’t admit that these devices even exist without legal pressure from civil-rights groups like the ACLU.11 A mind-set of constant surveillance is also spreading into American public schools, where some principals, even in small towns in Iowa, are wearing police-style body cameras to record their interactions with fourteen-year-olds.12

If it sounds like government agencies are driving the spread of surveillance technologies and techniques in contemporary America, it’s important to remember that the private sector is an equal partner in this lucrative business. In addition to working with government agencies to create backdoors into our private communications, corporate America sells the drones, cameras, sensors, computers, and expertise needed to run a surveillance-obsessed society. While one US bank experiments with retina scans for ATM identification, another uses biometric voice-printing during customer service calls to confirm a customer’s identity, though it didn’t bother to let anyone know.13 (“MILLIONS OF VOICEPRINTS QUIETLY BEING HARVESTED AS LATEST IDENTIFICATION TOOL,” a headline in the Guardian reported ominously.)14 Credit-card companies can lower our credit scores the moment we make a purchase in a neighborhood where repayment histories are sketchy, while stealthy marketers track our behaviors with increasingly unnerving precision.15 A woman whose pregnancy ended in the sixth month received an unsolicited package of Enfamil baby formula with the message “You’re almost there!”—an agonizing intrusion into one woman’s private grief that resulted from a random marketer exploiting the fact that she signed up for something on an unrelated pregnancy website.16 Meanwhile, so-called smart thermostats, TVs, coffeemakers, door locks, washing machines, and other devices for home, office, and health and recreation are sending huge quantities of information about what we watch, eat, buy, and even say to their manufacturers, who share our data with unknown third parties that we might find disturbing if it were not happening behind a thick wall of legal fine print and corporate double-speak.17

Not surprisingly, some of the biggest companies of the twenty-first century are getting rich off monitoring and sharing vast quantities of personal data that we happily (and perhaps not-so-happily) divulge in the name of community, connection, and convenience.18 Facebook and other social-media sites have become essential and often joyful tools for modern living, even if we recognize the occasional creepiness with which chairman Mark Zuckerberg conducts his megabillion-dollar business. When not engaged in experiments to shape the emotions of its users, for which it was roundly denounced in 2014, or assembling the world’s largest private database for facial recognition, Facebook is watching how users read its News Feed feature and is recording whenever we linger over a particular story—even if we don’t click the Like button.19 Zuckerberg’s employees even have the ability to identify people in photos that don’t include faces—posture, clothing, or even the back of one’s head is enough to tag us.20 Of course, some alternatives to Facebook aren’t much better about protecting privacy. The popular Brazilian startup Facegloria looks just like the original, but it filters out anything “sinful” that offends its conservative evangelical owners.21 Sorry, gay Brazilians—no friends for you in God’s Panopticon!

Yet Facebook and other social media are offering something that many people want: the ability to keep close tabs on friends, family, coworkers, pets, and property. This is why we should be aware of the smaller players in the surveillance landscape—all the Little Brothers monitoring one another in the nervous age of President Trump. Much of it is harmless or even a source of joyful connection between family and friends, teachers and students, pastors and parishioners; but some of it can feel burdensome and strange. Whether it’s an automated home-security drone that zips over your property whenever it detects a threat, an app for jealous lovers trying to spy on their partners (yep, there’s an app for that), “CIA-backed surveillance software” marketed to public schools to track social-media accounts of teenagers, a facial-recognition system that allows ministers to know who’s sitting in the pews on a given Sunday, or a Duke University professor who secretly films women in cafés in the name of art—it is clear that surveillance confronts us from almost every direction, not just from faceless government agencies and multinational corporations.22 As a Guardian article posed the question: “Just how easy it is to uncover the intimate details of a complete stranger’s life?” Very easy, it turns out—especially when we constantly share our location, sometimes inadvertently, with friends and strangers. In 2010, as social media was exploding in user numbers, the website launched to highlight how much people reveal about their whereabouts, often in ways incredibly useful to thieves on the lookout. “The issue with location-based information,” said the site’s founder, “is that it exposes another layer of personal information that, frankly, we haven’t had to think much about: our exact physical location at any time, anywhere.”23 Clearly, it’s not just the government watching where we are, what we are saying, what we are buying, and who we are with. Increasingly, we are exposed to one another—friends, family, strangers—in ways that we have only begun to understand.

None of this should come as a shock if you’ve been following the news in the years since Edward Snowden’s extraordinary leaks and related stories that seem to arrive with mind-numbing frequency—or if you’ve been watching television shows like Black Mirror, the popular British series that imagines the strange outcomes of existing technologies in the not-so-distant future. But what does it all mean? What will it feel like to live in a society making unprecedented investments in surveillance? Are we enhancing human happiness or undermining it? Will we be able to preserve pockets of dignity, autonomy, and privacy in a world of ubiquitous monitoring? I’m cautiously optimistic that we can learn to use surveillance technologies in a more thoughtful manner; that we can make better decisions about our personal privacy and home security; and that we can make wiser choices for investing our limited emotional and financial resources as individuals and as a country—but only if we start to ask difficult questions about the weirdness and weariness of living under the blanket of surveillance technology in the years ahead.

