Chapter 18

Gracie was wearing her regulation satin hot-pants, her leather thigh boots and a clingy halter-top – the really flimsy one that always enhanced her overly generous 38E bust. She’d applied tasteful make-up and wore her auburn hair in a thick braid, which she’d coiled at the back. It might be spring but it was still cold and damp at night, so she was also wearing a fleecy jacket, which she of course kept zipped down so that her best assets remained in the open.

Chantelle, her junior by twenty years, wore a denim miniskirt which barely concealed her black stocking tops and suspender straps. Her boobs were smaller than Gracie’s but firmer (she liked to boast), so she generally didn’t bother with a bra. Tonight she only had a string vest under her open leather coat, through which you could see her nipples protruding; the chill helped a lot in that respect. Chantelle’s shoulder-length hair was blonde, but only because it was bleached – in fact she’d bleached it so many times now that it was dry and straw-like; so to conceal this she wore it in bunches. She had a feline beauty, she’d once been told, so she tried to accentuate this with heavy make-up: black eye-liner, green eye-shadow, deeply powdered cheeks, and a slash of vermilion on her lips. In addition she was tall – statuesque, she always felt – five-eleven compared to Gracie’s five-five; her usual killer heels added to this.

But the pair might have made a more striking picture of sexually empowered womanhood had they not been regulars on the Bradford meat-rack. No matter how saucy the attire, it was always difficult to maintain an aura of real glamour when you’d been raped, ripped off and slapped around as often as Gracie and Chantelle had.

Gracie’s curves were the most eye-catching thing about her, especially when you glimpsed her in the blinking blue and pink strobes of the sex-for-sale district, but when you got close there was no hiding the ashen pallor or the sagging flesh. And you could never conceal the truth about your hands with make-up, the way you could with your face; Gracie’s were so shrivelled they looked more like claws – the long nails and crimson polish she favoured only boosted this illusion.

In Chantelle’s case, even the facial make-up didn’t work. She thought it made her look like a cat, but in fact it made her look like a cadaver. She wasn’t statuesque either, she was gangling – an emaciated beanpole whose sexy clothes would have looked more alluring on a wire-framed mannequin. And it wasn’t as if Butch – who liked to call himself their ‘manager’ – ever offered much advice in this regard, at least none that was friendly, and it went without saying that he offered them zero protection. He kept them in just enough cash to keep vodka in their bellies, speed up their noses and nicotine in their lungs. But if they ever got so stoned that they brought home wages of the Mickey Mouse variety, out came his leather belt with the brass lion’s head buckle, and he’d more thoroughly chasten their flesh than the kinkiest punter ever had.

It was perhaps no surprise that the two girls had thus devised their own strategies to ensure at least a modicum of security. They always worked together now – never apart. That didn’t mean they went off with johns together. There was always that spine-freezing moment when, despite every molecule in your body telling you it was a bad idea, you got into a car belonging to someone you didn’t know and were driven away, watching your friend’s face in the rear-view mirror as it receded into the distance. But they always did their best to vet a punter beforehand and would refuse anyone they didn’t like the look of. It didn’t matter if Butch was vexed when they got home (so long as he never found out they’d deliberately turned a punter away of course); it was better to be safe than sorry.

Another thing they did – and this was Gracie’s innovation – was carry paper and pencils in their handbags. Neither would now ride off with a customer unless the other one had taken a note of his registration mark first, and they always made sure the customer knew this. When she’d first come up with the idea, Gracie had been very pleased with herself. She’d almost thought it a perfect plan. Only an idiot would try something nasty once the girls had got his number.

Or a lunatic, of course – and that wasn’t reassuring.

Because there was no shortage of lunatics around; not when the night came down on Britain’s old industrial cities. This one for example, Bradford, had once been a hunting ground for Peter Sutcliffe, the infamous Yorkshire Ripper. What a terror tale that had been. Despite frenetic police activity, when the indigo sky turned black and these old terraced side-streets ran red with bloody light, Sutcliffe had gone prowling, taking girl after girl, reducing them to lifeless, butchered husks. That had been before their time. The last Ripper victim had died in 1980, while Gracie was at junior school, eight years before Chantelle was even born. But take this cobbled pitch they walked on now, with decayed Victorian arches overhead, a derelict, boarded-up factory to their front and a cavernous, trash-filled gloom behind them, the distant outlines of tramps huddled around piles of burning rags, the flames of which cast crimson phantoms on the aged crumbling brickwork: girls had disappeared from this very spot, and not just during the Ripper’s reign – or so the story told.