One can offer, at best, only a partial report on a sprawling phenomenon such as surveillance in contemporary society. The part that I have chosen to report on is not what interests most politicians or the mainstream media outlets, most of which prefer stories about looming threats that “require” new security measures, new fortifications, new secret archives. Almost nothing in the mainstream conversation about surveillance touches upon the thing that interests me: the soft tissue damage that it inflicts. What I mean by this is the sustained and often subtle impact of surveillance, its unintended consequences, and the intimate ways that it changes how we think and feel about the world. That is why this is not a book about Edward Snowden’s revelations, nor the inner workings of the NSA, FBI, or Google, nor the constant peer scrutiny that drives our online lives on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and similar apps. Instead, I’m chasing something far more slippery but no less consequential: the ethical, aesthetic, and emotional undercurrents that course through a high-tech surveillance society. What are the implications of living with these rapidly proliferating surveillance technologies and practices? What are the hidden costs of living in a society in which surveillance is deemed essential to governance, business, and ordinary social life? What are the emotional burdens and benefits of living in a surveillance-obsessed culture? And ultimately, what is driving the vast market for surveillance on an emotional and ideological level in ways that often transcend logic and reason? These are the central questions in a book that weighs some of the subtle impacts of surveillance in the United States.

Each of the six essays in this book provides a different angle on America’s expanding surveillance regime. At times I put myself into the story, writing about my own experiences and going to places like London, New York, Colorado Springs, and Walden Pond that help me explore the strange shape of surveillance culture today. At the same time I draw widely from cultural history, popular culture, literature, and philosophy, relying on books, films, and ideas that bring the subject to life in new ways.

The book starts with a wide-ranging chapter (“Feeling Surveillance”) that considers the emotional burdens of living under multiple layers of scrutiny. From the creepiness of cyberstalkers to the frustrations of citizen surveillance to the violent antidrone rage of Texas libertarians, the chapter explores the darker side of surveillance. Chapter 2 (“Welcome to the Funopticon”) focuses on the joyful and participatory side of surveillance culture, something that might seem at odds with dour concepts such as Big Brother and the Panopticon, two powerful metaphors that continue to resonate in the twenty-first century. (The Panopticon design for penitentiaries allows a single watchman to put inmates on constant display without detection, a concept that has become crucial to the modern understanding of surveillance.)

In the two chapters that follow, I look at surveillance where it might seem out of place. In chapter 3 (“Growing up Observed”), I write candidly about the psychological and familial roots of surveillance sensitivity, often in a very personal way that suggests that biography can explain a great deal about our surveillance aversions (or the lack thereof). In chapter 4 (“Watching Walden”), I go off-road with Henry David Thoreau as my guide, hoping to escape the tentacles of modern surveillance systems for a brief moment of bucolic calm and autonomy. (Spoiler: it’s not easy.)

Chapters 5 and 6 explore the strange business of surveillance in a very literal sense. In chapter 5 (“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”), I fly to Colorado Springs to see how churches in the United States are being courted by Christian security companies that market their services primarily to their spiritual brethren. Finally, in chapter 6 (“The Business of Insecurity”), I land in New York City, not far from the 9/11 Memorial, to look at what is happening at sales conventions for the security industry, where a vast surveillance-industrial complex is emerging to market and manage technologies that range from nanny cams to video-equipped aerial drones for law enforcement.

I recognize that surveillance technologies are often useful, necessary, and well intentioned at some level: in the best-case scenarios, someone is trying to protect their home, their child, their colleagues, or their citizens from harm. Yet even a well-intentioned technology can have unexpected consequences, unwelcome byproducts, and subtle aftershocks that far exceed what is outlined in a user manual for a biometric scanner, CCTV camera, or drone. What if, at least sometimes, surveillance culture operates with a quiet inhumanity, eroding the “emotional liberty” that geographer Nigel Thrift has beautifully evoked? What if, at least sometimes, it functions like an orthodoxy machine, efficiently producing docile subjects that have internalized the needs of the system in which they are stuck? Such questions once seemed like the exclusive province of paranoid minds filled with visions of black helicopters—but not any longer. Even if they do not yet work flawlessly, even if they are sometimes run by people who are more like the bumbling Mr. Bean than James Bond, surveillance systems are already working to monetize our social interactions, to harvest our data, to render us predictable, and to make our passions and energies yield to those in charge. Often when schools, governments, companies, and neighbors wire up their property for electronic monitoring, someone is implicitly telling us don’t steal, don’t speak your mind, don’t run the light, don’t leave THC traces in your urine, don’t sign the petition, don’t wear a Guy Fawkes mask at the mall, don’t drive while black, don’t relax, don’t forget who’s watching. For some privacy activists, the election of Donald Trump added a new wrinkle: just after the 2016 election results were announced, an NSA whistleblower fretted that “the electronic infrastructure is fully in place . . . and ripe for further abuse under an autocratic, power-obsessed president.”24

Yet many people wonder: Why worry about surveillance if I’m not doing anything wrong? Why fret about it if I’ve got nothing to hide? To my mind, I’ve got nothing to hide has become one of the most disingenuous phrases in the English language. Often spoken with a privileged voice that assumes it can hide what really needs to be hidden, that it has the power to pull the curtains when the need arises, it is generally a hollow boast. Those who utter it are rarely prepared for someone to start burrowing into every forgotten email, late-night purchase, speeding ticket, or ill-considered Twitter message that will outlive their corporeal selves. Even a strutting exhibitionist has something to hide: certain diary entries, genetic predispositions, financial mistakes, medical crises, teenage embarrassments, antisocial compulsions, sexual fantasies, radical dreams. We all have something that we want to shield from public view. The real question is: Who gets to pull the curtains? (And increasingly: How will we know when they are really closed?)

Despite all this, you still might think that surveillance has nothing to do with you, that it’s someone else’s problem, that it’s far from whatever you’re doing right now. You might think that it’s something that normal people can simply tune out, that it’s just part of the background noise of modern living, that it doesn’t feel like much of anything to people who aren’t in a maximum security prison or hiding from an overseas drone strike. You might even think it has little impact on the healthy functioning of a democratic culture. This book will suggest otherwise.