Of course, at the end of the day it was needs must. Neither of them was here voluntarily. Not in truth. It was just that they couldn’t get anything else. Chantelle always told people that she wasn’t a bad girl at heart, but that she’d made a lot of mistakes in her life, which now prevented her from getting a real career or looking after her two children, who were in the care of her mother. By contrast, Gracie had held various jobs; she’d been a barmaid, a coat-check girl at a nightclub; she’d once loaded shelves in a supermarket. Alright, she’d been a lap-dancer and a photographic model as well. No doubt the moral majority would have sneered at those two occupations, but at least there hadn’t been any physical contact between her and the customers – not in those early days. It was difficult now, gazing back through the haze of drugs and booze, to work out exactly when that ‘no touch’ rule had been ditched. But what they were doing now was still an earner, even if it was a bit distasteful.

Not that either of the two girls had earned much over the last few months. It was April, but the after effects of a very hard winter were only just wearing off. Snow, ice and fog were never good for business, and the likes of Chantelle had become increasingly desperate. The last few nights she’d driven off with blokes she probably shouldn’t have: a shifty-eyed porcine individual with a thick, spittle-filled beard and bloodstained clothes, driving a grimy old butcher’s van; a more respectable-looking sort, who’d promptly ruined the illusion by telling her before they struck a deal that she had to agree to be cuffed and blindfolded – and had laughed like a hyena as he drove her away.

It was almost inevitable that when they saw the first vehicle this evening, Chantelle straightened up and squeaked with excitement. It was a Jaguar, and it drove slowly along the street, kerb-crawling but barely breaking speed as it passed them by. Gracie tried to scan its occupants, though all she saw were two vague figures, one driving and one in the front passenger seat, and then it vanished round a corner.

‘He’ll be back,’ Chantelle said confidently.

‘There were two of them,’ Gracie replied, vaguely discomforted.

‘Even better. One for each of us.’

‘They’ve gone anyway.’

‘Nah … they’ll be back.’

The Jaguar was back, three minutes later, cruising down the street in the same direction. As before, it drove slowly – perhaps a little more slowly this time. Chantelle ensured she was at the edge of the pavement, head high, hand on hip, such bust as she had thrust outward. Once again, the car passed them. More by instinct than design, Gracie took a scruffy slip of paper from her fleece pocket and a stub of pencil, and scribbled down its registration mark.

The car again vanished around the corner. This wasn’t unusual. Some johns, especially first-timers, were nervous about picking up girls – it took them a while to pluck up the courage. But that knowledge didn’t put Gracie at ease. She folded the paper and slid it into her left thigh boot. When the vehicle appeared a third time, now travelling in the opposite direction, it stopped – but not directly alongside them; on the other side of the road, against the wall of the dilapidated factory.

‘Listen, Chant,’ Gracie said under her breath. ‘Posh gits don’t come down here. You’ve got to be sensible, yeah?’

‘I need to score, Grace,’ Chantelle said from the side of her smile-curved mouth. ‘Maybe you can afford to have scruples. At the moment I fucking can’t, alright?’

But they were both surprised when the figure that had ridden in the Jaguar’s front passenger seat climbed out and came around the car, crossing the road towards them – because it was a female. Quite young, seventeen or eighteen at the most, exceedingly pretty in a fresh-faced schoolgirl sort of way. Her platinum-blonde hair was wild and straggly, and hung almost to her waist. She was very slim, but also shapely – like a dancer. She wore a short black dress, a black cardigan, black tights and white plimsolls. Her arms were folded as she walked quickly but prettily across the road towards them.

‘Hi,’ she said, smiling brightly, which made her look prettier still. ‘You guys working tonight?’

‘We could be,’ Chantelle replied.

‘Good, ’cause I’ve got a proposition for you.’

‘We don’t do kids,’ Gracie said in a flat tone.

The girl chuckled – a delightful sound, which implied that the idea amused her but was also wide of the mark. ‘We need a couple of extras for one of our movies.’

‘Movies?’ Chantelle said.

‘Yeah … look, my boyfriend and me, we make porn movies. You know, at our home, and we post them on our website. I say “extras” … but you won’t really be extras. You’ll be working, if you know what I mean.’ She chuckled again – provocatively.

‘You and your boyfriend?’ Gracie said warily. ‘Is that him over there in the car?’

‘Yeah, he’s a bit shy.’

‘But he’s not too shy to post videos of himself online?’

‘That’s different, isn’t it? He can’t see the audience then.’

‘How much?’ Chantelle asked, as if she’d already heard enough to know this was a good idea.

The girl was about to reply when something briefly distracted her – movement in the dark recess behind them. They glanced around: a grizzled, ferrety face had just peeked out from a cardboard box, the sagging walls of which had been reinforced with sheets of urine-yellow newspaper. His eyes were glazed and rheumy; he muttered something incoherent and then reached up a twisted paw to pull more newspaper down over the entrance as he withdrew inside.

‘Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless,’ Chantelle said. ‘How much?’

‘Oh …’ The girl smiled. ‘How does two hundred sound? Per hour? Each?’

Even Gracie was taken aback by that.

‘You’ve got a deal, darling,’ Chantelle replied.

‘Wait a minute,’ Gracie said. ‘We need a look at this bloke of yours first. If he’s the Hunchback of Notre Dame, it’s gonna cost you a lot more.’

The girl nodded. ‘Fair enough. I’ll see if I can talk him into showing his pretty face.’ She walked back across the road.

‘Have you gone mental?’ Chantelle hissed. ‘This’ll be a piece of piss. Two bits of kids and big cash.’

‘Two bits of kids driving a forty-grand car?’ Gracie said suspiciously.

‘Alright, so they’re rich kids. Doesn’t mean they’re going to be trouble. Come on love, this is easy money. Plus we’ll be together, and it’ll probably be a nice pad – warm, cosy. Might get a couple of drinks out of it as well.’

In all honesty, Gracie couldn’t think of a reason why she didn’t want to do this. Everything her friend said was correct: this was a dream job – easy work in a pleasant environment, with two non-threatening customers. So why did she still feel uneasy?

‘Suppose it seems a bit too good to be true, that’s all.’

‘Hey!’ Chantelle tapped her arm. ‘Good things do happen sometimes, you know.’

‘I don’t know, Chant …’

‘Listen …’ Chantelle lowered her voice confidentially. ‘Are you seriously telling me you don’t want a taste of that young, blonde pussy?’

‘She looks underage to me.’

‘She looks borderline, and who cares? They came to us first. Look, they post films of themselves online. They must be covered legally to do that.’

‘Ladies!’ came the girl’s voice.

They glanced across the cobbled street. The driver had climbed out and was standing alongside the car, one arm linked with hers. He waved at them sheepishly, almost shyly. From what Gracie and Chantelle could see, there was nothing about him that put either of them off. In fact, quite the opposite.

‘Don’t look the type, do they?’ Chantelle said as they crossed the road together, their spike heels clacking in the night air.

‘Kids grow up too quickly these days,’ Gracie replied. ‘Fucking internet.’

‘Don’t knock it. We might get regular work out of this. Safe work too.’

‘Like you say … good things do sometimes happen.’

The interior of the Jaguar was plush and warm, fragrant of leather and felt. Low music was playing: something croony and melodic from the Big Band era.

‘Very nice,’ Chantelle said, making herself comfortable in the back. ‘What’re your names then?’

‘I’m Jasmine,’ the blonde girl said, turning round from the front passenger seat. ‘This is Gareth.’

Gareth was now behind the wheel. He said nothing as the engine purred to life.

‘How far have we got to go?’ Gracie asked.

‘Just out of town. It’s not too far, and we’ll bring you back here when we’re done. Or we can take you both home.’

‘Back here’ll be just fine, thank you,’ Gracie said.

‘What’s your poison, ladies?’ Jasmine asked.

Chantelle tittered. ‘You planning on taking us for a drink first?’

‘I wasn’t planning to, but here …’ She opened a leather zip-lock bag and lifted out two plastic goblets, which she handed over, one to each. She unscrewed the top from a bottle. ‘It’s no problem to stretch to a drop of Chablis … on the house of course.’

‘Ta,’ Chantelle said, licking her lips as the goblets were filled.

‘What exactly do we have to do in this movie of yours?’ Gracie wondered.

‘Just the usual stuff. Nothing too weird, I promise you.’

There was nothing particularly weird that Gracie and Chantelle hadn’t already experienced, but it was always reassuring to hear that a punter wanted it straight.

‘I hope you’re performing with us?’ Chantelle said.

‘I’ve got my part to play, don’t worry.’ Jasmine turned back to the front.

Chantelle winked at Gracie, and they sipped their wine together as the Jaguar pulled away from the kerb. Neither of them noticed the blonde girl glance out through her window and across the road into the gloom beneath the railway arch. Neither saw the hooded figure, which had waited for them to depart, now slink out of the clustered shadows.

‘Whaaa … what the fu …’ the ferrety-faced tramp shouted as the cardboard roof was torn away from over his head. But his words choked off when he saw the hooded shape standing over him, in particular when he saw it hefting a huge, flat stone in its gloved hands – by the looks of it, at least half a paving slab.

He tried to scream, but it was too late – the stranger had already raised the slab on high and now swung it down with all his considerable might. It struck the tramp’s skull with a crunching impact. A second blow followed, then a third, a fourth and a fifth. The heavy, meaty echoes resounded through the aged archways.